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TM2 Dinobot

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Everything posted by TM2 Dinobot

  1. Well, I've seen everything to finish out the series. About 3 weeks ago, I found MORDAK and MOJO shipping in the same cases. I just got back from WWD and saw everything I could have wanted. Ironicly enough, the one wave I want, the Villains wave, I've never seen. And my problem is, I want the figures but not the pieces. I'm not willing to bay $10 for a $4 figure. The build-a-bear can bite me. The only one I ever wanted was the Sentinel. So, ya know, if any one feels like hooking me up with some loose figures...
  2. Sadly thats not true Good thing that's not true. I'd have to kill someone if Felicia was in it.
  3. Well, the BSG line, I saw three pieces from wave 3. I've never seen the show, and I don't know who they were, but there were 2 dressed the same. Take that as you will. I also thanked him for so many girls in BSG. I like girls, even if they are flat chested. He said there's gona be at least 3 in wave 2, and possibly the chase. I don't think anything past wave 1 has been announced. Me: "Cereal mates. WTF?" Matt: "Yeah, I know. That was Art Asylum's fault. We had NOTHING to do with that." A few other points. DST actually called DCD and begged them to make their minimates 2" and not 2.5". They wouldn't go for it though. I just found it interesting that one company would call another about their own line like that. Also, apparently "Star Trek fans will have to be happy with the action figure line." Yay!
  4. I saw a quick clip in there with Gwen.
  5. I just got mine this weekend for $14. I figured that was a great price. The debate now is if to open it or sell it. Thoughts?
  6. Okay, so I just got back from Wizard World Dallas. There I spent a lot of time talking to Matt from DST. We had a great time and he really quelled some of my fears. The funniest part had to be the beginning. *walks up* me: Some nice stuff you've got here Matt: Thanks. Let me know if you've got any questions. Me: Okay. I represent part of the online minimate community... Matt: Oh God, not you people... LOL. Anyways, I saw some great stuff. Here is some recap. I'm not sure what I can say and what I can't, but I'll try to just relay some stuff. Every one needs to hold out till Feb at least. That's when we're gona start seeing some stuff again. We're gona be getting a ton of stuff then (hopefully) so just hang on a little longer! Marvel: X3 mates, Wolvy will have new claw hands (and maybe something extra). Tentative Marvel waves through 17 are set. Yes, some of our prayers are answered in them. I suggested a Villains wave and a Female wave. He seemed very open to both ideas and said he'd definitely pass them along, especially the Villains(!) Matt said it was his personal goal to get an Aunt May out there. He also said that, while there will always be heavy hitters, we can expect a mild break. However, there is a Spiderman heavy wave coming up (happy!) he couldn't say who was in it though. Think SM3. We talked about it and he jumped at the idea of a Mysterio. BSG mates. Wave 3 is in production, they just haven't revealed them yet. I saw some of the pieces (sorry, can't say) I got to play with the new Cylons. They have a regular head under the helmet. So, yes, they're a regular mate underneath. More classic BSG, according to Matt, will prolly not happen within the next five years. The new series is hot and they're going to be milking it for all they're worth. TF/GI Joe. To quote Matt directly "We tried to get the liscence and Hasbro pwned our ass" They pulled every favor they had and still nothing. However, they'll try it again. DC. I asked about the reuse of Marvel/DC/BSG/SF pieces, DC/Marvel especially. Basically what he said was DCD works through Art Asylum who actually molds the stuff and then gives it to DCD to sell. So if Art Asylum would care to rent out an already molded piece to DST, they may chose to do so. I'm not sure if it goes the other way around or not. Street Fighter wave 2. "More likely now than 2 months ago." Convention exclusives mates: expect them next year. We just had a really great time. I forgot how much I love all the DST guys. Please don't give Matt a hard time. he seemed kinda scared that he'd say something that I would relate that would get him in trouble. Over all I had a really great time!
  7. Looking at the list my dude sent... I really wish I'd have put more than 3 things on mine. >.>
  8. Okay, I got Shocler and Mad Jack a few weeks back and finialy got Stealth Venom. I'm not sure which I like better. All three suffer from design problems (as with most of ToyBiz's stuff. I sware, they found out they lost the liscence and they stopped caring) Shocker's arm keeps falling off, so does Mad Jack's leg, and Venom's torso is a little loose. I "fixed" all three with some nail polish. They seem to be working well now. This must have been the non-torso-bendy wave. All three swivle at the waist and that's it. They have "action" feature. Venom can move his mouth (less then the regular version it seems) Shocker can shoot missiled out of his nonarticulated arms, as well as being a wind up toy that viberates. Yes, you read that right. Mad Jack, if you push the button on her back, her head lights up. She also had a stupid feature of "flingging" some seriously oversized pumpkin bombs. Seriously, these things are bigger than her head. Reminds me of the first Beast Machines Primal with his "I fling poo!" action. And whoever designed her glider, well... it cant sit up straight even when she'd not on it. Stealth Venom is okay, he's the same as the black version. He was a little darker then I expected, they used a smokey plastic. If you catch him just right however, he has a blue tint. I went over mine with glow in the dark yellow wash, biving him a kind of radioactive feel. Over all, I give Shocker 3.5 out of 5, Mad Jack 4 out of 5 and Venom 4 out of 5. He loses a point for repedativeness of his superior predacessor. Understand however that I would have gotten these toys no matter what. Now all I need is the "Ultimite" villians, a few movie toys, earlier SMC toys and the box sets. if any one knows where I can get the Sinister Six, Urban Legends and Ulitmite Foes, would you let me know?
  9. Emma looks like a panties model.
  10. No, lets get this show on the road. They had like a month, and if they didn't do it while hey were thinking about it, well, ya snooze ya loose. Here's a question. Should we not open presents till Christmas? Or maybe the 22nd, to make sure every one got theirs but we open them and discuss on the same day?
  11. I would not be adverse to ownign a Ghost Rider or Spidey. But no Black Cat yet...
  12. They're being released as 2 packs? How does that even work? There hasn't been any info as to how these are being released yet. Mail-away seems to be the most likely scenario but I imagine that would be single figs as opposed to 2-packs. Right, but I was just giving an example
  13. I think that was a frelling stupid contest. And, yes, I am sore that I didn't win.
  14. I've got Venom, Goblin, Dov Ock and chase Spidey .v1 I could use some more spidey ones if people feel like hooking me up? What was wave 3 slated to have?
  15. Wow, holy crap. THAT'S what we're talking about?!?! I was thinking those awful little things that you can print out, that liiks like chicklits on steroids. Yeah, there's no way I'd ever own one of those things.
  16. Oh wow. You're right. I totally did not know about that one. I was comparing it to regular Thing and then Man In The Iron Mask Thing. I can't believe I never got that one.
  17. Hmmm... the only thing that intrests me about these? The feet. Some of us have been trying to figure out for months how to make shorter Minimates. I think that the feet, while they look odd, are a great idea. I don't like that the heads are all one molded piece. Other then that, these look fairly cool. Now... if we can get them in cereal as a mail in, or get them for sale super cheap. Cause I am NOT paying $5.99+ for a 2 pack of these!
  18. Oh. I missed that line. That makes sence now! Like I said, I wasn't mad, and I knew I couldn't enter. I was just... thrown off.
  19. Okay, the 2 things that catch me eye? Obviously the Transparent Phenoix. I always like transparent stuff. Secondly? That's a new Thing. We haven't had a big chested oen yet dressed like that, and the wrap around skull cap is new.
  20. I actually only have 1 question... WHAY IS THIS THREAD HERE?!?!?! Seriously, who's brilliant idea was it to stick it in the DC/C3 forum? If anything, It belongs in Infinite Minimates where the rest have been, or in the defunct Minimates of Christmas Past. This has NOTHING to do with DC/C3. I'm not mad, just pointing that out.
  21. Mirage isn't out yet. And Hot Roc kicked all kinds of butt. Rodimus Prime even more so. You're just jelous
  22. Which is now dead. Well... not dead, it's just...uh... resting. They are actually claiming that. After the movie bombs, they'll bring it back in a vain attempt to try and keep the TF fans sweet IMO Yeah, prolly. Rumble and Ravage II are the last of the Alts. IF they bring the line back, it'll be late 08/09 soemtime. IF. And since Tomy Takara isn't doing Transformers any more at all...
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