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Everything posted by Valo487

  1. Mr. Negative/Fantomex both look good, does anyone know why they made Psylocke yet again in this outfit? I really don't understand how this look got the 'mate treatment. On a side note, after they made Black Bolt and went to a lot of effort to make Lockjaw, why have they never returned to the Inhumans? I'm not even really an Inhumans fan, but I've been expecting Medusa and her ilk to turn up anytime now, but there's still no sign.
  2. I hope these sell better because I think it would be cool to get a Final Scene Magneto, Riptide, Angel, Moira. I actually don't really want Banshee that bad from this film, I understand completely for people wanting to finish the team, but I'd MUCH rather have a comic style Banshee, he has a few different looks I think would be cool(Blue/Yellow, Green/Yellow, AoA) and wouldn't want them to write him off if they made him from this and think we don't still need a comic one.
  3. I second your disappointment, but I can't say I can't believe it, this is definitely not the first time they've failed to capitalize on an opportunity to strike while the iron is hot. They can sure shake a leg when there's a chance to release a boxset of nothing but repaints (X-Force, FF) but they seem to be perpetually out of time when it comes to characters the fans actually want.
  4. Not trying to rag on DST, but I think it's pretty foolish to set aside two members of a three person group for a retail store that does not specialize in that sort of merchandise, especially when one member does get released as a seperate exclusive. If we got none of the Warriors Three, it would have been disappointing but understandable, not everyone gets made. But to get 1/3? That just sucks. They should have given this retail chain powered up Thor and an Asgardian, that would have been far less disappointing.
  5. Oh no doubt. I'm sure they're salivating at the thought of all those different Iron Men, Spideys, Hulks......
  6. I didn't even think about Punisher Cap, now that boxsets even more disappointing because there were better options out there.
  7. I could see Spot with Negative Zone Spidey, and Cardiac would look really cool. Is he still around in comics?
  8. I forgot all about Spider-Hulk, they could probably make one of those now with minimal new parts. And Rhino could definitely stand a tune up.
  9. I'll give credit where it's due, they've put a solid effort into these and they look good, I just wish Dormammu and possibly MODOK weren't the only new Marvel characters we were getting out of this deal, almost every other Marvel character in this series has not only been done before, but done recently.
  10. I'd be really into a Noir Spider-Man and Hammerhead, I'm not sure why, just sounds cool. And I think Puma would look cool as a 'mate.
  11. Acolytes would be cool. I also think Dormammu's minions would work, the Mindless ones I believe they're called.
  12. I'm hoping the other Minimate exclusives are superior, because this is a pretty boring choice. Very disappointing.
  13. This is brutal, I really want to start seeing announcements of the exclusives, I hope they're as good as the last few years.
  14. No sign in VA in case anyones looking.
  15. Does anyone besides me get more excited about the civilian characters than the main characters in a lot of these movie waves? All the caps in these waves are well done, but I have plenty of him, I'm more interested in Howard Stark, Cap's lady friend and the Howling Commandos than Cap and the Skull (although Hydra Skull looks really good.)
  16. Wow, I thought there'd be more input for this considering all the griping about Spider-Man overload. Guess not.
  17. We all know one thing when it comes to Minimates.....DST loves Spider-Man. Oh do they love them some Spider-Man. Now, as much as we all lament getting a million versions of one character, I'll give credit where it's due, and DST does do a pretty good job of making the Spider-Mates look good, and we usually get some good supporting cast 'mates out of this lovefest. So I started thinking after a post on the Wave 42 thread, there are a LOT of box sets or waves that could be made featuring Spider-Man while also getting a lot of cool supporting characters out of the deal, so perhaps if there was a thread where suggestions were made, next time the powers that be at DST are jonesing for a Spider-Man fix they could utilize some of our suggestions and get the most out of the situation. A few that came to mind for me were: Clone Saga: New Scarlet Spider (removable mask, Reilly head etc.) Kaine The Jackal Spidercide/Ben Reilly/Clone Spider-Man suit/Scrier/Suit Doc Ock Maximum Carnage: New Carnage Doppleganger Demogoblin Shriek Identity Crisis: (Yeah I know, they're ALL Spider-Man variants, but they also went on to become separate characters) Ricochet Prodigy Dusk Hornet The Gauntlet/Grim Hunt: (Mostly just an excuse to get some new characters, I'm sure they'll throw a Spider-Man in somewhere) Scorpion II Red Vulture Hammerhead Morbius Plus there's at least 25 characters that are Spider-Man related that would work in a Spider-Man series or boxset, what do you guys think?
  18. I don't mean to be negative, but it sucks reading all these stories of people finding the new stuff, we haven't had anything new here in weeks.
  19. I still think the reason they're on clearance at TRU is because unless you want the black and white ones there's no reason to buy the two packs, because if you want the 'mates the box set is the better deal. Maybe if they'd made one movie TRU exclusive, like a Hunchback wave or Phantom or something.
  20. If this is true.....I'm not sure how I feel about this. Aunt May really seems more appropriate for a boxset or convention exclusive, considering DST doesn't think Baron Zemo or the Wrecking Crew would be strong sellers.
  21. I'm not really the biggest Red Vulture fan, but considering they've incorporated elements of modern Spidey already(Anti-Venom, Menace, Big Time) he wasn't ruled out, and the name recognition might get him somewhere.
  22. Spider-Man The Jackal Kaine Boomerang Hammerhead Swarm The Beetle The Spot Red Vulture Molten Man Updated Rhino Updated Chameleon That's off the top of my head. DST still has plenty of Spider-characters.
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