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Who Wants to Work for MMHQ?

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Rolling into the 2008 season, Minimate Headquarters is looking for a few good addicts to help contribute to the website. So, if you've ever fantasized about living the life of an unpaid website contributor, then this is your chance to shine. We're open to any and all forms of unique material, including:

  • Articles - See something noteworthy that you want to talk about? Write an article! Put together a couple paragraphs about something of interest in relation to the Minimate brand or the community that supports it.
  • Rants - Tired of seeing Batman or Spider-Man over and over again? Send in a rant! Put together a well thought out opinion piece to encourage discussion on how things are versus how they could be.
  • Comics - Like to pose your Minimates and dream up adventures for them? Submit a comic! From a single panel to a multi-part epic, piece together an entertaining scenario for the world to enjoy.
  • Stories - Good at storytelling, but lack the resources or talent to make a comic? Create a story instead! Write up a good fan fiction featuring your favorite Minimate friends.
  • Art - Better with pictures than with words? Lay out some art! Be it drawings of Minimates to layouts or character designs, the sky is the limit.
  • Pictures - Not the least bit creative, but have a nice camera? Take some pictures! At times, we're forced to run a story that is lacking a decent picture, so spare us the embarrassment. Make like Peter Parker and get us some pictures.
Those are just a few of the numerous slots you can fill. We're always open to suggestions and submissions from our readers, so feel free to chime in if you'd like to submit something of your own for consideration. This is strictly freelance work, so there are no schedules or deadlines to loom over your heads. So let your creative juices flow.

PM all submissions to me here at the Multiverse and we'll figure out contact information from there.

Quick disclaimer: the Minimate Headquarters staff get final approval rights on anything that publishes, meaning there is no guarantee of when or if a submitted work is published. All submissions must be original works, meaning no articles, photos, or art are to be pulled from other websites unless submitted or approved by the owner or proprietor of said website. Submissions will not be modified without approval of original contributor. Offensive or vulgar material will not be considered for publication.

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