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Everything posted by Webhead

  1. the pm functionality is different. Took me a little while to figure out how to reply.
  2. Welcome! This is a great place to hang out. Everyone is really friendly.
  3. Awesome work! I like them both. The accesories for the God of War dude are sweet!
  4. I saw them at Target and passed on them. They just look too odd to me. Way too childish looking....this coming from a man who buys toys.
  5. yeah I finally saw them here in Charlotte. Just the Colossus/Wolvie and Spider-woman/Riot Spidey packs.
  6. Badass work T! I started reading Iron Man with the new series last year and really like him now. Your customs do him justice, can't wait to see the rest that you have lined up.
  7. love the flags. they look great!
  8. Archangel I originally did this guy with drawn wings, but using decals worked much better. I am really happy with how the painted side stripes lined up exactly with the chest decal. I was not expecting to be that lucky.
  9. Doom looks sweet lording over all his domain.
  10. AOA Rasputin This a long overdue commission. One of a number of Age of Apocalyse Horsemen I was working on last year.
  11. You and your family are my and my wife's prayers.
  12. they all look good. Can't wait to the the dude holding the hammer!
  13. +1 They just look too odd for me. I'll be staying away.
  14. The Black Costume from SMC wave 2 or whatever it was. It came with a wall background with the symbiote on it.
  15. my name comes from reading too many Spider-Man comics. On the old AA boards I was WebHead75, but now it's just webhead. I change the avatar from time to time, but it's usually spider-man. And I LOVE me some black Spidey...Feb can't get here soon enough.
  16. just went thru and checked out all your stuff again. Great work!!!
  17. Thanks guys, I really did miss this place. I'll make more of an effort to stay around more. With football winding down it'll definitely be easier!
  18. I've been off the site for a long time so I thought I'd introduce myself again lol. I love me some Spider-Man, and I've been known to do customs from time to time.
  19. new ones look great man. I've been off the board for awhile and it looks like I missed alot
  20. I have the same problems sometimes. I use Krylon's clearcote semigloss
  21. damn none of these have shown up at my Target! Oh how I miss Cleveland and my 4 Targets I could hit
  22. yeah weren't those Trek minimates supposed to come out awhile ago? When was the last time you heard of them lol. Sadly T's right, the longer you wait the smaller your audience is going to be. People move on to the next hot thing. Granted Minimates have been around for what 4 or so years now, but over a year delay does not help keep them fresh in the customer's mind. Now give me my minimates!
  23. nice display. I really like your idea of having Spidey clinging to the shelf.
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