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Well, we all can't get all the stuff all the time. And concidering that I didn't really get into minimates till Marvel wave 5, I have a few holes. What are yours? What extras do you have that no one else has?

Here's what I'm missing! :(

Marvel Minimates:

Wave 1: Kingpin, Yellow DD, Black Elektra

Wave 2: Battle damaged Spiderman, Black Spiderman

Wave 3: All

Wave 4: Bullseye, chace DD

Wave 5: Jugernaut, Logan, Chase doom

Wave 6: chase ironman

Wave 7: 2099 Spidey, Jamerson, Chamelon

Wave 8: Chase Sue

Wave 9: Chase Emma

Wave 10: Chase Spider woman (I will get entire wave again if price is right. This is my favorite wave :P )

Wave 11: Chase Iceman

Others: MJ and Parker, Magneto and Prof X, Capn A and Punisher, AFX classic Ironman and SC Ironman, Powerman and Iron Fist (almost got these, but the guy wanted $20), Super Skrull, Thanos.

C3 I did a little better on. I cleared out my TRU when they went on sale. The only thing I never saw was the Flyers and "The Batman" ones.


Big Batmobile Batman (only want him for his cape :P )

Javelin with Flash and Martian Manhunter

BatCycle with Batman and Man-Bat

Batcopter and Batman

Stealth Batwing batman and Wayne

C3 Flyers :(

The only Blank ones I have at this point is time are the FCBD ones. I need to go back and get the ones from the conventions. I don't have any of the Capcom ones at all. So sad. Also, I started getting LOTR for my sister, who is a big LOTR fan, and she told me that she liked them, but I was wasting my money, because she doesn;t like Minimates. *agast*

So, anyways, that's where I am. Did they officially make a War Machine and metal Spiderman? Or are those just common customs?


You aren't the only one who never saw "The Batman" C3 sets 'cause they never made it to retail. And no, War Machine and metal Spider-Man (whether you're talking about Spider-Armor or the new Iron-Spidey) haven't been part of an official release yet.

Oh and "chase" is spelled with an "s"... :P:D


I have a silver spider-man shaped hole, that and some packaging variants, plus a crazy desire for some loose blanks.

In a way I kinda envy people with lots to get... I miss the days of new mates arriving every week to add to my collection :(

You aren't the only one who never saw "The Batman" C3 sets 'cause they never made it to retail. And no, War Machine and metal Spider-Man (whether you're talking about Spider-Armor or the new Iron-Spidey) haven't been part of an official release yet.

Oh and "chase" is spelled with an "s"... :P:D

I know that The Batman C3s made it to retail in a few places. I've seen people actually get them at places like TRU and KB.

Oh, and you knock out 3 walls and put them back up, and see how well your spelling is after you've been doing construction in 105* weather! j/k :P


You aren't the only one who never saw "The Batman" C3 sets 'cause they never made it to retail. And no, War Machine and metal Spider-Man (whether you're talking about Spider-Armor or the new Iron-Spidey) haven't been part of an official release yet.

Oh and "chase" is spelled with an "s"... :P:D

I know that The Batman C3s made it to retail in a few places. I've seen people actually get them at places like TRU and KB.

Oh, and you knock out 3 walls and put them back up, and see how well your spelling is after you've been doing construction in 105* weather! j/k :P

I think Fujis is confusing "The Batman" with "Batman Begins". The Batcopter and Batcycle were both branded "The Batman" if I remember correctly and were available. The Stealth Batwing may have been "The Batman" branded too.


I think Fujis is confusing "The Batman" with "Batman Begins". The Batcopter and Batcycle were both branded "The Batman" if I remember correctly and were available. The Stealth Batwing may have been "The Batman" branded too.

First off. Hi all. first time here.

If you are talking about the Convention Stealth Batwing, The yellow box was labeled "The Batman" from the new cartoon series. It even came with a Bruce Wayne that looks like the cartoon series Bruce.


I think Fujis is confusing "The Batman" with "Batman Begins". The Batcopter and Batcycle were both branded "The Batman" if I remember correctly and were available. The Stealth Batwing may have been "The Batman" branded too.

First off. Hi all. first time here.

If you are talking about the Convention Stealth Batwing, The yellow box was labeled "The Batman" from the new cartoon series. It even came with a Bruce Wayne that looks like the cartoon series Bruce.

Yep, that's the one. I knew that. But welcome!!! :D


I'm missing the Silver & Gold Spideys, but I'm not too worried about it...



Gwen Stacey


frosted iceman

lots of promos (see my thread in Flea Market)


MIni Javelin


the Marvel Minis I really don't care about (Mariko? BLECCH). But I'd like some more promos... B)


I have no Silver or gold spidey. I have all other figures both loose and in packaging as well as all packaging variations that I am aware of.

My biggest want right now is the mini-mate display with figures on the front. I trade big for that.


While I don't have any holes in my minimate collection, I'm still missing Toad and Variant Ult. Cap from my marvel legends collection. It's always a struggle but it wouldn't be fun it it weren't.


I'm missing : Black Elektra, Sabretooth, Visorless Cyclops, Masked Spider-Man, Gwen Stacy, Unmasked Daredevil, Dr. Doom, Maskless Dr. Doom, Stealth Iron Man, Chameleon as JJJ, Spider-Man 2099, Peter Parker, Mary Jane, Super Skrull, CT Thing, Dark Pheonix(pending), JB Cyclops(pending), F4 Boxset Thing, Johnny Storm, Phasing Sue Storm, Labcoat Reed Richards, The Batcopter, the Batcycle(pending), Flash Mini Flyer, Nightwing Mini Flyer, Batman Mini Flyer, Riddler Mini Flyer, Batgirl Mini Flyer, Superman Mini Flyer, all the blanks EXCLUDING The FCBD one, and all of the SF2/Darkstalkers MiniMates!


You guys should check out the trade section. Many of the traders (myself included) will help you out even if you don't have anything on our want lists. Good ole cashola works.


As of right now all I'm missing is the Stealth Iron Man,Visorless Cyclops, Frosted Ice Man, Tactical Batman from the Batcopter set and all 4 colors of the 2003 Blanks. Oh and of course Gold and Silver Spidey. Still kicking myself for the time I saw a Stealth Iron Man at retail and passed because I didn't need a blue Iron Man doh!


Yeah I still kick myself for seeing 15 Stealth Iron Man, 10 Unmasked DD, 10 Chameleon at $4 each. :huh:

This was before I joined the AA boards or around that time. Before I established friendships with the crew.

Yeah I still kick myself for seeing 15 Stealth Iron Man, 10 Unmasked DD, 10 Chameleon at $4 each. :huh:

This was before I joined the AA boards or around that time. Before I established friendships with the crew.

Man, where was that discount bin?!


Don't remember the name of the place, it started with "Toy". Once it comes back to me I can post. It was a toy warehouse close to a strip joint. :P This is in Elk Grove Village IL. This was a long time ago. Believe me I stopped by and everything was gone. They no longer continued to carry minimates. :( thaey were a good source.


Of everything that has been formally released to stores, I'm only missing the AFX Street Fighter Exclusives (Akuma and Ryu Player 2, Chun-Li and M. Bison Player 2) and the Maximates. I've been holding off to get the AFX exclusives at SDCC, but they emailed me back saying they will only have the Chun-Li and M. Bison set available. And the Maximates are out of my price range. If they were only poseable, maybe...

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