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Everything posted by Valo487

  1. My girlfriend picked these up for my at the comic shop near her house, it's the only place anywhere nearby that carries 'mates, now I have to wait till she brings them over. It's cool. I can wait. Not a problem........bah!!
  2. SHIELD Army Builder I'm sure. Or can you think of anyone better? Nope, that sounds pretty good to me. Preferably the blue and white look, since we got the Army style look in the Ultimates wave.
  3. Wrecking Crew. While there are characters I'd really like to suggest just so they'd get made, Wrecking Crew would likely never get made outside of a box set, and since there's four members, and it's a four pack......WRECKING CREW!! Please.
  4. In retrospect, I think what bothers me about this is what it likely means for other 'Mates I'd really like to see. I've always thought Captain America could support a wave with his characters, like Falcon, Winter Soldier, Crossbones, Zemo, Zemo variant perhaps? Also, this would also mean that a Masters of Evil set is a long way from happening. Maybe when the Captain America movie comes out we'll see a change.
  5. "Since you have stated there are currently no plans for everyone’s favorite purple Avenger villain…Kang! What are the chances for a minimate of everyone’s second favorite purple Avenger villain…Baron Zemo? Preferably Helmut Zemo, Heinrich was a doofus. DSTChuck: I’ve got to be honest with you, I’m not sure Zemo has really been seriously discussed." Umm.....ok? I have to say, I really don't understand this one. Baron Zemo is arguably Captain America's second biggest villain after the Red Skull, as well as the leader of the Masters of Evil, who have been mentioned as a potential boxset pretty much since Giant Size X-Men came out several years ago, and he's not been seriously discussed? I know sometimes they're vague because they don't want to give stuff away, but the response Chuck gave leads me to believe that's not the case here. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset or angry about this, just puzzled why one of the big name Marvel villains who has been around for so long and posed a major threat to Captain America and the Avengers hasn't ever been on the table. Thoughts? Opinions? Should I get a life? That last one's a joke, but feel free, haha.
  6. I guess I'll pick it up, but I think they're wasting the publicity that a movie release gives them. What will sell better, a comic two pack with an Iron Man armor with one of his very underrepresented villains, or this, a two pack featuring a guy in a shirt and a girl in a dress? Iron Man/Mandarin > Two civilians who the casual observer has NO IDEA are Iron Man related. Good thing the packaging has IRON MAN in huge letters all over it.
  7. Sorry to continue the tangent, I can't believe they let Jeph "I once had talent" Loeb come in and demolish the entire Ultimate Universe which took several years to build and for absolutely no legitimate story-telling reason. Who green-lit this crap? Oh wait, the same guy who OK'ed that Spidey deal with the not quite devil story.....
  8. Finally found them in Chesapeake VA!! Took long enough, haha. Now who's in Wave 6??
  9. Checked today before work, and.....nothing. Although some idiot put all the Superhero Squad toys on their second peg, I promptly moved them back where they're supposed to go. See what I've been reduced to? I'm doing someone's job for them and get no 'mates as a reward!! There should be a support group for people like me. Aside from Idiots with Too Much Time on Their Hands Anonymous. (IWTMTOTHA FTW!!)
  10. Where in VA? I'm in the Richmond area, and the wave has hit here. Chesapeake/Portsmouth area. This TRU has been really good about getting 'mates in, but so far no sign of these, I haven't checked today though.
  11. I could be imagining this, but I could have sworn one of the Q+A's had an answer that seemed to reference Toad, that's what I was thinking of, but I don't know for sure if it was a Q+A or something else.
  12. It'd be nice if they followed these up with some Brotherhood box sets, through the ages from the beginning to the modern ones. We've seen a lot of Cyclops, Jean and Beast, there are villainous mutants too.....hint hint.
  13. I think I read that too, it rings a bell. Does anyone else recall this?
  14. Nothing in VA. Again. I wonder though, because stores have been so busy from the holidays, are they restocking everything heavily, or only on what's selling through? I compressed the 'mates still on the pegs so they look more empty than they were, but nothing has changed so far.
  15. I wouldn't say I "love it" but I'm cool with it if it helps get more villains like Spymaster who wouldn't stand a chance otherwise. At least I have something I can do with all the Iron Man armors, as there's no right one, they're all different versions, like models of a car. You can have all of them standing side by side, instant Hall of Armors. Cool! Stand all the Spideys side by side, instant Clone Saga. *shudder*
  16. Still nothing in VA. I must say, my enthusiasm has died down a bit, I still want them of course but the excitement has worn through.
  17. Well another day, another big bag of nothing here in The Glorious Commonwealth.© Maybe tomorrow.... I also second whoever said to mix it up more in the TRU series, as the big names that allegedly sell sure aren't moving here. If you must give us them, pack them with someone who would never ever sell by themselves, like the Spot or something.
  18. Well I checked again today, still nothing, but Toys R Us was a madhouse, I mean cars everywhere and a sea of people inside. To everyone who is searching this weekend, Godspeed.
  19. I hope DST/AA uses the awareness of Iron Man to get us more comic based Iron Man characters in addition to the movie ones we've seen. It's always been bizarre to me when movie toy lines from any company seem to be made up of about 19 versions of the main character, two or three of the villain, and maybe if you're lucky some ancillary characters. IMHO, they should do what Hasbro's Superhero Squad did with the Spider-Man movie line, they had movie characters like Naked Green Power Ranger Villain.....I mean Green Goblin, Doc Ock, Venom, Sandman and New Goblin. But they also had Lizard, Puma, Black Cat, Rhino, Scorpion, and Mysterio. I hope they mix it up a bit. Even though Iron Man has had a million armors, don't forget he has a supporting cast besides Pepper Potts, and lots of villains, including a certain RINGed fellow who's been around since day one and is still unmade......
  20. Well no sign of these in VA, hopefully soon, I've been wanting Swordsman ever since the news broke, and I really like Titanium Man a lot more after seeing the photos from Fwoosh.
  21. No sign at mine tonight, although I didn't really expect them, usually a few days after you guys find them they turn up here. They had a lot of the Secret Wars set though. I was glad to see the Marvel Mates pegs rather barren, so hopefully we'll see more Mates in the future(at better ratios.) I can't complain because I've never been unable to find any of them at TRU, but I'll pick up what other people need if there are any takers. I'm claiming the Swordsman/Surfer pack, and the two old guys for myself, but whatever doubles there are I don't mind picking up, I'll post whenever they turn up and let you guys know what I have.
  22. Any and all of them, I honestly don't care aside from Zemo, he's the only one I feel must be made, anyone else is just icing on the cake. I have ones I'd prefer, but I have wanted a Zemo for a while, and any new villain is great to me, so I'm not picky about the rest.
  23. I never really liked the Sandman from that set as Sandman, but I liked using his removable face as another mask for Chameleon, as it allows him to blend into the crowd as an everyman when he's not being JJJ.
  24. Well I decided to update the list, one because Vulture was announced, and also because I'm conceding defeat on my wish for a Xorneto 'mate, as the time to make him would have been a few years ago when the story was still fresh, now if they make him I doubt he'd be in the NEW X-Men uniform since the look has been gone a while now. Anyway.... *Blizzard *The Mandarin *Pyro *Klaw *Boomerang *Toad *The Lizard *Baron Zemo *Winter Soldier *Crossbones SP: Kaine WV: AoA Also, I'd like to make a plea to AA/DST to continue their trend of quality boxsets, and also to continue to be the first company to release major characters that Toybiz/Hasbro inexplicably never got to. I love 'mates, and it's always a small personal victory when they make someone that has been overlooked for years and years by bigger companies. The following seem like a good start: *The Wrecking Crew *Thunderbolts (ANY and ALL of them) *The Masters of Evil This would not only continue their trend of releasing more villains, but they're all ready made team-builder box sets. I personally wouldn't mind if they just threw four cool characters in a box and called it a day, but since they usually have a theme for them this would play into that.
  25. I'm psyched for these waves, even though I already got Electro from TRU. I just hope my comic shop does a better job of carrying these, they've been slipping a bit with recent releases.
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