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Joe Hill

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Everything posted by Joe Hill

  1. Is it weird to anyone that Jim Rhodes is the War Machine variant? When I think of War Machine, I think of Rhodes, not Stark. It is like having Ben Reilly as Spider-Man with Peter Parker as the variant.
  2. It looks like they left out the Spider-Man/X-Men/Hulk/Iron Man Movie-Mates and just stuck with the comics. It's a cool poster, though.
  3. Give Craig a chance TM2, he might surprise you. When I went to see Casino Royale, I was like "this guy looks old and not-at-all like James Bond." I left the theater feeling stupid. Craig not only completely encompasses the role, he brings in new type of characterization. He helps us understand James Bond better than any movie or actor has done before. I really enjoy the new direction the movies were taken in.
  4. I think the Professor X hover chair is from the kubricks X-Men. Meanwhile, I would just paint the headpiece on. Going bat shit crazy over that little detail is not worth the frustration. TENIME_art's Black Bolt looks awesome, your's will too.
  5. Thanks for the picture Mini_Myte! These look a lot cooler than I anticipated. I wanted to get a boxset so I could have a Willem Dafoe head for a movie Norman Osborn, but now I just want a boxset for the soldiers themselves. Andymini30 is right, DST is good at parting consumers from their money.
  6. That is not only brilliant, but cost effective. Well done!
  7. That was the solution I used, and I am pretty happy. I also agree that people will complain that it isn't right until a 2.5" Hulk is made. So I guess that will always leave some Hulk fans unsatisfied.
  8. I totally agree with you but when compared with latter-day Minimates he often looks puny. As I said if only they could pump him up proportionately all over. It doesn't seem like it would be terribly difficult to have 2.5" minimate scale thickness in the limbs, but have them be made for a 2 inch minimate (does that make sense??). I know DST wants to cut down on costs, but with all the unique legs and arms they made for Iron Man, it seems doable to have a thicker limbed Hulk. In my opinion anyways.
  9. My favorite book and movie (so far) was The Prisoner of Azkaban. I just liked how it wasn't a Voldemort centered movie. Plus the time travel was well-done, and it was the beginning of the "darker" Harry Potter. My least favorite book is also my least favorite movie. Chambers of Secrets was just dull to me. I tried a couple of times to give it a chance, but it never clicks for me. The story hasn't moved on to the darker atmosphere, and I never liked the ghostly Tom Riddle story.
  10. Onslaught and Blob are both very challenging customs, but you pulled it of well. Not just well, extraordinarily well. Great work!
  11. Iron Man seems to work better in minimate form than Hulk. Hulk always looks awkward, whereas Iron Man always looks cool. Although, I wouldn't mind seeing more Hulks. Especially to replace the Iron Man in series 25, since Iron Man has gotten like 75 minimates in the last ten minutes. I'm getting a little burnt out.
  12. I'm working on movieverse versions of Blob, Mary Jane Watson, Green Goblin, and Doc Ock. I can't wait to see every single one of those!
  13. I really like your custom choices, The Joker is especially cool. As for the paint/sculpt "clumpiness," the paint makes a huge difference. I found that the craft store tube paints have a tendency to flake and clump. Sometimes I added a drop of water to the paints to make them coat and dry smoother. I recommend Citadel Acrylics from Games Workshop, but they are more expensive. Just remember, when it comes to minimates, smoothness is key. I look forward to seeing more customs!
  14. I just decided to make a VERY quick "part swap" custom of Xenia Onatop from Goldeneye. Just for kicks, since we have a Famke Janssen minimate. I wouldn't mind minimates from the Bond films.
  15. I would definitely buy an Invisible Man, I used to read the book all the time.
  16. Great idea! I need to pull out the x-acto knife again.
  17. Haha! As Trekker 42 said, they weren't. I based Gambit off the new Wolverine Prequel/standard X-Suit, Jubilee is a custom outfit with the likeness of Kea Wong. Blob is an in progress, and I'll try to make him look how he does in the Wolverine Prequel. Psylocke actually was in X3, but she was portrayed horribly as a Brotherhood punk who could only travel through shadows. So I customized her how I thought Psylocke should look. Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Avalanche were more a use of "creative license." I just wanted to bulk of the Brotherhood, since there are 12 X-Men. Thanks! Avalanche's head is interestingly the original Movieverse Wolverine head. I thought it had that good "Avalanche trying to shake things up" look. I know, that was a dorky pun. Thanks! That was my goal.
  18. Hi! Thanks to everyone that replied with compliments/critiques! I have some new updates and such: I took some ideas from fellow members and made some improvements: Magneto has been updated from his previous version to make him more movie-accurate. Toad has also been updated to be more movie-accurate. He has a detachable tongue. Some people think his face looks green, but I feel like his face is more yellowish. Color blindness also runs in my family so that could be the problem too Deathstrike was done to look more like Kelly Hu, and less like the comic Lady Deathstrike. Mainly I changed the hands, hair, and head. Here are some X-Men "Touch-Ups." Xavier has a Picard head and a fancy new blue suit. Shadowcat has more Ellen Page-like hair. Jean has longer, more flowy red hair like in X3. Rogue has new hair too, as well as a different trenchcoat. I wasn't sure if I wanted Rogue in a coat or not. On the one hand, she didn't have a coat in her X-Suit. But on the other hand, throughout the first movie, she wore the coat a lot, and she is known for wearing them in the comics. In the end, I liked the coat. In created some variety with the X-Girls. Wolverine has a new head to look a bit more like Hugh Jackman. He may look a little soft, but I am content with it now. Sabretooth just got a quick paint job. Gambit and Jubilee got new movie outfits. Gambit has more realistic hair and a black trenchcoat. I gave Jubilee her own style of X-Suit, since she always tried new things in the comics (like Kitty). I based their looks off of Origins: Wolverine Gambit and X2 Jubilee. Here are the pictures I based them off of: Finally I created a fully-iced, Iceman. Now here are some new customs: First is a movie-type Avalanche. He has one of those costumes that wouldn't work in the movie-verse. He needed to look more like a punk, that way he fits in with Pyro, Callisto, Toad, etc. I decided to go the simple route and just have him look a bully. I wasn't sure if I was going to give him a helmet. On the one hand, it works for the character. However, we already have Juggernaut and Magneto with helmets. So I just provided pictures of both. Blob here is in progress, I am thinking of painting him similar to the Comic Con Wolverine Trailer, but I might wait until a higher quality of pictures come out. Finally I have the Maximoff Twins, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. They are a combo of their Mainstream and Ultimate counterparts, but a bit more normal. My goal was to have them fit in with the rest of the brotherhood. Anyhow, that is my update for now. Whew! I leave you guys with a comic shot of the Brotherhood.
  19. DST has them set for 12/24/08.
  20. The only problem with the Thing's hands are that they have a sculpted rocky feature, so I had to use a dremel to sand it down.
  21. Here is a custom Hulk I made with big arms, if you wanted to get an idea of how it looks:
  22. X-MEN Good: Jubilee Banshee Dazzler Longshot Sunfire Forge Evil: Pyro Blob Avalanche Toad Mr. Sinister Sauron MISC Black Widow Black Panther
  23. I am super happy about the Red Skull attire that was chosen. I was worried we were going to get him in the green jump suit. This wave seems like it is for fans and newcomers alike. The re-release of Spider-Man in Wave 24, Captain America & Iron Man in Wave 25, and Wolverine & Skrull in Wave 26 helps new collectors start their collection. But, the inclusion of Gambit, Psylocke, Red Skull, Deadpool, 616 Sabretooth, etc shows that DST has been paying attention to what the minimate fans have been requesting. Two excellent waves DST!
  24. I think the site will be very informative and a great resource. Good work!
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