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Everything posted by Amazing.JL

  1. I've been a radical for about 4 years I think and have never gotten anything except stickers. Although possible, I'm still guessing it's from the target thing because they're giving out blanks like at conventions and one lucky winner gets a Jilver Bider-Man. Yes? No? If it were radical, I would've expected something in 2005/2006. Can someone share the return Address?
  2. There has been no announcement as to when Bendis will leave. Bagley is leaving however. I really haven't been too impressed with the Ultimate crossovers too much either, just not as horrible as the regular universe crossovers. They aren't actual crossovers as they don't involve the other books like in the regular universe. I would call them events, if even. Ultimate Six was completely pointless. The rest gave us Ultimate SS, Vision, and Captain Marvel. What the hell happen to Ultimate Power?
  3. I enjoy the ultimate universe because it's kinda new and there aren't many stupid crossovers like Civil War. Waiting for Ultimates is a drag, hope Leob does something interesting with the book. I purposely think that Joe Q purposely is sabotaging the regular universe for the Ultimate Universe. After Bendis leaves Ultimate Spider-man, the Ultimate Universe will die.
  4. ^It's death if you ask me. Very expensive. Ghost Rider sales will be crap and Avengers will have the best. This will impact SM3 17/18 wave sales. I just don't get the idea behind releasing them all together, it's insane. I'm afraid of what this might do to the line. (Hopefully it doesn't mean a huge drought like 2005) In addition to this, on 7/4 we get DC Wave 4. I'm more pissed about having 18 cases + boxsets waiting a week for me at the shop. WTF couldn't they release them a week earlier at least, I'm on a plane on 7/25! God I hope the dates change.
  5. Thanks for the article. I stumbled upon some of these pics a few days ago and couldn't find where they were from. Do you mind telling us which issue of Toy Fare this was from? I prefered these Batman/Superman versions over what was eventually released. Yeah I wanted that gargoyle set too. I think if they had ever released the Javelin 7, it would have made money. The mini-javelin was kinda stupid of you ask me.
  6. You'll need to check the definitive lists to see what was release. You can check some out at Your only way to pick these up is from someone here(wants/haves lists) or on ebay. They have been scarce to track down. Here is the definitive list and it has some pics. Outside of this list, the LOTR Sauron minimates had a mask.
  7. Like your sig hyejinx1984, how about a whole pic of that woman? Is it sue storm?
  8. Glad you were able to score that Batcopter. Congrats man!
  9. I agree with you TBT. Everyone here should know that members on this board will try to help anyway they can for those that cannot make the show. Plus we still have no idea if anything will be available on-line or if other minimates exclusives will be available. The constant requests is demotivating. Posting it everywhere is of no use.
  10. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE AND WHAT LINE ARE THEY FROM? They are characters from the New BattleStar Galactica TV show. BTW, is an all caps post really necessary? Zarek: Roslin:
  11. I'm going to have to go with 1.) Grey Hulk 2.) Venom 3.) Green Goblin
  12. Not in the current previews. I'd expect it to show up within the next two previews.
  13. Like everyone has said, you can still submit your Taskmaster as an entry unless you want to do something else to be different. You have a little over a week to submit an entry. With contests, there is no way to control multiple entries of the same character.
  14. I personally would like something in the Marvel Comic arena knowing that we are getting a lot of movie minimates this year. Any extra exclusives (BSG/DC) would be great too.
  15. Sweet! Can't wait to put in my order. Thanks for the update
  16. Because of the minimates release on 7/25 and other things, looks like I'm getting sqweezed out of my SDCC time. I might only end up being there for 2 days. :angry2:
  17. Cool! I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be awesome!
  18. Note: Moved from the Villain-Mates Contest Thread.
  19. I see it the same way Ivan, especailly now that DST has aquired AA. I can see that things will be a lot more smoother now, especially in the transition of product approvals/negotiations and such.
  20. Holy Sh*t! I really think it's good news eventhough some have shown concern over DC Minimates. Heard bits from time to time so not really surprised and wondered if it could ever happen.
  21. Holy Sh*t! I really think it's good news eventhough some have shown concern over DC Minimates. Not really surprised and wondered if it could ever happen.
  22. Nice bell bottoms. Looks more realistic, especially with the new tail. Great detail all around, love the vest and ears. Your hair peices are getting better and better. Keep it up man!
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