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Everything posted by Zylek

  1. I'd be fine with the original but I'm guess they made a new one for the cancelled TDW version.
  2. I'd love a new Volstag too btw, the beard on the first was....not great. I had to hack away at mine with an exacto to make it more pointy.
  3. Wow, that motorcycle looks like the perfect minimate size.
  4. I thought the same thing but there they were in my box, I'm not complaining! Now I have to decide who to make with the Vision Suit body
  5. I can attest to the effectiveness of the poster for marketing, when I first got into minimates, the poster got me interested in all the other characters on it and thus lit the minimate fire!
  6. Being 10 minutes away from Luke has it's perks, I picked up my Daredevil/Punisher and Scarlet Witch/Vision packs today. I LOVE the Daredevil minimate!
  7. I picked up the Lego set with Civil War Spidey in it and it just made me sad we didn't get a minimate version of him.
  8. I've checked quite a few in MN and zilch thus far.
  9. Even if they aren't in the film they still need to put them in a wave because they've been cancelled twice!
  10. Ms Marvel was spot on from the episode last weekend, let's get a MM!
  11. Love the classic Luke Cage homage in the trailer, complete with tiara!
  12. They'll need a couple box sets to cover the Defenders season as the heroes will cover a box all by themselves!
  13. Even more excited for the JJ set after the Luke Cage series trailer!
  14. Yeah I think it's extra footage from Thor TDW mixed with something else that Mark Ruffalo was in.
  15. Sorry that was before you referred to him as Chibi Spidey in the wave 3 thread. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle.
  16. Love! I'll take Animated Vision, Captain Marvel, Ms Marvel, Black Panther and Wasp please! I wonder if MCU Captain Marvel will have that same look since the others match their MCU looks. I know that Tony currently has Friday as his AI assistant but I don't remember what happened to Jarvis. I'd guess they'll use him to make Vision to mirror the MCU.
  17. lol I forgot about that episode. Ms Marvel is on Avengers Assemble next week, maybe we'll see her in the animated wave.
  18. HT Doctor Strange is 100% pure win!!
  19. Pics from SDCC, many wins in this wave! Captain America Hyperion Ant Man Falcon Noir Spidey Squirell Girl!! Bulging Eyes Spidey Jet Pack Spidey (WTF?) So what's next for Spidey? Scuba Spidey, Space Spidey, Sad Eyes Spidey, Angry Eyes Spidey...? the tiny squirrels as awesome accessories!
  20. Jetpack Spidey and Bulging Eyes Spidey....I could do without them but I understand why they are there.
  21. Couldn't agree more, I hope they'll move to 3+ seasons a year next year since 2017 already has Iron Fist and Defenders and we already know DD season 3, JJ season 2 and Punisher are already coming.
  22. I'll be buying a full case so I'll sell the extras to anyone at cost plus shipping.
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