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How do you sort/classify your Minimates?

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I'm not sure how official my system has ever been, but when I first started displaying my collection, Marvel got the most attention since I had the most knowledge of it. I had an army of Spider-Men in one section, with the significantly smaller army of Daredevils nearby, plus other lone heroes that I either bought or made that would normally cross paths with the web head. On the other end of the shelf was my army of Caps, army of Iron Men, and the other various Avengers that I had bought or made (mostly made at this point, though the ranks would swell as time moved on). On the next shelf, I had my army of Wolverines, plus the smaller army of Cyclops (what's the plural for that?), and the one or two versions of the rest of the X-Men that were out at the time (again, the ranks would swell over time). On the other end of that shelf, I had the army of Things, plus the rest of the Fantastic Four in their few variations. Shelf 3 is where my villains hung out. Very few of these had any variations to speak of, and we haven't had much in the way of villain team building, then or now, so it was an assorted mess. It should also be noted that I probably had an equal amount of bought and made villains. While we've had some surge in villains over the years, they still can't hold a candle to the heroes occupying the two shelves above them. The bottom shelf was the rest. At the time, we didn't have much beyond Marvel that I collected. Lord of the Rings I never really displayed since they didn't fit scale wise (they ended up being custom fodder in the end, though I always feel I should go back and try to rectify that). So, I had my C3 'mates in one corner (mini-flyers were stored with the buildings and stuff I built from Lego in another area), Speed Racer and Racer X with their cars in another corner, and a small cluster of Battlestar Galactica starting to form in the center. An army of blanks were there as well, along with the few customs I had done that didn't fit in with Marvel.

I've moved twice since those days, and the Minimate population has grown incredibly, so I haven't really been displaying them like I'd like. I have a nice display cabinet now, so I'm hoping to try organizing them again, though I'd like to figure out how to keep them all from falling over at the slightest movement. I have plenty of Lego baseplates I can use for the ones with C3 feet to stand on, but then its a matter of sitting down and wedging them all up there (I've found that sometimes that foot can be rather stubborn in trying to plug it onto something). I've actually been swapping the old feet out for C3 ones for many of my earlier figures (Carnage and some of the Ultimate X-Men being the hardest to change since they had designs applied to their feet), so it shouldn't be much of a problem to get most of them ready for display.

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Universe>Story>Team>Character Relation

Also, my Marvel/DC shelves are a mixture of both current & past continuity (and even some of my own). Some characters are dead (

Steve Rogers

is nothing more than a memorial in the

Avengers Mansion

), while others aren't (

Bruce Wayne

), while others just don't "belong" (cartoon Morph with non-cartoon X-Men).

I fully plan to mix Astonishing cat-head Beast with my Jim Lee team (when the likes of Cyclops & Jean arrive), though, now he's with the other Astonishing members.

I only have one of each "costume" on display, too (Ghostbuster, 24, Star Trek, etc. as well). When I get the room, I'll take the others out of storage, and give them their own display(s).

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