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Everything posted by suicidewatch

  1. my comic shop doesn't carry minimates. i really wanna snag Hawkeye this weekend. is there anyone besides Toys R Us that sells 'mates in stores? i've seen them in Barnes and Noble, but those were Best Of waves.
  2. yeah, i really don't get why they haven't just launched a comic line based on the MCU that's aimed at kids. because that's where their fear comes from, that kids won't understand the comics...which is utter bullshit. i mean i started reading Marvel comics in the 80s coming into from watching Spiderman and his Amazing Friends and it didn't turn me off from Spiderman just because he and Iceman and Firestar weren't living together in a super secret dorm room and fighting Doctor Doom. kids are a lot more curious and more interested in exploring something than people give them credit for. not everything has to be dumbed down for them.
  3. well i was sick with them before with all the constant renumberings and relaunches and bad events and killing off good books too soon (Hawkeye, Young Avengers, All-New X-Factor) that have dedicated fanbases and pushing stuff no one cares about (Inhumans/their 80th Avengers title) but if they are gonna really just blow up the X-Men and everything that fans know/love about them just because they are mad they don't have the movie rights, well that's just a bridge too far for me. I will miss Daredevil and She-Hulk but I have a bad feeling post-Secret Wars that the regular Marvel U is just gonna be more or less some shallow Ultimate/MCU-ed version of our beloved 616 anyways.
  4. the rumor I had read was that post-Secret Wars the X-Men would be in their own pocket universe...which is pretty crappy in it's own right but if that spoiler is true, then I am done with Marvel. i understand that the movies make the money, but if they are really that fucking petty that they are gonna ruin 50 years of continuity and stories just to service the MCU then I am not buying another comic from them.
  5. just cuz he dies doesn't mean he won't come back from the dead in Infinity War. the Infinity Gauntlet makes all things possible. we might have time travel, dead people brought back to life, evil copies of the Avengers, the possibilities are...........wait for it...............INFINITE.
  6. i was reading the Spiderverse crossover and then it got my wheels spinning and made some new What If? mates. Venom von Doom and The Fantastic Spider-Man.
  7. reviews of the first 5 episodes have mostly been pretty favorable, a few people have said it's not very good, but for the most part it's all positive. it also sounds way more HBO and way less Agents of Z.Z.Z.Z.Z., which is a plus for me.
  8. Hope's only real super power is "plot device".
  9. But doesn't Ruffalo still have a LOT of movies left in his contract? the amount of movies they have actors locked up for isn't that telling when you consider Tim Roth has like a 6 picture deal and I don't ever imagine we will see Abomination show back up. but I would say Hulk is safe as far as potential deaths. although every indication is that after Age of Ultron the original Avengers team is gonna be no more with only Cap and Widow still left and a totally new roster.
  10. it's Whedon's last movie for Marvel. someone's gonna die. it's gonna happen. that's how he rolls. and it's not gonna be Cap or Hawkeye or Falcon or Iron Man or Widow cuz they have all been announced for the Civil War cast. Quicksilver is just the most obvious one to kill. he's no fan favorite and doesn't have his own franchise, so he's the easy one to bump off. besides, just because one of the Avengers dies in this movie doesn't mean they aren't gonna come back in Infinity War. i mean bringing a character back from the dead would be the MOST Marvel comics thing they've done in any of these movies.
  11. i really don't want ANY Deadpool movie mates. there are plenty versions of him out there already and it'd just be taking up a spot for a wave that could be dedicated to comics.
  12. i assumed as much, but the date for these has changed 3 times, so I was hoping this last time was correct. and so it goes.
  13. spoilers are out there from people who have read the script and someone is gonna die (i mean, it's Joss Whedon, OF COURSE someone is gonna die) but it ain't gonna be War Machine or Falcon.
  15. i'd say it's pretty obviously gonna be a Spiderman cartoon wave and i would bet that your line-up is probably dead on. i could see the possibility of Spider-Man 2099 being Luke Cage or Agent Venom instead, but everything else seems like a safe bet. i guess it'll depend on who the supporting hero is if i bother getting any of these.
  16. i get WHY they'd wanna make animated waves and I am sure they will do well with kids, but I just worry that all we are gonna get going forward are waves based off either the movies or cartoons.
  17. RIP Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Wolverine and The X-Men. waves based on those shows would have been something I was into. the current crop of Marvel cartoons are both bad in terms of quality and offer almost nothing new in terms of designs or new characters.
  18. where'd you see that? if true that's disappointing. as someone that mostly avoids the movie waves, i could care less about AoU figures. I just want those dang Brotherhood/X-Men mates that i ordered back in November.
  19. so are these finally coming out next week or is that release date a cruel April fool's prank?
  20. i really hope it's not an Avengers cartoon based wave. i don't see what the point would be. none of the costume designs are any different than figures that have already been produced.
  21. i got a Mr. Negative figure in a lot I won on eBay and didn't really have much use for him until I figured out he might be useful in helping assemble two of my favorite 2nd tier X-Men villains, Arcade and The Shadow King
  22. more quick modifying fun with my extra Uncanny X-Force figures. my take on Cable from X-Force Second Coming arc. wish i could figure out a good recipe for making an Uncanny X-Force Deathlok.
  23. so my TRU still had 2 packs of Quicksilver/Vision that have sat unsold on the pegs for 2 weeks (as of this morning). i had left them alone because I wanted to make sure any other collectors in town had a shot at them, but I am gonna go back in the store tomorrow and if they are still there then I am snagging them both. i gathered from the frustration post that this set has been a pain to get online and nobody wants to pay crazy ebay prices. instead of adding these to the glut of 20 dollar ebay listings I would be more than happy to trade them with anyone on here who can't find them (US only. sorry, I am not paying international shipping). my want/needs list is pretty varied. *update* well shit, they were gone. shouldn't have assumed.
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