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Everything posted by boyd

  1. Shanester - have you seen the variant for the Hulk Icons they showed at SDCC? It's the figure you were hoping for.
  2. I consider you both winners! You two may fight over who asks the next question.
  3. To keep the game moving: In the first issue of the original Marvel Team-Up, which super-hero teamed up with Spider-Man?
  4. I don't collect the Street Fighter Minimates. I have no interest in the Battlestar Galactica Minimates. But if they make a line of Cereal Mascot Mates I will buy them all. Without hesitation.
  5. I'll be impressed with them when they have a bear-version of MODOK.
  6. I second the call for Composite Superman, Superman Red and Superman Blue. Other Superman variants can include Superman in the black/silver outfit, Superman in Kryptonian robes, Superman robots, Clark Kent, Clark Kent with his shirt open to reveal his costume, and Superman with the mullet he had when we returned from the dead.
  7. Congrats on the wedding, Shanester! Glad to see that things went well. Ady - marriage isn't as bad as you think. Especially if your wife has a Silver Spidey.
  8. I like it here. Why would I post anywhere else?
  9. My previous post about the Moon Kinght figure is wrong. Jesse from ToyBiz confirmed that Moon Knight variant will be all white. So it goes like this: Regular Moon Knight: Dark / Black Variant Moon Knight: All-White I am not impressed with the near-black Moon Knight we saw at SDCC - looks too mcuh like he was dipped in ink. Hopefully the final figure is better, or else I'm just getting the variant.
  10. Top 10: * Metamorpho * Hawkman * Pre-Crisis Brainiac * Swamp Thing * Blue Devil * Captain Boomerang * Starman (Jack Knight) * Golden Age Flash * Impulse * Golden Age Green Lantern Batman / Superman Variants: * Azrael * Cyborg Superman
  11. Top 10: * Vision * Hawkeye * Hobgoblin * Dr. Strange * Lizard * Angel * Mysterio * New X-Men Cat-Beast * Xorn * Kang Spider-Man/Wolverine Variants: * Spider-Armor Spider-Man * Wolverine in Fang costume
  12. Congratulations to all the winners! And thanks for Fujis for organizing another contest! And Ady - make the check out to Boyd, thanks.
  13. With another Rocky movie coming soon, this line actually has a chance to be available when the movie is in the theater. We'll see if it happens. And I want a Training Rocky / Hanging Side of Beef 2-pack, please.
  14. The dark Moon Knight is reportedly the variant. The regular Moon Knight will be white.
  15. It's a four-pack. You can see a clear picture of it here: Street Fighter Four-Pack
  16. Huge amount of new pictures of the last waves of ToyBiz Marvel legends are now up at TNI. - See the proposed Henchmen figures! - See the varients for wave 14 and 15 (including three Wasps)! - See the only Forbush Man figure in existance!
  17. Great - I just pictured a Minimate with a Nick Cage face, and now I must have one. These Ghost Rider Minimates must come out. And Timbo - thanks for trying to hook up the board with John Stewarts. Remember - John Stewart = Boyd's Best Friend Fovever.
  18. I agree - there should be cowls over painted heads. Harley looks odd anyway - like her face is squished. Maybe if they lost the chinstrap on her headwear, and had it come straight down on the sides. It would give her face more room, I think. Robin looks wonderful though. Love his pixie-like footwear.
  19. Some more thoughts: - I will believe the Ghost Rider Movie Minimates exist only when I have them in my hands. I have a feeling that these will end up like the Batman Begins and X3 Minimates, though... - And since when is Blackheart a guy with a shovel? Does the shovel shoot hellfire? - Is it wrong for me to look at the Mach 5 Racer and think about how I could make it into a Batmobile?
  20. Ady's probably right. Back when DC used to make their Pocket Super Heroes, they made different exclusives like Superman & Catwoman and gave them away at Toy Fair and conventions. They were easy to get, and easy to find on Ebay afterwards. I'm guessing there's probably a decent number of thes figures to give out. And I still really want one. Any one who is able to procure me one will be my new best friend for life.
  21. That's service - thank you sir!
  22. Thanks for sharing those photos, Timbo. The DC Minimates are looking good! After seeing the picture, i now have a case of John Stewart Minimate fever. And the only prescription is a John Stewart Minimate. Or more cowbell...
  23. Crap! Based on the password clue, I figured they were giving out Green Lantern rings. It never crossed my mind that it might be a GL Minimate. I would like to be the first to put out an open request to anyone attending the con to try and pick one up for me. Pretty pretty please. You'll be rewarded and be my best friend for life. Thanks for passing on the news, Timbo. Now get those DC Minimate pictures up!
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