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Everything posted by Rheul

  1. Here is a quick Superboy along with Alpha Flight
  2. Simonson is cool. Bring you Stormbreaker set to the next con hes at and hell sign it for free.
  3. So... Any news for today or are they done with the reveals?
  4. I was hoping for The Invisible Man this year but Tones logic rings true. Phantom/Invs Man 2 pack sounds better than the other combos.
  5. Sorry if that sounded harsh. Didn't mean it that way.
  6. Slightly? At this point it really only resembles the comic as far as character names. Some who are alive are dead and vice versa. Character in one and not the other... Theyre almost nothing alike.
  7. Glad to see the Hulk love. No Invisible Man? Bummer. Or maybe I just cant see him? Looking forward to the Enterprise and the Max SWAT truck 80's X-Men! Sweet. Would rather have Disco Dazzler. Meh Im fine with my custom. Im guessing The Walking Dead mates are still very early protos. Im really not feeling the zombies. Liked the MAX ones better, at least for now. Venom TtA looks awesome too! I sure hope so because these two are a very odd choice of characters. I would much rather get the core Byrne team... Ya know, the characters from when the book was good. Over all looks like a great year for Minimates.
  8. What time does the show start? I know sometimes they start a little late on a Sunday when most shows are closing. It's strange that this is all we've seen so far when Hasbro has pretty much revealed all of their stuff already. I'll take that Enterprise and the Galileo and any other Trek Related mate stuff they can come up with. I would like to see some Next Gen stuff too though. The D, The Defiant, a runabout... Bring it on,
  9. I think its going to be Thanos's arny of space pirates. Just a bunch od alien mercs.
  10. Great idea! I'll post some stuff ASAP. Hopefully I can figure out how to post them they way you did so no resolution is lost.
  11. I for one am really bummed about Max Zombies going on the back burner. With any luck they will arrive on the heels of the final TWD wave. I can't imagine TWD going more than four or five waves even with sad Rick with telephone variant.. People will want to grow their hoard long after we've gotten Carl with his blank blanked blank.
  12. Great collection Rich! Nice job getting all those DC mates. They can be hard to get these days. I still need Martian Manhunter myself. Great stuff.
  13. It just occurrd to me that i dont have any Spidey movie mates! I'll need that skateboard though...
  14. I really hope this wont effect the Max line. I really like the tongue-in-cheek design aproach for them. Not that TWD 'Mates wont be cool. I would just rather have fun zombies rather than serious. If I cant have both that is.
  15. Fantastic work Luke! One tiny bit of criticism if I may. David seems to be missing something. I can't seem to put my finger on it though...
  16. Nice! I have about 20 and I thought that was a lot!
  17. Thanks. I made the bell by sculpting over a Green Goblin head using apoxie sculpt. The handel is a toothpick with an apoxie sculpt ball at the end. His clapper hand is also apoxie sculpt. I also sculpted the gerdle. I was too lazy to make a sticker lol.
  18. If the secret villain turns out to be Thanos, the aliens can just be a rabble of space pirates. The same could hold true for Kang having an army of many different races of aliens from throughout time... Just throwing that out there...
  19. Thats just a guess. The aliens can be anyone. Maybe even something made up for the movie...
  20. I wasnt going to post this one because Im not sure if Im happy with it but for better or worse here he is... Starlord from Guardians of the Galaxy. The helmet and mask is completely sculped over a Cylon mask. Personally I think the head is way too big. Im not much of a sculpter.
  21. I wish I'd had seen that Rick Jones this morning. I would have picked up another Cap while I was at my LCS this afternoon. I love that you threw on the Nega Bands!
  22. Awesome. I didnt see her on those last images you posted and got a little worried... Carry on!
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