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Everything posted by buttheadsmate

  1. Both these sets are also currently unavailable from AFX according to their web-site, actually most 'mates items displayed at AFX are 'Pre-order this item today'. So 'snail trails' are not just a Cornerstore trait although BBTS seem to be the promptest lately.
  2. Welcome aboard ... & yes that is very odd
  3. Apparently this item is on 'Clearance' with
  4. The blocks or the burgers? I always play buttheadsmate's 'Complete Order Game ' when I go to Mc.D .....I choose my item & when asked for my order I try to completely relay to the 'order-taker' what my order is. Something like " I'd like a Medium Quarter-Pounder Big-Mac Meal with Medium Fries ,Large Coke (without ice) . Could I also please have 2 ketchup sachets & I'd like to eat in which I believe is £3.99! Thankyou" . Now that probably doesn't 'read' that funny but try it for yourselves.... the results are hilarious & range from complete bewilderment to extreme annoyance from the person serving you who is trained to ask you every option. If they ask you any question at all..... you lose! :biggrin: Before someone criticises me for my clear lack of maturity I used to work in an ice-cream parlour in my teens & I played the same game 'the other way around' with my customers: "Ice-cream Please" bhm "Large or small?" " Large" bhm " Vanilla,Strawberry or Chocolate?" "Vanilla" bhm " Cornet or wafers?" etc.etc.etc.etc. I loved that job
  5. I bet this post opens the 'I can top that, This idiot from ebay sent my glass bottle in a paper bag' ranting flood gates.. T. I can top that ...... but I'll just say this US & Asian sellers are generally aware of the importance of the packaging whereas most of my fellow Brits are generally useless at understanding that boxes crush in padded envelopes.
  6. If you don't want potential harassment don't give out your business card ! I wouldn't condone any improper communication hence I witheld the mobile number but ......she needs to tell you guys the truth.
  7. Oh you mean Robyn Morgan from Underground Toys,Shakespeare House,168 Lavender Hill,London,SW11 5TF. Telephone Number +44 (0) 20 7801 6325 ,Mobile Number +44(0) 7958 029 *** who I spoke with at length at SDCC
  8. really it cannot be as good as my Iron Fist-power Man-Silver Centurion-Santa Spider-Man Trump that with my Black Battle-Damaged ,Visorless , DOFP, Raft ,Bearded Cyclops ......with visor. what about my rainbow of blank minimate with the shoes from the hunt minimate? ......Free Comic Book Day Blank..... Army......which weren't free & I paid way too much for Loose in Unopened Mint Box obviously.
  9. really it cannot be as good as my Iron Fist-power Man-Silver Centurion-Santa Spider-Man Trump that with my Black Battle-Damaged ,Visorless , DOFP, Raft ,Bearded Cyclops ......with visor.
  10. You should see my Gold & Silver Spidey custom ....awesome. My Stealth Iron-Pheonix Super-Skrull is OK but needs a tweak ....perhaps a Black Symbiote head?
  11. It just has to be said ,irreverent or not, if Chuck & Matt ( Pontius & Pilate ) had to decide whether we would be getting a Jesus or a (B.A.) Barabus Minimate they'd still try & sell us a Madonna Minimate. In the words of God "Nuff said"
  12. I need one
  13. ahhhhhh...........pigskin!? Only joking.......bumheadsmate!
  14. Captain Britain & The Swordsman are just absolutely stunning,whilst the others are 'merely' superb .
  15. I'd get a Marvel Apes boxset. The concept is kinda stupid, but if you read the comic, it's a really freaking cool story! Honestly, I'm as addicted to this as I was to Zombies. It is actually WAY better than MZ2. But anything is better than MZ2. Marvel Toilets would be better than MZ2. Imagine: Spider-Poo, The Fluishner, Iron Plunger, The Flushtastic Four (Mr. Flushtastic, Silent-But-Deadly Woman, The Human Turd, The Thing-I-Ate-For-Breakfast), Deadpoo, and don't make me go into the X-Farts. It was probably obvious I'd jump in on this. I tried to ignore it until I re-read my post in the 'Best & Worst Mates' thread which I promptly modified: Best 1. Wave 5 Crap . 2. C3 Flush 3. Brown Symbiote 4. The Incredible Dump(Green Wave 1) 5.Fartstorm Worst 1.The Absorbant Man 2.Thor -Gut of Thunder 3.Odin -Farter of Asgard 4.Jon Jon 5.Drainiac I know the shit may hit the fan with some of our female members over this but remember its a Man-Thing .....& I'm clean 'round the bend. Who lurks at the bottom of your toilet......The Beast....Colossus....Sub-Mariner... ?
  16. I'm trying not to be controversial but how can you prefer DC Wave 7 to either of the C3 versions? On the other hand we both agree on Beast (wave 13) & I would have to put Luke Cage as my 6th worst whilst anything from the Spider-Man 3 Waves are potential bonfire fodder!
  17. On topic.....what were the findings of the demographic other than bhm is an ol' fart?
  18. It's a conspiricy to remind you what and old fart you are Oddly doesn't appear as a new post to me, you must be special T. I don't need to be reminded of how old I am thanks & I'm glad the new dictionary I sent you is helping with most of the smaller words I know why your favourite character is Iron Man
  19. Best: 1.Captain America (W5) 2.C3 Flash (either) 3.Black Symbiote 4.Hulk (W1) 5.Firestar Worst: * 1.Venom (Classic Spiderman) 2.Unmasked Black-Suited Spider-Man .... 'the man with the fattest head you can imagine ' 3.Spider-Man 2099 4.The Beast (W13)....... the 'blue poodle' 5.The Scarlet Witch ..... 'the more-like-pink Witch' *apart from everything that was in a box with 'Lord of the Rings' printed on it.
  20. I suspect it's adding up all the entries and giving that % Where this falls down is that you could select any number of options or even just one, so yeah those %'s are screwy.. T. I totally agree TBT! This post of mine from June 16,2008 appears daily (as a new post) without ammendment,comment,discussion or reply. Why? I was tempted to delete it but I tend to swim against the tide
  21. Worst Mates: 5.Ivan The Terrible 4. ....Ivan's real name* 3.TBT 2.Tanya 1.buttheadsmate....whose real name is ...oh forget it .... *hands up those who got this wrong ! Dear Iriquois Pigskin, .....please may I do this properly later????? Edit: For those who've PM'd me ,chastising me for giving away Ivan's surname ........I can only reveal that 'The Terrible' is not his real name.
  22. Whilst I don't blame you in any way, jjwspider, for purely relating what Underground Toys told you ,it was apparently BS. Could I ask you to please enquire politely (or not) why they fed you it ? Thankyou,bhm. I think I'm just as annoyed as everyone else. I was expecting good news, or at least something, to come from their response. I sent a follow up e-mail to Underground Toys and requested clarification for the information that was relayed to me originally. I also mentioned that the newest Toyfare issue does not seem to indicate anything about the Doctor Who Minimate license. I'll be sure to let everyone know if I get a response and what they mentioned. Thanks again jjwspider . Don't let those Underground Toys people off the hook!
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