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Everything posted by TheAnvil

  1. For the life of me I can't find my Chris Redfield's pistol. It was there in his holster one day and the next it's just vanished. Maybe it's gone between the floor boards or been sucked up in the hoover but I've spent the last 3-4 hours searching for it to no success . Anyway, I was wondering if there are any other minimates that come with the exact same Pistol as him? Help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. I'll order the Guile and Zangief sets when I order the outback x-men, so it's going to be a pretty sweet haul.
  3. I hope Luke gets the Havok set in.
  4. Sorry to hear about that. That's exactly why I'll never do that to my Thundercats .
  5. That sucks that they don't come with stands, I don't have any spares so it means some of my marvels may have to lose theirs.
  6. I would freakin' love MvC:O minimates. A couple of the helper characters like Lou, Anita, Unknown Soldier would be awesome too. That's some nostalgia right there.
  7. My only fault with Morbius is that he should have had hair that looked a bit more like this; It looks a little bit too kempt. Or can anyone find a picture where his hair looks kempt like that? Regardless, it's still an amazing, amazing minimate and a must own in my opinion!
  8. I was just saying to my brother today that I really want a Michael Morbius minimate! Now I HAVE to get this! I also think the Dr Strange is really good. But I'll try and pick the Morbius up on ebay loose.
  9. Hey Luke are you going to be getting the Zangief and Guile sets on your site?
  10. Yeah a West Coast Avengers wave would be awesome as we could really do with an updated Wonder Man, too. I hope they do a Tigra, she's one of the biggest marvel characters I can think of that hasn't had a minimate made of yet.
  11. Sorry if this topic isn't allowed. I was just wondering if they've ever mentioned making a Tigra Minimate? I think it'd be awesome.
  12. Top 10: * Tigra * The Whizzer * Wonderman (updated) * Dazzler (Disco) * Shuma-Gorath * Rocket Raccoon * Spiral * Mojo * Blackheart * Hydro Man Spider-Man/Wolverine Variants: * Armoured Spider-Man * Fang
  13. It'd obviously be better. But the one we have is good enough that we would be better off having a new character even if it was Sakura. BBA Megaman FTW! I still majorly wish we only had Ryu's first appearance minimate made in the MvC3 line, as the SFxT minimate would be good enough for a modern Ryu. We could have had Tron or Hsien-Ko instead!
  14. Thanks lobsterman. My brother is really interested in buying these minimates!
  15. I'd have rather they hadn't bothered with the modern Ryu. The SF1 Ryu is way cooler and they're doing a modern Ryu in the SFxT line.
  16. Is there going to be another series of Avengers v sX-Men minimates?
  17. I hope they don't do an M Bison, I'd rather have a new character made, as we already had a pretty decent M Bison.
  18. Would have been good if they'd done Tron, Hsien-Ko, Shuma Gorath and another marvel character as a convention exclusive or something.
  19. Oh yeah of course I was thinking ahead of myself (that Rolento and Hugo were part of series 3). Hopefully we'll see a Megaman/Pacman set even if it's a convention exclusive! Series 2 appears to be: Hugo, Rolento, Ryu, Chun Li, Rufus and Abel.
  20. I think RE6 minimates would sell well. They could do a chase set per wave that has characters like Chris and Leon in their earlier costumes.
  21. It usually depends on how well the waves sell. If sales are good and there is demand, I'm sure we'd see a 4th wave. But if not... . I hope we at least get Megaman (BBA), Cody, Guy and Blanka in wave 4 (if there is one)!
  22. Is there any chance of getting a 4th wave of these?
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