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Everything posted by Heinous

  1. Custom Bastion. I really want to give him an angry alt head with pink glowing eyes, but I don't have a head like that right now
  2. May I suggest minimatemasterworks, Minimatetheater and of course my page heinousfigures
  3. Planet of the mates on Instagram has this set
  4. Heinous

    wave 77

    When is this wave to supposed to hit anyway?
  5. Dude that's awesome. It's only been a week right? Congrats on getting such a cool deal that benefits the collectors! Maybe every 3rd comic wave DST will throw an army builder in and give you the option for an exclusive
  6. Heinous

    wave 77

    I don't think they're going to pull a Hasbro
  7. Oh yeah, I completed my superior foes last week also. Super happy with how Boomerang came out. Can't wait to take more pics of him
  8. Thanks alot, that Blindspot is one of my favorites too. I really think he(character, not my custom) doesn't get the love he deserves because he's such a new character
  9. I didn't take any offense to him saying quite good, especially when you see people on Instagram like @leskoting Seriously. That guy is amazing. Such smooth paint apps on white, yellows and oranges (among every other color) sculpting is top knotch also
  10. ? Why? If they are produced, they are going to market
  11. I don't need Jean or Scott, but I definitely want the BAF. So I'd be buying them all regardless @DSTZach have we seen all the accessories for this wave? Just the effects for Polaris and Havok?
  12. Yup, I hand paint everything. I never got into digital designing like Luke does
  13. Zach said this wave isn't supposed to be out until later this year
  14. Finally done with my DnA era guardians with this Rocket!
  15. I thought they were supposed to curl in? I don't think I'd like them as much if they were straight. But I do like the new wings
  16. Looks like an Ironman armor from the first movie
  17. Oh maybe that's what he meant, pre-order
  18. He talked about how he was able to get a lower number produced bc the Spider-Man 4 pack he got he only sold close to 2/3 of them. If it's multiple man, I can see him selling through easily, just make two additional expression on the faces. Makes more sense than making iceman and quicksilver to me, but we'll see. I think he mentioned the wave is supposed to be out before the end of the month
  19. On Instagram live today, Luke said he has an exclusive set that pairs with this wave. No new characters. If it's a 2 or 4 pack of multiple man, I'm going to lose my shit
  20. Thanos is a slightly darker shade than the infinity war version. It's nothing too extreme though IMO
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