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Stargate Universe


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Well Stargate Voyag.... Universe, Universe premiered this past weekend.

I don't know if anyone else watched it. Or if anyone else cared. But I'm curious what folks thought of it.

Keeping it mostly spoiler free, I thought it didn't suck. Didn't say it was good either. It's combining several elements from various other series, including the Last Starfighter, but somehow came of as a poor man's BSG. Only a couple of the characters are likeable. And it didn't exactly end.

It did mostly hold my interest for the whole two hours, if for no other reason as they are big on flashbacks so if you weren't paying close attention you would be confused. And I was entertained enough that I'll watch the next episode. But it has to give me a reson to watch and soon to keep it's spot in the DVR programing shecdule.

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I hadn't heard of this show before this thread, and would never have cared or thought about it, but if you say it is anything like "the Last Starfighter," then color me curious! :D

Also, isn't "poor man's BSG" a good way to describe the vast majority of sci-fi TV shows?

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I actually liked it a lot, seems a lot stronger than Atlantis (which I watched and generally enjoyed), I was surprised they got Robert Carlyle for it, he's a great actor. Feels like a more serious take on the Stargate premise, kinda like the original movie, or O'Neill's last season on SG-1. Hopefully they can maintain that atmosphere once it's into the weekly grind.

It is a bit like Voyager (except, you know, good ;) ), hopefully they'll do something with the "big abandoned ship" concept, made me think of those Rama books by Arthur C. Clarke.

And it didn't exactly end.

From what I can tell it's actually a 3-hour pilot, but they split it up into a 2-week broadcast for some reason... so it hasn't actually ended yet!

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Yeah, the two hour premiere is actually the first two episodes. Next week is "Air (Part 3)."

The only three characters that really stood out to me were Eli and Rush, who seem very appropriate as leads and Tamara... But mostly because she's Black Canary on Smallville and I'm a fan of Alaina Huffman.

It's strange in comparison to the styles that SG-1 and Atlantis settled on and obviously takes a lot from BSG... but despite the premise being a lot like Voyager, I find the atmosphere much more like early DS9 in the "Nobody gets along and things are gloomy" kind of way. Even with the similarities to other Sci-Fi, I still found it intense and entertaining.

The lack of aliens disappoints me, but I hope we might get to see more along the way.

I was really worried about how they'll handle the "young and edgy" SG show, but I'm relieved it's nothing like that one scene in '200'. (That episode was amazing, though.)

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I missed it last night but wil be watching the repeat tonight on Sky2. From what I have seen on the trailers to be honest I wasn't that impressed but being a sci-fi fan I'm willing to give it a chance before writing it off completely.

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Also, isn't "poor man's BSG" a good way to describe the vast majority of sci-fi TV shows?

Yes and no. BSG was without question the best written sci-fi show I ever watched. It had a level of quality in acting and direction that is the new benchmark for sci-fi dramas.

That said I quit watching the show about 2 episodes into the Cylon occupation of Kobol. Mostly because I just wasn't enjoying watching it. Again, I am not saying it was bad, but for me the enjoyment level of seeing that well done a show was beaten down by the shows unflinchingly bleak tone. I would put off watching it because it was such a downer. And once I realized I hd 5 episodes unwatched in the DVR, and kept finding excuses not to catch up, I quit the show. And I'm not sorry.

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  • 2 months later...

I was at the panel for this show at SDCC this year (because I wnated to be inthe room for whatever was after it. . .I can't remeber what, maybe V) and they had a good long sneak preview of the show and although I have only watched episodes here and there of SG so far I was intrigued enough by the sneak peak and the panel to give it a try but was not impressed enough after a few episodes to continue. Stargate is a cool concept but I don't think they have ever done something to make it a must see.

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I too ended up watching every episode.

And am still on the fence. The Time episode was the one I enjoyed best. But aside from that, it's... okay. It's still BSG lite with a Stargate on board. Everyone is lying, most have their own agenda, even if that agenda is trying to get into the hot girl's pants, and their ship is falling appart. Yeah, I've seen this already. But I like Eli the slacker genius, Rush the insane genius, the dangerous sargent whoes name I can't remember but I fully expect to shoot another cast member every week, and the out of his depth but not giving up CO.

But do I like them enough to pick show back up in April? That's the question.

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I think the show's taken a while to find its footing, and hopefully they can scale back some of the boring communication stones/'video diary' stuff, but I am looking forward to the next batch of episodes, especially given that crazy ending. I feel like they've taken their time setting up all the various tensions, and having all the characters gradually start to lose it on the ship, so the second half of the season will hopefully pay all that off.

Some external threats might be nice too, although I like the whole "bus passengers on a disintegrating bus" angle, to a point.

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Some external threats might be nice too, although I like the whole "bus passengers on a disintegrating bus" angle, to a point.

The whole "threat being themselves" thing is pretty neat, but it's kind of getting boring. I'd like to see some aliens.

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