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Everything posted by rodbender875

  1. Oh I hope this is true, I was getting ready to have myself commited!
  2. I'm playin', I'm playin'...geez... :tongue: After looking through Ady's parts bin an idea stuck me....and I'm still giggling. All three of 'em were simply part swaps, but what joy have they brought me...and I hope you all will smile with me. *For some reason I can't type "looking through Ady's parts bin" Every time I try to edit it it keeps coming up "Ady's parts bin". Anyone have any ideas? Ady's PARTS BIN.....why can't I type this? Ady's, Ady's, Ady's, Ady's ,Ady's ,Ady's This is just weird, lol. Let's see if I can type..."the parts bin was mine"
  3. Looking good!!! But if we could just get a new *ahem* chest piece I can customize Gwen Stacey into Dolly Parton. Anyone else see a similarity
  4. Finally got the whole set! These are now my favorite mates to date. One thing I wanted to mention (sorry if I missed it said elsewhere) is Six's hair. All of them had hairpieces that needed to be "snapped" to move them. I don't know if it was wet paint or what but they all stuck at first. Once I got Six's (in the red dress) hair to move it slid all the way down her head so it is as long as the chase version. Now I can't wait for series 2. It's almost as bad as the wait between seasons. Oh, and before I forget...who must I speak with about getting that Roslin/Zarek set out? Thanks to T. we know it wasn't picked up as an exclusive so I now must start a campaign for Madama Airlock to be released post haste!!! I have been very fortunate that I have gotten or am getting most of the characters from the different lines that I wanted and I feel like I'm on a roll!! Ask anyone that knows me, humoring me is the only way to get me to stop being
  5. I decided to give this a try so here's my list (I've lurked on toy message boards for years and can't remember liking any toys as much as these to post more than once or twice).... 10. Laura Roslin - c'mon...she'll keep everyone else in line or show them the airlock 9. X3 Colossus - the guy who played him was hot 8. X3 Storm - Halle Berry's hot 7. Helo from BSG - gotta love a guy who schtumps a toaster and isn't ashamed 6. Batgirl - 'cause who doesn't like redheads 5. Laura Roslin - Mary McDonnell is hot (it taked all kinds my friends) 4. Ares 3. Marty McFly - just 'cause it captures my childhood 2. Wonder Woman - My #1 obsession in life, except for.... 1. Laura Roslin - ok I don't want to sound like my friend lyndacarter on the DCDirect boards, but I hate when a prototype is shown of a toy I really want and then I have to guess at if and when I might be able to get one. I swear I won't campaign this hard for another minimate after I get this one! Well, that's it.....thanks for letting me play!!
  6. Oh sweet plastic goodness!!! I won't be getting these for a week or so and really appreciate the pics DB97!!! Looks like I'll have to skip a few coffees and lunches so I can pick up a few extras for customs. Thanks again for sharing the pics!!!
  7. Sorry to be the first to vote for the X3 wave but I can't wait for 'em. Actually I can't wait for all of the mates coming out, but Halle Berry as a mate? Sweet! It will be just like real life...she can't act but she'll look good!
  8. Hey Chuck! I'm a newbie minimate geek so I'll be brief and let the diehards get all their questions in. When can I expect to add a Laura Roslin 'mate to my collection? The prototype that was a shown a while back was the coolest 'mate ever!!! I really want a mini-Mary McDonnell throwing my other 'mates out of airlocks (or off my desk when the mood strikes) . Thanks for the time!
  9. It's defintely NOT a bad deal! I'm thinking of getting another on just so I can have two Starbucks running around and burning the weaker 'mates with her cigar (yeah, I know I'm a little strange, but hey, it makes life more interesting)....which looks really cool if you add a small dab of flourescent orange paint to the end.
  10. Hi again everyone! Since you all were very helpful with my Starbuck TF dilemma I come back asking for help again. WHERE THE FRACK DOES LAURA ROSLIN FIT IN?!?!? I have been a major fan of Mary McDonnell for years now and she was the reason I started watching the new BSG. Then AA goes and gets me salivating over a lil' Laura block figure, which by the way I think captures her likeness quite well. And now we're here after Toy Fair and all mention of her is gone. What happened? I keep reading that she'll be an exclusive of some kind, but does anyone have any more or more definitive info? I'd love to have her on my computer keeping all my 'mates in check but I am losing hope that I'll get her. Any help or info would be gratefully appreciated!
  11. Well, I have to thank you all for being so kind to a newbie. Due to your advice I held off on eBay and didn't spend the now ridiculous price of $49.99. The gods were in my favor as lo and behold my LCS called me up, knowing what a fan of BSG I am, to tell me that he brought something back from Toy Fair for me. Imagine my delight as I walked into the store and was given a Toy Fair Starbuck free of charge for being such a loyal customer for all these years. Now that's what I call service!! ...second post and I get to use the banana!!! Now I must be off as my new Starbuck is getting into a fight with my custom V minimates and I have to break it up. (And yes I do play with my toys!!)
  12. Ok, I'm new here so be kind please... Is 49.99 too much to pay? I know it's only one figure, but c'mon it's STARBUCK for frakk's sake!!! I guess I'm just looking for validation before my partner finds out I spent that much on a two inch toy...
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