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Heroic Slacker

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Everything posted by Heroic Slacker

  1. Have any packaging shots been shown yet? I would love to see the design they use for this series. Also I hope Poison's hat and hair has changed since the proto, I don't really like how it looks.
  2. Awesome! So the Heralds will be complete thanks to an upcoming TRU wave
  3. So I'm going to be in SoCal next week, and possibly San Diego, when is this meetup? and does anyone have info on where they are giving away the Agent 88 minimate?
  4. Ohhh I thought your post meant the characters had been combined like a Hulk Dr. Strange, when it should've been Hulk, Dr. Strange. I knew about the hammers. I got it now.
  5. I was referring to the Venom set, I love all the new pieces and characters, though the Hulk set from the proto photographs looks very cool as well. I'm impressed with both sets, and for the first time I know I'll be preordering both of these sets because I like all the figures, versus the Iron Man and Captain America sets where I only wanted one or two figures (granted they were awesome Mates, Modular Iron Man and Armored Captain America) and the Wolverine set where I didn't want any of the figures.
  6. Due to not reading this crossover I am so lost by this. But did the heroes get Hulk, Juggernaut, and Absorbing Man's powers?
  7. I really can't wait for this set, easily my most anticipated Through The Ages set.
  8. Boo-yah. As long as it's not a contest where we have to re-enact scenes from "Cats"', I'm in. Awesome! and yes please no renditions of Jellicle cats.
  9. So I'm really enjoying the Phoenix Force 5's costumes, and really hope Emma Frost and Cyclops along with Protector and Scarlet Witch make this box set, it would be awesome if Magik and Namor get a release as well.
  10. If this line gets big enough I would love to see a Mandora The Evil Chaser, she's never gotten a figure and I've always enjoyed her design.
  11. I just went through the MM database thinking I'm somehow missed Kasumi or Ryu Hayabusa, then I remembered Master Chief was in DoA 4. I wouldn't mind a Tecmo wave, we could get the Ninja Gaiden series, Dynasty Warriors, Fatal Frame, and my most wanted character of all time Gitaroo Man. Sorry for the rampant wishlisting today. Technically not Master Cheif in DoA4. Just some girl in a Mjolnir armor set. Still close enough for me to count it. Who said Gitaroo Man? Where!? I was just making a terribly long winded connection, Dead or Alive was made by Tecmo, who joined up with Koei who made Gitaroo Man, so yeah Gitaroo Man, make it happen DST
  12. I just went through the MM database thinking I'm somehow missed Kasumi or Ryu Hayabusa, then I remembered Master Chief was in DoA 4. I wouldn't mind a Tecmo wave, we could get the Ninja Gaiden series, Dynasty Warriors, Fatal Frame, and my most wanted character of all time Gitaroo Man. Sorry for the rampant wishlisting today.
  13. A Felicia Day Minimate :swoon: We've now got a bunch of Capcom franchises with a decent amount of characters released. Including the original Street Fighter line and the upcoming Street Fighter X Tekken line. (Not including variants or Ryu's first appearance) Street Fighter: 10 characters Darkstalkers: 4 characters Resident Evil: 3 characters Devil May Cry: 2 characters Final Fight: 2 characters I would love to see the Resident Evil, Darkstalkers and Final Fight series get more releases, and of course another Viewtiful Joe or Mega Man release would be nice.
  14. All those Disney Lego lines are currently on hiatus or finished, the only current Disney properties put out by Lego are the Disney Princess Duplo theme, and the Avengers.
  15. Felicia. Yeah I can't wait to add her to my collection of Morrigan, Lilith and Demitri minimates. If only SF 2 had continued I could have gotten a Jon Talbain as well.
  16. Zack do you have any photos of Felicia? I can't wait to add her to my Darkstalkers collection
  17. This set is such a win, Emma Frost is flawless
  18. I wasn't planning on getting these packs originally but these are quite cool looking, loving the translucent arrows and Hawkeye.
  19. Was he a spirit in the old one much? That could be our clue. He was only a spirit in the old one, save for the first 5 minutes of the series, and a couple flashbacks. The minimate design is old school Jaga.
  20. I would love to see Minimates at Walmart and Target again, I think DST is doing a wonderful job with the line though, a bunch of licenses, exposure at Toys R Us, and plenty of product.
  21. X-Factor Angel and Warpath is one of the most expensive sets when it hits eBay, I've been looking for one for a while now, also Hulkbuster is a bit more common but still goes for a lot based on how awesome the mate is.
  22. Thundercats Minimates are on the move. Thundercats Minimates are loose Thunder Thunder Thundercats HOOOOOOOO! This is such awesome news. So is the Thundertank going to be a Minimate vehicle or is it a statue?
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