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Everything posted by Amazing.JL

  1. You'd think a pimp would have unlimited space.
  2. I'm gonna say Hawkgirl even though I have a custom of her. More mini-boobies are always Welcomed!
  3. Ahhh feels much better here, just came back from over there. That design just gave me a migrane.
  4. You also might want to think that DST has to pay AA and Marvel a piece of the pie which imo impacts their profits. I agree with Ady and the reasoning behind all the wolverines and spider-mans which we all know. I think we are all sick of them, but know they need to be integrated into the lines to a certain extent for continued success. But do we really need two battle damaged Spideys? (How many would have preferred Iron Spidey?) How many times are we going to pay for a non-masked and masked wolverine? You know Masked Astonishing Wolverine is coming right around the corner. DST lacks creativity when making Spidey/Wolverine variants. My main problem is the lack of villains and getting some B-C list characters. Sometimes I feel tortured with the crap design of some of these waves.
  5. Thanks Ivan for sharing the pic. This license will be interesting.
  6. LOL, Clever Danny you've earned a star!
  7. Yeah they are sweet and considering them. If it weren't for legends and minimates I'd definitely pick them up. I already pick up most DC Direct figs.
  8. Yep great tradition, great pics T.
  9. Edited: I understand were you're coming from drgnrbrn316, Yes true DST has been a slow turtle, but maybe they'll pick up steam heading into the end of the year. Minimates imo have pretty much been a specialty market item. Yes they have released Mass Market packs but they haven't made a big splash and have not had the best sales which in turn only Target has bought into minimates and not the other big retailers. In the meantime I believe AA is at least being creative in the licenses to bring more minimates to the market. Keep in mind that there are other heavy hitters fighting it out trying to get the big name licenses. I see Speed Racer and these Rocky mates as stepping stones to better and greater things.
  10. Excellent news, hopefully they make them.
  11. Hmmm...don't know what to think. According to some reports from the Spider-Man 3 panel, Raimi showed unfinished footage and one in which Brock is all Vemon-ed out complete with the gigantic eyes, ebony costume and wild, fang-like teeth.
  12. I must have been wasted, I didn't even notice they have a new pilot, The President and Mr. Patch from the modern series.
  13. Thanks T for getting these for the members. (He then wonders why he's a ) ====================================================== btw, you can take me off the list.
  14. Awesome work again Base, I'm lovin THE INVICIBLE 4-PACK
  15. Sweet a 4 pack, Another darn variant package.
  16. Awesome T , man wish I was there. Can't wait for the pics.
  17. That mass market packaging look a bit too big for 4 minis. I hate getting a big box to then be dissappointed on how small the contents were.
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