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DC Minimate variants?


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Agreed, Danny. My retailer has customers who won't buy ANY of the Marvel sets unless they can get the chase figure as well. I'm sure DST believes this will force retailers to buy more cases but the reality is that small shops simply can't afford to and don't want to sit on the excess inventory.

My LCS is VERY happy with the sell-through on the chase-less DC Minimates.

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I think we're all forgetting DCD's point of view.

Chase figures = money.

I'm sorry, but that's what its all about. Variants equal money. Let's just hope they don't do it soon, but as they say, money makes the world go around.

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I would like to see the chase figures done away with. How many times can you have a Wolverine, Spider-Man, or a different color of a character. Ie Iceman. I think those chase's are bull honkey man. I would like to get my hands on a few chase figures but to me it doesn't really matter. Plus we get a Thor figure which I don't really care for, Nic Cage as Blaze...big deal. I guess I'm saying that these figures really don't matter to me all that much.

I'm glad DCD is staying away from the Chase figures but I must agree with Aquaman. The hunt for chase figures is a thrill and they do equal money. I just prefer to stay away from overpriced stuff like the figures I mentioned above.

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In answer to Aquaman I don't think DCD have ever solicited chase figures. There are figures that are only available to retailers if they buy by the case but there's no actual chase figure. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

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I think we're all forgetting DCD's point of view.

Chase figures = money.

I'm sorry, but that's what its all about. Variants equal money. Let's just hope they don't do it soon, but as they say, money makes the world go around.

Again, DCD IS OFFERING VARIANTS, they're just not making them hard to find like DST's CHASE figures that are one per case.

Of course they're going to continue to offer variants of top-selling characters like Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, et al. But making popular variants easy to acquire will only make this line more collectible for veterans and more accessible to newcomers.

Chase figures are a bad idea especially from DCD's point of view.

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I think what MPL is trying to get across is that a "variant" and a "chase" are not meant as the same thing. A chase can be a variant, and a variant can be a chase, BUT a variant is an item with a variation making it different that normal. A chase is something that is shortpacked or made intentionally difficult to find.

DCD is doing variants, but NOT chases.

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Interesting perspective on things gang. I'm pretty sure my LCBG was asking more for the reasons everyone addressed, to raise the price a bit. As far as the variant quest, I personally have found networking here and on various boards to be the best remedy for finding figures or Mates I need. I will agree that getting a extra set is better than hunting for that allusive Mate though. I was just wondering if DCD had made a consciences decision to skip this or to introduce it down the line?

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Well, I've got my beating stick ready. Now where's that dead horse? :thumbsup:

Yeah, I'm going to echo the crowd sentiment, and say "nay" to chase figures. While I too would love to see alter-ego versions of the heroes (Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, etc) I would really like to stay away from the one per case method. Originally when I got in to this collection (those long eight months ago) I was able to pick up a great many of the figures I needed fairly inexpensively on Ebay and via trades with board members. However, as the addiction has spread to others, and our numbers increased, there is much more competition online. I've resigned myself to ordering "variant sets" from stores like Stuckakid. While I don't begrudge the slightly higher price, I do worry about the total cost since we've seen such an increase in production levels. I mean with year alone I'm spending almost as much as I spent on my collection thus far. I shudder to think how much more money I could afford to spend before I have to start making tough choices as to which ones I really want to own. Anyway, there are my two cents.

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I think we're all forgetting DCD's point of view.

Chase figures = money.

I'm sorry, but that's what its all about. Variants equal money. Let's just hope they don't do it soon, but as they say, money makes the world go around.

For who!? Chases only make more money for scalpers, not DST/AA/DCD!!!

I've screamed this until I was blue in the face about the Marvel Legends, it only makes figures harder to find for us, and only makes eBay scalpers rich, not Toy Biz or Hasbro...

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Actually, in the long run, the manufacturers are gonna end up making more money because of the chases.

If there are less chase figures avaible, stores are gonna tend to order more cases of figures in order to have more chase figures to sell... That's their thinking at least.

I love that the DC line doesn't have variant figures. It just makes it easier to have a comlete set.

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I think we're all forgetting DCD's point of view.

Chase figures = money.

I'm sorry, but that's what its all about. Variants equal money. Let's just hope they don't do it soon, but as they say, money makes the world go around.

Again, DCD IS OFFERING VARIANTS, they're just not making them hard to find like DST's CHASE figures that are one per case.

Of course they're going to continue to offer variants of top-selling characters like Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, et al. But making popular variants easy to acquire will only make this line more collectible for veterans and more accessible to newcomers.

Chase figures are a bad idea especially from DCD's point of view.

Want someone to blame?

Answer: Marvel

The first modern superhero variants I saw released were for the Marvel Legends action figures. That was like is series 2 with the human torch with the green flame and/or the one with/without the (4) chest symbol and also with the thing wearing the trenchcoat, hat and sunnies.

The Diamond select followed suite with by adding the variant/chase garbage to the minimates products.

If I sound a little off-centre then by all means correct me when necessary.


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