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Everything posted by ImABarRoomHero

  1. Well, I'm a man that enjoys polls. Also, there have been a lot of hints from DST that we will be seeing a lot of new characters next year that will make us happy. So, I figured why not make a one stop spot to find what the Multiverse wants most. You have the option to pick more than one if you can't make up your mind as well. If I have missed any characters please let me know and I will add it.
  2. So I'm really wanting to talk about this. Especially the last ish (18: Dark Angel Conclusion). I for one think this entire series has been amazing so far, and all though I feel there have been better issues, this one was fairly amazing. Also, I want to see what people were thinking about some things.... Sorry, I'm really excited about this series and don't have enough nerd friends to talk to about it..
  3. That Giant-Man immediately makes me hopeful for a Ghost.
  4. Confirmed where? By whom? I thought it had been. No it is not, or at least the article I had read in which I thought it was confirmed in is not posted anymore. It is now one of those 99% sure rumor things.
  5. And the Avengers respond by putting together a world wide petition against it!
  6. Plot has already been confirmed. Loki uses the cosmic cube, this brings notice from the Skrulls and apparently Thanos (Thanos has only been mentioned). And they all come and have lunch on Earth.
  7. Never....never again Toys r us....not until after cold......need a shower....
  8. /Like Huzzah to the Mates of Mini!
  9. Yeah I just got laid off last Wednesday. Luckily I kind of felt it coming and cut some bills and stashed some cash. Good luck though man. Luckily, there are a lot of jobs hiring right now, well at least according to the news...and my area.
  10. Maybe we should become EXTREMELY anti-Kang and see if reverse psychology can thwart the DST way of thinking....Worked for continuing Spider-Men/Wolverines.....sorta.
  11. I might be able to get you a Warlock/Magik 2-pack if you still need one. There was one left at a local TRU. I've checked two TRUs in Central NY and still nothing for Wave 12. Ooo, that would be awesome. However, per my wife, no more buying until after Christmas....She didn't say anything about trading though MWA HAHAHAHA!!! Sorry.... /endofthreadhijack
  12. Nothing in the 3 TRU Omaha, NE area. I did however find a Shatterstar/Cannonball pack which I would LOVE to trade for a Warlock/Magick
  13. I really feel that placing them in the "Superhero Squad" aisle is a bad idea. I've had to direct a bunch of my friends there after getting "dude they're sold out" phone calls.
  14. I think everyone's upset that Psylocke didn't get a new head sculpt. I wanted Storm to have a new one as well. Unfortunately, I can't pass up two X-women... It'll be a while before we get anymore! I know a lot of people will probably not agree with me, but I really hope they have am X-Force variant for her.
  15. Haaaaaappy Birfday!!!! Looks like everybody got you the same thing. Well, I got you a gift receipt. :biggrin:
  16. Grats on the good buys! So pumped when I found Cable finally, and X was a total surprise when I got her. She's standing pretty next to my XF Wolvie, Wade, Warpath and Warren.
  17. Now officially the end of Pre-Orders. Wonder if maybe they just haven't updated the totals... Hoping these end up being made one way or another.
  18. Yes yes I can, don't know why I didn't think of that before. Thanks man, that's a way better idea.
  19. Hey guys, I was curious if anyone has come across a Red Skull concept drawing. Movie or comic will work fine. I just need a Skull minimate face for photoshop editing that does not have any curvatures or light reflection.
  20. There are plenty of other things that seem kind of spooky happening in 2012. Do I believe they will end the world? No, but spooky none the less. We have solar storms/flares (only thing scary about this is the discussion I over heard at work, and where I work does not allow me to discuss what I heard as it is for the military, nuff said. Of course it was speculation.). Also, we have planet alignment. Potential for epic seismic events as well as minor polar shifts. One thing I find interesting that is sort of the same subject is the fact a lot of folks seem to think this insane weather we have been getting this year and last has something to do with the end of times. Of course, anything is possible, but again after doing some research you will notice that it is very common to hear "This is the worst we've seen in 100 years". Well, there is a theory and it's one that I believe in, that the Earth shifts about a single degree diagonally off it's axis and shifts back, this takes a year and happens every hundred years or so. Anyway, it will be interesting to see these things occur next year. However, if anything catastrophic occurs. I believe it will be caused by PEOPLE freaking out and causing mass hysteria. Sorry, thought way to into this.
  21. Well, that's great! I hear it starts with an earthquake. Then all the birds and snakes and aeroplanes.....Don't even get me started on Lenny Bruce and how he's not afraid.
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