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Everything posted by ImABarRoomHero

  1. Just picked this up, really didn't want to, but my LCS dude crushed the box and said 11.99, damaged box. Kind of had to. Going to attempt a current Rogue custom with the hood.
  2. There's a Cold Miser at my Target for 2.50 right now.
  3. On Facebook Zachary said one less Dormammu two mor deadpools so I think it's 3 4 4 6
  4. I'm usin my wife's right now. The fact the magnetic sensor puts it to sleep is nice and it provides great screen protection, it does not however have any backside aluminum case coverage at all. What she does is she uses the smart cover but carries it in a small iPad sized carrying case, kind of gets best of both worlds.
  5. Just got my packs tonight. Dormammu is awesome. Kind of wish he came with a fire flight stand, but the fact that both the Phoenix set and Dormammu set came with standard circle stands is totally killer, thanks DST.
  6. Definitely send it then. Let DST know they have the tears of children on their hands now. Mwa hahaha!
  7. Wait, but I thought you had one....but..... Uh-Oh!
  8. Just got the rest of the wave lastnight. It was a battle though, tripped over not one or two, but THREE children running wildly, leashless, waving their Christmas gift cards willy nilly throughout the air. Damn my Toy's R Us for putting the new waves in the Toy Story/Disney/Superhero Squad aisle.
  9. If you voted early make sure to re-vote, lots of the new choices don't have enough love!
  10. Can't believe I forgot to add Faustus, one of my favorite characters from the pre-600's Brubaker Cap. Anyway, regardless of what is made in the future, I am absolutely flattered, as we all should be, that DST is taking this much of our input into what comes out next. Also, I really hope this poll can help solve some arguments of who should come out next. There's about 50 spaces left for new characters if anyone else wants to add any. Just let me know!
  11. Yay, my wife came home after Christmas shopping with a Cap and Crossbones, and she even let me have it before Christmas! It is a wonderful life after all!
  12. Haha love it! And I thought I did well with my quick Norman-Wisseau variant on my avatar.
  13. I support this, I enjoy FF thoroughly. One of my favorite new series.
  14. Added a bunch more, mainly not gonna happens, but put them on anyway.
  15. Top 5 Mates so far. 1. Baron Zemo (23) 2. Kang (21) 3. Falcon (21) 4. Winter Soldier (17) 5. Black Knight (16) Interesting.
  16. As far as we know at the moment, Genesis only flew, had super speed and strength.
  17. List has been updated, to change your vote just click on delete vote and redo it.
  18. Top of my head as well as remembering various past threads. I can add some, and isn't there already a Tarantula? Added some more.
  19. Yes, and original just because of the Burns thing.
  20. not that there is anything wrong with that. Haha, I totally set myself up for that. Wow, surprised that Zemo has maintained a 1 point lead over Kang.
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