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Everything posted by DSTZach

  1. They were solicited through Previews a while back. I think they hit stores in July. The 25th or somesuch. And Thing's boot was not on all the way. He's fine.
  2. For you, Mini-Myte: For everyone else:
  3. Hope actually doesn't come with a Phoenix base (tray shot above is final), but I assume everyone here has one? And Colossus is tough to shoot -- the eye holes are DEEP -- but they gave him a new, bigger torso that lines up with the helmet. It's pretty neat. And since he has a hole for the helmet, you can put hair on him if you like.
  4. I wouldn't judge the set based on one quick tray shot. I'm not even sure all the parts are on tight in that pic. But I'm gonna shoot those next. Haven't really even had the chance to play with any of them except Skadi, and I love her to bits.
  5. More pics here, too: Hope with guns, Colossus punching things...
  6. For those of you who like vanilla Minimates, Cyclops has a present for you: Oh, and here's some awful photographs of cool things:
  7. Undeadpool beat me to it! A lot of changes to the figures -- Iron Man has a helmet now, and I finally saw Hawkeye's arrows and Odin's staff. So, so awesome. Here's some just for you guys: Oh, and IM wears his helmet in the box, his hair goes down by Hawkeye, I just got excited.
  8. An authors set is something I'd love to do. (Oscar Wilde! Isaac Asimov!) Especially Poe, since DST is based in Baltimore. Also, an artists set -- Van Gogh, Picasso, Dali, etc. You know, to stand next to Luke's Artmates. :biggrin:
  9. I'll see what I can do. I have some early samples of the ladies, but no packaged samples. Been meaning to shoot them. No, one piece. But anything can be separated into two pieces with enough determination. They appear to be! They're called the same thing on the control art. Week or two? Not very long ago. Asked for a right and got two more lefts. I sent that example picture I posted a page or two back and everything. It's really hard to tell, so maybe our CS rep just made a mistake. You can always ask again. The Jean DeWolff beret is a little flat, but the Adrian one isn't too bad, depending on how military you want it. Not sure that Falcon beret is gonna cut it.
  10. If you asked for a right, and they didn't send you a right, I can only assume it was an error or they simply didn't have any rights. You can always ask again. How long ago was this? Tray shots...
  11. My Hulk has a right and a left, for what it's worth. But man, it's hard to tell just by looking. My Red Hulk MIGHT have two rights, but I may just be tired. I only have trays for the shared sets, but here's some shots of MODOK's components for the curious: Not sure why I didn't shoot the base separately, but the peg on the booster effect is centered, not off-center.
  12. Just saw this today, and now all I want is a Bob Harris custom Minimate Lincoln with a silver-tipped axe. Also, Had low, low expectations, despite enjoying Bekmambetov's work, for the most part. So it didn't have to do too much to surpass them. Compared to recent vampire flicks, it was just as good as Priest and almost as good as Daybreakers, even in 2D. Anyone see that movie about invisible aliens eating energy in Moscow? I think Bekmambetov produced it -- that one's pretty good, too. Not a lot of time for characterization, but it takes its time at the end after rushing through the beginning. Alan Tudyk's role is far too small, but oh well. Anyone see The Raven? That's next on my list. I want a Poe Minimate.
  13. It's X-Men vs. Avengers, so somebody could totally win this. Although, mathematically speaking, I think a tie is more probable, a 3-and-1 is entirely possible.
  14. How peculiar. I'll check mine, and take some tray shots of Cap/Ryu and Doom/Wesker.
  15. Shouldn't be. There will be 2 different AFX sets. IIRC the 80's property one will be the start of a new license. Personally, I'm rooting for Star Trek The Next Generation. Didn't Zach say it was from a license with all nonhuman characters? Whoa whoa whoa. I never said word one about the AFX sets, except that they were bananas, and that that wasn't a clue. Don't put words in my mouth, or Pat will have my bananas for breakfast
  16. Yeah, I have packaged samples of Series 3.
  17. Fill any holes for anybody? Hopefully, the line will last long enough that we'll do a "Savage Marrina" figure somewhere down the road.
  18. Not sure if Puck comes with one set of feet or both or what. I'll ask.
  19. Northstar comes with both hair pieces, it says so on Facebook.
  20. If you go to the galleries on, you can see some others. Series 43 is up there, and if you go back to the last pages there are Man With No Name sheets, with plenty more in between. Moms and kids may shop at TRU, but they probably won't go vote in a poll off of the TRU homepage. And just posted the story on the site and on social media, so expect Marvel reader to weigh in. Protector might have a shot!
  21. We still occasionally ask, but the DC license is pretty tied up with other companies. Not a lot of room for us. And don't compare it to Marvel -- different companies, different business strategies. And Brewer is no longer with DC Direct, sadly.
  22. We're already giving you a ton of removable parts with that Iron Man. You can take the boots and thigh covers off to complete the transformation, so I wouldn't glue anything unless you only want one of the looks. Or plan to buy two.
  23. Have you read any of his Avengers work at all? Or just nothing recent? Every writer has something they've done that didn't work, but I admire the way Bendis will play with format and try not to tell a standard story. And I must admit, I love his banter. Well, I wouldn't say that formal play or invention is a strength of Bendis as a writer; as a matter of fact, I'd say that one of his big drawbacks is that almost all of his work reads the same. There's a fine line between "having a style" and 'having no versatility", and I think Bendis falls on the latter side. As for his banter, well, to each their own, but I generally feel that he forces characters to fit his dialog, rather then adapting his dialog to fit the characters, if you know what I mean. He seems to just blindly ignore long-established personalities, which I don't think is a good trait for the guy that's basically been the architect of the Marvel Universe for the last decade. Say what you want about Geoff Johns, but at least he's devoted to the characters (even if it's sometimes to his detriment). Hey, Bendis has been very successful; he's turned the Avengers into the spine of the Marvel Universe, something no one else has managed to do. But, for all his success, he's a very, very flawed writer. Never said he did great characterization, I just like that he will have a character tell the story to someone else, or have a couple of characters shooting the breeze about random stuff. Never been a huge Bagley fan, but I like some of the more atmospheric, less "Marvel School" artists Bendis has been associated with. (Gaydos, Maleev, etc.)
  24. Lily's brother is a werewolf, as well, so there must be werewolf blood on their mother's side. Or they were both coincidentally bitten by werewolves. It might be common in their world, like a tick bite. Not sure if vampirism is hereditary, and not entirely sure Lily is definitely a vampire, need to check my reference material.
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