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Everything posted by thereasonsy

  1. Good luck on those: Though Beast isn't terrible: Thankfully I am just looking for a trench coat since I like AOA Gambit's hair better. Nerdy, what version of Beast do you got?
  2. I agree there may be something cool about a marvel select figure at a Minimate size and a Minimate figure at a Marvel select size. Although with my luck they will be either: Spider-Man, Iron Man, Cap, Wolvie or Hulk. None of these things solving my Sentinel or Giant-Man issues.
  3. Thanks Nessex. Yeah I bought the Storm and Cyclops figures from Marvel Select just for the Danger Room panels because i finally gave up the ghost of getting a play set from either Diamond or that I would happen upon Luke's training room series. Although the way my customization life has been going I am sure both will be announced shortly.
  4. They did, I am just obsessed with Jim Lee's X-Men standard uniforms. Like these:
  5. This is a WIP since I am missing my furry Beast and Gambit's jacket but I am sure I will have to replace as soon as they announce the Jim Lee uniforms.
  6. I just know now that the last two parts on coming from ebay for this they will announce it is the Jim Lee uniforms and my X-Men team will need to be replaced.
  7. Names like oh I don't know, Irma, Phoebe, and Celeste? I'm thinking you are right. It is the stepfords. They have costumes now thanks to Kill Bill. I was going to buy the boxsets for the school girl uniforms to make the girls but I am going to hold off until this is announced so I don't buy without reason. I never fell in love with these movies like everyone else but I am buying the 88 set because we need villians.
  8. Will we be getting a heads up say by NYCC?
  9. Let me make this clear. If they did the multtiple characters in one set based off of the Jim Lee Strike Force... the following would happen.
  10. I'd be up for a second set but with one male captive and then three members of the brotherhood. Because I am persistant like that.
  11. Every now and then I get bored and my minimates pay the price. A quick kit bash made Graduation Magik and Moonstar. Not the best but done in 5 mins thanks to and Hail Ivan. Mirage is a Lady Loki Hair, Mirage face, Psylocke chest (we seriously need more females in black chest pieces), Lady Deathstrike Crotch, Julia legs and arms. Magik is a first class Jean head, Movie Jean chest and arms, spare black legs, and Pepper slipper feet with hair & sword from Magik. Again, we really do need more chest piece in the solid colors. This is a look at the comic version for those not familiar with the look. And then I just got annoyed with Cloak & Dagger so just a little revamp. Cloak blends into my furniture so here is a closer look Just the originals but Dagger has Ms. Marvel hair, Emma Frost arms, and Longshot hands. Cloak is the original with a Mr Negative chest but with Moon Knight's face.
  12. Hopefully this will sell out quickly and another Luke Exclusive set will be made available. Beating a dead horse here but would love a Jim Lee X-Men Uniform set with extra parts to make multiple charcters.
  13. Maybe it's because I am spending most of my days with people that discuss/work in pop culture but I disagree. I think there is enough there to qualify them as A-Listers. As for the Big 9? I wouldn't consider those 9 A-Listers they are more like Icons. Similar to how Kim Kardassian is an A_lister but not Iconic (i.e. Marilyn Monroe). God I want to vomit by saying that. I'm tapping out of this because the fact I had to use Kim K for anything but a joke makes me need booze.
  14. Just because they have appeared in movies and cartoons doesn't mean they are well known. You know who is Marvel's A list female? Aunt May. Sadly, you are right about Aunt May. Back to the debate at hand about Jubilee/Firestar, there is a difference in between appearing in something and starring in a long running show which is why someone like Tigra/Crystal/Julia Carpenter didn't fit the bill. X:TAS last for close to 5 years in first run and then had reruns for years. She also was the lead character in several series (X-Men, Generation X, New Warriors, X-Men again). I am working off of the definition of an A-Lister being someone/character that people outside of the specific genre (comics) would have a passing familiarity with and not limiting it to my age group. That does not mean that the character is talented or can support their own series but rather that people are familiar with them. For another example, Will Bruin is a football player that shows a ton of promise that people in soccer talk about that is not well known to the masses. Landon Donnovan is known to a majority of people with a familiarty with the genre. David Beckham is a superstar. If you apply that level of thinking to comics there are going to be some people that grew up in the 80s with a strong memory of who Spider-woman and Firestar are. There are also going to be people that grew up in the 90s that have a strong affinity for the X:TAS cast since again the show ran for 5 years during the collector craze of the 90's at the same point that Firestar was starring in one of Marvel's hottest teen properties. The 90's also had the great trading card era in which all of the ladies mentioned were included. I didn't even want to go into the 70's where 7-11 did the collectable slurpee cups and that featured certain characters like Crystal that fell off of the list. If you asked me if Marvel had a superstar/iconic female character I would say no. But then again the most Iconic characters are Superman, Batman, WonderWoman, Spider-man, Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Wolverine. Those are the 9 characters that I think you can ask regardless of age and at least 5 of them would be named.
  15. I'm really thinking that Multiple Man is part of this as the army builder. Considering how often we have requested him I would be surprised if he wasn't. Also A LIst Ladies in the M-U? In my opinion an A-List lady is anyone a casual person ( not a comic fan) would have familiarity with that to me means from a female perspective we have the following: Invisible Woman, Spider-Woman/Girl, She-Hulk, Ms Marvel/Capt Marvel, Firestar, Phoenix (Jean Grey), Storm, Rogue, Jubilee, Kitty Pryde, Black Widow, Elektra, Wasp, Mystique, and lastly Spider-man's loves Gwen Stacy & Mary Jane.
  16. Ok so this could be Banshee, SUnfire or Rogue since they all had a little shade in their past.
  17. You know I love ya Zach but you are wrong on Firestar. I mean come ON look at all of the speculation on Sony's rumored Female movie. Firestar is quickly listed as one of the top three. As for the speculation aspect - it is always fun to see you all get it wrong. I mean CLEARLY this is going to be the New Warriors/Inhumans to fill out the rest of the slots.
  18. Zach do you eat popcorn or m&m's while you sit back and watch us spin our wheels As for a redo. Maybe Firestar since she is an A-Lister (X-Men/Avengers)? As for the other slots I smell a Banshee / Sunfire pairing just from the amount of bitching we have done over the years.
  19. Ok so it looks like this: 1 Ronan 2. Ironman 3. Remake 1 4. Remake 2 5. Remake 3 6. New or New Costume 7. New or New Costume 8. Army Builder Redo Is this correct?
  20. I think that the original intent wasn't neccessarily a box set of the 4 characters that look like their onscreen incarnations but instead a 4 pack of the comic versions. Either way I am all for more mates.
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