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Everything posted by BuffaloDelorean

  1. Yes, I'm a bit worried wave 68, 69, the blind bag series, and the Netflix sets will all release within a week or two of each other.
  2. Apparently it's JJJ's head on the Silver Surfer's body.
  3. says it was an exclusive, but nothing about where it's from. Apparently it's a repaint of the Silver Surfer with a JJJ head.
  4. Yeah, I wrote a post that apparently vanished into the void, and Jocasta was one of the characters I mentioned. The others were comic Warriors Three, comic Mantis, original Swordsman, and Graviton. Do any of them have figures I'm unaware of? Some of the previously mentioned characters I'd put in top spots are Crystal (my vote for the character most in need of a figure), Moondragon, and Jack of Hearts.
  5. Doorman's quite simple too, and with the Walgreens Squirrel Girl that's over half the main team.
  6. Flatman had this: It's technically an official Marvel Legend...
  7. These are some of the Toybiz characters I most want as minimates.
  8. Looking at this site, that was Killspree. This is Kylun: He was a less-impressive Excalibur member with the mutant power to duplicate any sound he heard.
  9. We still haven't seen wave 69 yet, either.
  10. Hulk is actually in Greatest Hits 1. Unless you mean that specific version?
  11. I'd say a fair few of the missing looks would be original designs and cartoon costumes.
  12. I'm not interested in it, but judging by what I've seen in my LCS, Sailor Moon would be a profitable line for DST.
  13. My Hulk TTA set came with that helmet too, I think it was a change made to the second run.
  14. I'd like to see Spider-Ham, Spider-Girl, Iron Fist, and White Tiger to complete the main Web Warriors and SHIELD team.
  15. My favourite Wolverine minimate is probably the Wave 68 GSXM Wolverine. The lack of alternate hands is disappointing, but the classic style of his face and chest detailing are fantastic, as well as his colours and lack of a bulky belt. I will admit that I am biased, since this figure represents my favourite era for the X-Men. My least favourite is, as others have said, the TRU 9 brown costume Wolverine. The colours and plastic look off, his alternate hands are the wrong colour, and his mask is inferior to the previous versions. My most wanted new Wolverine variant is his black Madripoor outfit.
  16. And Back to the Future. EDIT: Lost in Space, NBX, Predator...
  17. There are also Aliens, X-Files, Through the Looking Glass, and Iron Giant Pops. Probably more overlap I can't think of.
  18. It would be nice if someone with graphic design skills (i.e. not me) made a Riri Williams Ironheart sticker/decal for the ANAD Iron Man, as there will doubtlessly be extras of him and their costumes are very similar. (This picture is oddly missing the arc reactor I've seen in other pictures.)
  19. I'm not sure that was a case of "no accurate source material" and more that DST wanted to reuse the Mk II molds. I could be wrong about that though. I can't see us getting much information about this wave until March-ish.
  20. He seems to have two costumes. This is his current one, but he used to wear the modern redesign from the comics.
  21. Groot looks pretty small, so I can't imagine he'd get his own slot.
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