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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. Found these at the TRU in Jackson, TN, as I was passing through. Union Jack is great little 'mate. I like the Wonder Man. I dig the turtle-neck piece. I'm looking forward to the boxsets, so I passed on the heroes/villains packs. I picked up an extra UJ/WM pack. If someone wants it, I will gladly sell it for cost or trade. PM me if interested. New Home Found. I will keep an eye out for more.
  2. It makes me uncomfortable when you watch me run. For the last time, no, you can NOT get fries with that shake. It seems like it may be hard to have any stand-out victories with so many choices. Also, what is the difference between X-Men, Original and X-Men, First Appearance? Uniform look v. Individual Costume? Thanks, Bob, for all the hard work.
  3. So he can drop it when poppa gets shot. I'm a little disappointed that Fredo and the Don aren't using the sculpted chest pieces that were previously shown. Don Corleone's sculpted little bow-tie was nice. At any rate, this is a nice I am looking forward to getting.
  4. I love this in particular: Yep. Completely up front about it. Crystal clear. BSG isn't cancelled-cancelled. It's just delayed-cancelled. From DST's point of view. But with an agressive push, BSG just might pull through, right? Seriously? At a TRADE show, DST was more worried about confusing fans (after telling fans that BSG 'mates would make an appearnce at TF) than marketing an item? Strange strategy, only showing to people that "needed" to see them. That sounds like a really super-duper agressive push and brilliant way to drum up support. At least with ST, DST has been a little more upfront, flatly admitting there were no plans for anything else.
  5. Awesome! I love the mythbusters. They look great. You should give Adam his fedora and maybe a singed eyebrow face too. Really great job. Jamie is spot on. Will we be seeing the rest of the crew?
  6. Clearly you've never seen Bad News Bears Kelly Leak
  7. That is a GREAT game. It's always a hit with family and friends. Apples to Apples is fun at family get-togethers. Otherwise, it's the classics: Risk (I love the LOTR version), Axis and Allies, Monopoly, Scrabble, Clue, and Trivial Pursuit.
  8. That's what I've always thought what with the big 'W' on his chest and all. I would love to see something like the Liberators or Masters of evil in an Avengers movie. Zak Penn has cited the Ultimates as the inspiration for the movie, so hopefully it will be something along those lines. I at least hope that the Hulk is not the primary "villain." wrong for the part. Yeah. I didn't see Sin City 2, urm, The Spirit. Maybe she can play a femme fatal better than I suspect.
  9. This is pretty cool of DST/AA to do. I've really enjoyed, and I hope that we continue to get little sneak peeks of future products as well.
  10. I think a further reflection of Rorschach's black-and-white view is right there on his face. His mask, or his face as he calls it, is the ever changing black and white, but the two never mix, never mingle, never compromise. That's just a further reflection of his perspective, but Moore wrote these characters so well and created such a lush world, it would be impossible to say that Rorschach LIVES in back and white. Alpheon, I completely agree that he definitely exists in shades of grey, but he refuses to see that in himself. Don't get me wrong, I love Rorshach, but tossing a lame villain that wants to be "punished" down an elevator shaft is not what sane people do. Putting on a mask and calling it your face is not what sane people do. That's the kind of stuff psychotic people do. And I wouldn't have Rorschach any other way. And I think Veidt suffers the opposite problem. He tries so hard to see in gray, to see the way to compromise. But he also feels that what he does is right, that he is completely justified, that this is a necessity. That's black and white. Neither of the characters really live in the world as they see it, and both are much more similar than either would want to believe. I think Veidt is every bit as insane as Rorschach. He killed millions to save billions, but he killed MILLIONS. That's not the kind of thing a sane person does. A sane person would compromise and come up with a better plan.
  11. While Sonny may be a blank minimate with a hairpiece, I think that is all that is needed for the character. The sculpted vest and tie piece was cool, but realistically, extra chest pieces add a good bit of bulk and a real-life vest doesn't. It probably would have looked weird. We also saw multiple heads for Sonny and Fredo, I think. I think the control art isn't meant to be exactly what will be released, but more what the designers want to be released. After getting a sense of the visuals and costs of the final product, I can easily see why the extra piece was scrapped in Sonny's case. I hope that the Don and Michael have the new chest pieces.
  12. A picture of Sonny is up on the newest blog post. Looks good.
  13. I had never really considered the level to which Veidt had permeated the lives of everyone in that world. Even a "sex scene," that most personal moment between two individuals, was penetrated. The problem, to me, is that it was HIS interpretation. I said above I don't think he had the sensibilities to properly pull it off. I stand by that. He makes some visually fantastic movies, but they don't make me re-evaluate right and wrong. They don't make me strain to see the grey hues. But Rorschach doesn't give up. Like Veidt, he triggered it before the showdown. The journal is out there. The questions still remain, who won and was that the "good guy"? Rorschach is obviously and outwardly insane and violent, breaking men's arms when it suits him and without hesitation. Ozymandias killed millions to set in motion his vision of a more peaceful tomorrow. But if Rorschach's journal is published, doesn't that render useless Veidt's efforts, effectively condemning BILLIONS? He didn't give up, but I'm not convinced he was the intended hero. If anything, he is every bit the "villain" that Veidt is. And Veidt every bit the "hero" that Rorschach is.
  14. I kind of think the whole "harbinger of death/lead them to their end" thing has more to do with And she will almost certainly be the harbinger of death for the remaining "bad guy" cylons.
  15. Yeah. Thank you for stating that better. Just to be clear, I wasn't saying I have read it countless times to suggest that my opinion on any of it is anymore valid than anyone's or that I have more street cred or whatever. Quite the opposite. I still occasioanlly find myself surprised at the ending. (Veidt just felt so different in the book than he did in the movie.) And I agree about Blake's complexity. I love that we only see him in flashbacks, getting glimpses at who he was and what he did at various points, but never really getting a complete picture of the man. Single best review of the movie I have read. Shup Dude, I'm glad the movie is getting people to read the book. My wife teaches high school english and assigned this to her AP 12 class earlier in the school year. They loved it.
  16. I definitely agree that Blake is able to compromise, or rather he doesn't need to. But... he is not able to cope with the changing world. That's what leads to his breakdown and, ultimately, to his death. Up until that point, that unfortuntate plane trip for him, he was indeed the ultimate survivor. He immediately knew that the masked adventurers would not solve society's problems, but when faced with something that might, that's when he fell. When he realized what Veidt was up to, when he saw the whole plan and the reasons for it, he just could not cope. He could not adapt. It drove the Comedian to tears. I certainly wish Snyder had transported more of the comic into the movie. While so much of it was visually stunning and a literal interpretation, so much of it also missed the spirit of the work. I've read Watchmen countless times, and everytime I find something new. I don't think I will get that with the movie. And, obviously, one could never replace the other, but that doesn't mean I want the movie to be a dumbed down version. I just don't think Snyder has the sensibilities to make a movie as meaningful as the Watchmen book is.
  17. Yeah, even with the last episode being two hours, it doesn't seem like there will be enough time. I hope they answer at least most of the big questions, but I won't be too upset if somethings are left unexplained. The mystery of the show has always been one of the highlights. I would almost hate for everything to be totally revealed, explained, and/or answered. Almost.
  18. I live to serve. I enjoyed the opening credits- kind of a neat way to get a lot of history in without bogging down the story. As for Silhouette, I didn't take that as condoning anything at all. A brutal murder of a lesbian character is hardly an overwhelming endorsement of a homophobic attitude. If anything it underscored the escalating (re)actions of a conservative mindset that is struggling to survive in an ever changing world, the same mindset that is reflected by Comedian and Rorschach- the two characters that ultimately are unable to survive, unable to cope, unable to compromise. I also think the movie missed the mark by not including a literal translation of the first page. The whole story opens with a psychotic rant from Rorschach's journal. As the view moves up, we see the policemen at Blake's. The first spoken line is by one them: "Hmm. That's quite a drop." Sure, he is referring to the Comedian's fall, but we as readers can get that it is also a refernce to Rorschach, who just walked through the very place that Comedian landed. And it is such a great hint at Rorschach's fate and its complex relation to Blake's own death. And I love how it starts with a zoom in on the details and slowly reveals the big picture. Brilliant. With the whole story in place, the first page of Watchmen stands, in my opinion, as one of the single greatest pages of comics ever. It is sublime. And also completely ignored in the movie.
  19. Alright, two more left. How, oh, how are they going to wrap all of this up in just three short hours? And when, oh, when will I find time to watch them? Trip this weekend. Another trip weekend after. Argh. Why must life be so busy? It's getting in the way of tv.
  20. I finally saw this today. Overall i thought it was ok, but no masterpiece. Rorschach, Dreiberg, and Blake were all good performances. Dr. Manhattan was appropriately distanced. I didn't mind the sex or nudity- in fact, it would have been weird without it. In fact, There were a few problems. I thought there was too much graphic violence. Unnecessary and out of place- cleaver, alley fight, saw. I also didn't like Veidt. I didn't like the actor's portrayal and I didn't really care for his costume. And I didn't like the changed ending. It was a change that I thought was unnecessary at best. Yeah, so, overall it was ok. It was for the most part a very spot on adaptation, but I think the changes as they were made really show that Zach Snyder didn't quite get what made the book so incredible. Watchmen is great because it is a great story, not because it's a wild action-adventure superhero adventure. No need to amp up the action when the words speak for themselves.
  21. ....flecks of fecal matter........Deadstool? edit: I think the analogy is "If you have an infinite number of chimpanzees sat with an infinite number of typewriters typing randomly ,eventually one of the chimps will type a letter asking for somebody to wash the monkey-shit off that 's clogging his keyboard" Gah. I knew it was something like that. Where ever is my brain today. It's a shame about Turdpool. If they wanted to make this kind of character, why not just use Mimic. I don't think anyone would care. (It's not like there are any Mimic fans, right?) And it would make sense and be an easier pill for fans to swallow. They didn't have to ruin (seemingly) Deadpool.
  22. Uh mah gawd. You know, sometimes people say something like, "Well, if you give a chimpanzee a typewriter, he'll eventually churn out Shakespeare." I think someone put that to the test. This is the result, and Shakespeare it is not. Clearly when there were strange smudges on the script, the editors just chose to interpret the flecks of fecal matter literally.
  23. I would like to see these guys race. I'm sure IM's hot rod would have all the tricks the armor has. But then again I imagine if the Hulk is on a four wheeler, it must be pretty hard core. It's probably got a gamma-hemi or something. I want Daredevil on a Segway. That'd be sweet.
  24. And suddenly I don't care how you feel about new Cap's costume. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is just something off about the Jim Lee standard X-uniform. An update of the classic uniform, to be sure, but somehow it just doesn't quite work for me. I guess it it just so very blue and so very yellow and, ultimately, so very cheesy. Kitty's Astonishing costume was a much better update of the classic.
  25. That's what I thought too (and why I didn't start a new thread). So I guess the question is: How many of us will be getting these re-release two-packs? Has there been any word on when these will be released? I can't recall. Who is going to be buying multiples of Wolverine to make an army of X-men?
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