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Everything posted by Nestlé

  1. Hey Roller, what did you use for Guy's Hair? Also, who's gloves?
  2. Actually, rx, that was only Kyle's uniform when he JOINED the Corps. Look for his newer outfit in Season 1 of JLU.
  3. I thought you had to say "In Brightest Day."
  4. Yeah, I haven't tried my hand at customs yet... But the idea of making the GL corps is all too tantilizing...
  5. Sorry to jump in here, but I should be a ways up on that list as I asked for one @ 4:16pm on July 20th on the TBT's SDCC pix thread on the mini mate multiverse thread. Check it out. Thanks.
  6. Actually, my fav. Lantern is/was Rayner... But growing up GLs in general were always my fav. super heroes so in the long run it's all the same.
  7. Worse than that!! No pics of Booster! I want to know how his mask/goggles/hair work! Oh, and Tim... Toss me on the John Stewart list too. I was going make a custom of him for other purposes anyways... I'm not sure what I think about Batman's face... I wonder what's behind the mask... But I KNOW I love Power Girl;!!!
  8. Yeah, I just picked up the Boromir/Merry combo & Pippin/Crossbow combo fot 1.99 a piece!
  9. No kidding!! Remember all the questions we asked back on the AA boards where we were told: "Sorry, Spidey will be in every set... With Wolvie... 'Cause we like them." Sorry, but that's not a good reason. Booster Gold is my fav. Super Hero (That's right, it's true. ), but I'm happy with one. Give me other heroes now, thanks.
  10. Warbunny, 're you borrowing from me saying "survival of the fittest" about DCD in the interview thread? I think so. I, in fact wrote a letter about this to ToyFare a couple weeks back. It'll be interesting to see if it makes print and what DST has to say when they're on the spot. *crosses fingers* Seriously, it's not even just the new molds, & sizes that DCD is holding the killer hand with. It's the characters too!!! Marvel puts out a dozen lines and we see all major characters. Bo-ring. DCD puts out three and we get the obvious main characters (Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, ect...), but loads of B-Grade character fan-favs. Say Hello to 3 of my fav. Superr Heroes: Booster Gold Power Girl Blue Beetle. I don't care HOW popular Spiderman & Wolverine are. DCD is RESPECTING it's customers by giving them what they want. I'll never stop buying Marvel Mates, but I might just become a hater.
  11. Don't take this the wrong way... I'm still gonna buy all the MArvel MM that come out, But COME ON! The DCD ones not only have NEW molds, they have NEW characters and come in different sizes! If I had to decide which ones to collect, Marvel would NOT be my pick. Survival of the fitest... And coolest.
  12. Meh. Who cares? They're probably just more Wolverines and repainted molds. Maybe Marvel should take a cue from the new DCD line?
  13. Though they won't fit as nicely with the Marvel, the change to including larger minis is BRILLIANT!! Don't you have larger ones? They're far more durable and higher quality plastic. (Especially the OLD ones like Star Trek... Which I happen to have up for grabs ) Don't dis it til you try it!
  14. BTW, Boyd... Would you be willing to post your old customs on these new boards? I reallym want to drool over them again...
  15. Wow! Awesome!! I thinkg I'm most excited about the DareDevil & Ghost Rider variants! They look great!!!
  16. Wow... I've never even HEARD of this show... Or this character for that matter. The show wasn't any good?
  17. Lurch, I never sawa your Link before! He's SOOOOOO cute!!! Definetly Nintendo. And, as always I'm pulling for Halo mates... But not the Arbitor.
  18. Yeah... I think we both "mis-worded" what we were trying to say and were arguing the same thing. I also watch all the extras and commentaries. 14 years is right, but Timm's team has contributed more than 14 seasons of shows (since Bman & Sman ran at the same time) Bman- 4 Seasons Sman- 3 Seasons BBeyond- 4 Seasons JL- 2 Seasons JLU- 3 Seasons That's 16 seasons!!!!! Wow I love that show!!!! Hmmmm... I've stayed away from Static Shock... Are the cross overs any good? Is it worth looking into? (I don't even know what Zeta Project is)
  19. I hate to burst your bubble Lurch, but Batman did get cancelled after it's 3rd season. Cartoon Network bought the show's rights and later asked Timm's team to do more episodes for Batman since they loved them so much. I mean, it's all a matter of how you word it I guess...
  20. Donster, you're missing the most obvious example of all. Batman TAS was cancelled after 3 seasons and came back 2 years later to do a fourth.
  21. No, JLU should be popping up soon. I would assume not. When I bought "Season 1" it was several singles packaged together.
  22. I've actually dealt with AFX several times in the past. (I used to get my minimates through them). However, living in Canada I've found (along with Jeff) that AFX is not the way to go. To get something accross the boarder from them is REDICULOUS. Unfortunatly it's much cheaper for me to go independantly (ex: EBay) since that problem doesn't sseem to happen. So, maybe I'll try out this comic corner... But I'll still open to wheeling and dealing with someone on the boards. (I would rather my money goes to someone on the boards than shipping & handling costs).
  23. Great work Jeff!!!! Now I can use this as an excuse for my minimate collection to my wife!! They keep me clean!
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