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Everything posted by hugo_ghost

  1. Man! Going through all these pics from the beginning sure made my last few work hours fly! Will def share some pics once I get home. Can't seem to upload off phone.
  2. Yes it is! I draw lots of skulls for some reason... lately lots of robots and luchadores haha.. Website is old, needs a huge update but whatever.. Need to get my hands into customizing minimates, not much of a sculptor so we'll see how this goes haha
  3. not a gamer by any stretch but these look great. they can easily be slipped into TWD world or even as random ppls in the vast Marvel universe! Other than upcoming Disney mates I'm pretty much hyped for eeevverrything!!!
  4. This is pretty great. Custom face or from some random figure? Really we all need a Stan on our shelves. EXCELSIOR!!
  5. art school! a place to meet awesome people and come out owing tons of money... i majored in Drawing and Painting... Fine Art... so i have a Bachelor of Fine Art degree which is good for... nothing. i mean i do art and stuff and freelance gigs here and there but in the long run i could have probably done all that without the actual schooling. thanks for the welcomes guys!
  6. this pleases me. HeartBreaker was def my favorite of the armors shown so far. loving it in minimate form.
  7. that would be intense. Even if you aren't a fan of a particular group you can easily trade! I would love this so hard... my wallet and wife... not so much.
  8. YESSSS!!!!YYYYEEEEESSSSS!!!! x2YESSSSSSSSSSSS.. deep breath.. SSSSSSSSSS x3 I'm definitely more excited about the mates than the actual movie! I don't even like IronMan! But these are just too cool!
  9. Its great seeing how some of the desired characters actually did happen. Tough to army build those brood without ending up w even more wolverines.. :-/ Personally I would like some wendigo.
  10. i am so insanely psyched for these! huge Invincible fan, its definitely a favorite and a series I recommend to whoever will listen. Personally I'm good w the series being composed of box sets, if anything would make it would make them easier to track down. Guardians of the Globe are a must! And oooh so many delicious villains to pick from! Really want a Tyranasaurus!!
  11. Oh man. Just joined this group, went through this thread while at work today. Craaazzzy stuff. Makes you wonder what will be the gems we'll be admiring 5yrs down the road.
  12. hello fellas! name is hugo. found this place through the FB page which I understand was created when there were tech issues here ... so that was fun but it only makes sense to take the dive and join the real party! I guess I'll tell u about myself. ... Canadian... Toronto. Had a great action figure collection as a kid, trading cards too.. fell out of it.... got into McFarlane figures... fell out of it... school came in... 4yrs of art school .. picked up a few things here and there.. some mates and random stuff... somehow I got into MarvelUniverse figures when they came around... amassed a good collection .. then there was a "drought" and so I lost interest... sold off all of them, got into Legends and more DCUC ... got bored ... also they take up lots of space... Found old box of minimates I had... combined w the great stuff coming out... the hunger began again... the hunt!!! Now I'm ranting. You seem like good people. I look forward to joining you all in the madness!
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