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Everything posted by Heinous

  1. I don't see any reason why DST couldn't throw us a bone in vinimates and make a giant man or sentinel. Appeals to both crowds
  2. We always hear people bitch about completing teams and now they are and people are bitching. I get it, the QR suits are stupid when the same character have much better alt costumes in the same movie, but I get why they are doing it. It's something new and fresh
  3. Because the want their grand finale, the culmination of 22 films, to be a huge to surprise to every one? We may know (what we think is) the plot, but the general audience doesn't. They are playing it real cool if you ask me.
  4. Care to post a Pic, I figured they'd have helmets just haven't seen them
  5. Zach said hulk does have a basic body underneath and you only have to buy two sets of these
  6. That Hawkeye Is great besides his mask. It's too thick. I display mine unmasked
  7. Luke will probably put it up this week some time
  8. Yeah, I knew this box set would be a pass for me. Where's the actual wave?
  9. So... About those endgame toys? Isn't today the embargo let up date
  10. I think the fear itself mask is the best mask they've done. Reminds me alot of that Pic posted above
  11. That'd get me to buy those other figures
  12. She'll surely be in her modern look though. I want her classic iconic costume updated
  13. It is pretty ridiculous. She definitely in my top 5. I'm on the verge on making my own
  14. The lego sets got my hopes up for shuma gorath appearing in doctor strange...
  15. I seem to remember the second wave was leaked from someone who found them and posted the line up also
  16. I think Minimate is going for humor and he's not serious about this stuff he's saying. You guys are taking him seriously and he's having to explain himself and it's taking the joke away. I could be wrong though
  17. Also I remember that pack sitting on hastings shelves until they went under. Forget how much they were asking but it didn't sell til it was atleast 50% off
  18. Why not just release a wave with a BaF, that's 9 figures... A ten pack just seems ridiculous. It's forcing you to buy every figure. In a wave you can skip a pack if you don't like the character selection
  19. Heinous

    wave 79

    Luke included this armor/figure in the last Luke crate
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