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Everything posted by Heinous

  1. I need the spidey noir set if anyone can help me out
  2. Are you sure you're not seeing mega bloks blind bags?
  3. That's what I thought also. Regardless, bring on a moon Knight figure
  4. Pretty sure they already announced wave 4. It's got like anti venom, speed demon, doctor spectrum and Kaine spiderman
  5. I don't know how I missed them printed on the back of the package. I'm dumb
  6. Also, I know it's pretty much always this way, but it's weird that the pamphlet inside doesn't include this series, so you have no way of knowing what you can even get in this series, unless the box displays them, which I don't know. So the average customer would, truly, be blind picking these. It's also weird that it advertises such old sets like hulk through the ages, antman box set and Luke's exclusive box set (which is kinda cool they are still advertising for that)
  7. I used either magneto or prof x from dofp, not sure which it was. Picked up that pack when hastings was going out of business specifically for the black body parts
  8. Thanks to MisterMiracle, I got the ones I wanted from this wave, minus silk. I like that you only need a chest, pelvis and a new head to display venom and flash
  9. I'm pretty sure the fists are interchangeable... They are both left or right
  10. I'm looking for space venom if anyone can help me out
  11. This forum seriously lacks people posting pics of new figures. Not just animated, but all waves. I want pics, dammit!
  12. Don't look at me. I wasn't a part of that But I can see why someone might go through him. What if you wait and never find one and can't get anyone to help you out. It's cheaper than $80 next year. Peace of mind I suppose
  13. Idk if we're only taking about Minimates, but my buddy went to a tru and they kept the minifigure Legos behind the counter and just handed you how ever many you want. What an idiotic thing to do....
  14. Anyone else find it impossible to get coulsons gloves off?
  15. I feel the same way. If I can't get help here or find it myself, I don't need it
  16. I'm just curious how they'll do vultures wings
  17. If they do the 80s turtles, I'd prefer it be in addition to continuing the current line, like a couple box sets or something. I grew up with the 80s turtles but let's get real, the current toon is the best they've ever been on screen, I want as much as they'll give us
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