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Everything posted by Shogi

  1. Picked up this Construction set today If you take every other horizontal I beam out, it works pretty well for Minimates
  2. Doc Ock Stickers (I just noticed that the Alt head has sunglasses) Sketch Card! Group Shot! (I still need a few more Spidey Villains)
  3. Got my sets! Really impressed with the sets and both DST and Luke went above and beyond here. I was a bit baffled that Doc Ock came with two figure stands until I realized they're both for his arms Also surprised at the bonus Doc Ock chest sticker in the bonus kit. Made me completely redesign my Suit Octavius custom I've only opened two of my 3 sets, but the second one did have a couple of issues: Missing a Lizard Head (At least I can have Doc Connors ) One of the grabber arms for Doc Ock was switched with a standing arm (IE: I have 3 standing arms and 3 grabber arms instead of 2 standing and 4 grabber) I'm not sure how bad of an issue this actually is
  4. I once had the SDCC Vacation Zombie disappear on me (I think while I was at work) Of course he chose to take off after the price had risen quite a bit but I was lucky and found a loose one on ebay for a cheap price to replace him
  5. I also got a shipping confirmation! Can't wait to start setting up a scarred spidey running from this group of foes
  6. I went back and looked at the Deadly Foes of Spiderman comics, there's a lot of villains I really don't care about in there. Running through all the ones that are already Minimates, most of the main ones are already done so I wouldn't mind seeing a set of villains from the 90's animated series. Anchor it with the cartoon Doc Ock, have a couple of updates with Chameleon & Hobgoblin and toss in a new character with Doppelganger
  7. Seconded! I just saw the bit about sticker application by Dr. Curt Connors
  8. I would be in for some of these (especially any Jason or Ash figures)
  9. Since the Aliens line, I've picked up the Rocketeer and a chrome T-800. The Rocketeer figure isn't as detailed as I'd like for a retro looking figure (the accessories are great though!) and I'm loving the chrome T-800. The detailing is good and the chrome is a nice touch
  10. Yeah I've got the MvC Spiderman as my default for Red and Blue and the wave 43 Spidey for Black Costume (I like the blue highlights best)
  11. I'll definitely be using the webbed Doc Ock Face if not more of the stickers. I've used one of Luke's sets in the past with fantastic results, the stickers are top notch! All of the sculpted pieces are wonderful and exactly what I was hoping for
  12. Got in my SDCC set today and promptly cut up a spare JJJ coat
  13. I think I'm more excited about this set than most of the other SDCC exclusives, but I don't have a classic Mystque yet and I have some spare Rick Grimes coats that Wolvie will be wearing
  14. If they make different colors of thermal paint, I want a black spidey that changes to Peter Parker with heat
  15. I just realized I posted in the wrong thread that I received mine
  16. Look who made their way to my computer desk today! Thanks Shanester and Zach!
  17. Yay, my customs can remain relevant and not get replaced by official ones
  18. This is where I saw the mention of London Toy Fair. After looking more in the site it appears everything that was shown had no actual release dates on them so it's very possibly that the line is cancelled
  19. I hadn't heard about CB being cancelled, but I haven't been keeping tabs on it either. I just assumed since the newest wave with the 12th doctor was shown at the London Toy Fair that the toyline was still being made
  20. I thought the whole thing with Doctor Who mates was that (like Thundercats Minimates) someone commissioned designs from DST then decided to pass on making them. Considering the Character Building Micro Figures are still being made, I feel fairly sure we can forget about Doctor Who Minimates Though I wouldn't mind being wrong about this
  21. No wonder I didn't notice this when I saw Xmen at a Cinemark's not happening in my state
  22. As to how bling bags are packaged, Here's a few I've gotten: Kreo/Lego/Mega Bloks - figure parts in a bag Knex - figure parts in tissue paper inside a bag Garbage Pail Kids - figure in a sealed bag inside of main bag (Larger packs have a window that shows one of the 4 figures inside) Minecraft - figure in a blister/bubble square inside a bag Vinyls - figure in a bag inside of a sealed box I'm typically the one looking at codes and feeling the bags because it's rare that I want every figure from a bagged line. This is why I love Kreo, they have easily readable codes that tell you what figure is in what bag and they don't change the codes during the series' run like Mega Bloks will. Sure it takes away the "Blind Purchase" of the Blind Bag, but I'm also getting the figures I want and not spending money I don't have to. Lego Movie Blind Bags got me to purchase more than usual because the codes were a little hard to read but I liked most of the figures offered so It didn't matter too much if I didn't get my main wants the first time around. Lego Simpsons hasn't seen one dime of my money because I only want Burns and I can't read the codes so well on the packages.
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