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Everything posted by Cloneme

  1. yeah it does, Ady. They're minimates!
  2. I don't think they're getting cheap on us, I mean they all have new sculpted pieces. New tooling had to be done on ALL of them so far.... I like 'em.
  3. $20 to CloneMe!!! pay up jerkfaces...
  4. PL's a brilliant man!!! But then again I don't want to have to sift through a couple hundred..thousand! Posts of: "MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRR!!! MMMMRRRRRRR mmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrr MMMMRRRRRRRRRR UUUUNNNNNNNGGGGHHH!!"
  5. OMG! they did make that freaky sun bastard!!!!!!
  6. But then after those little jerks get mated, the frog too.... What's leftt that rastafarian pot smoking Apple jacks Freak?
  7. I really hope we get a 3 pack of Snap, Crackle and Pop. Or maybe two two-packs of Snap, Crackle, Mitch and Pop..... oh wait check the list of Cereals. My money's on:
  8. Dude, I'm digging them. I'll buy them, then eat their respective cereals, get hyped up on sugar, then go buy more of the cereal-mates for custom fodder....bitches!
  9. Oh shit! You just single handedly ruined their whole concept and idea. Nice!!
  10. This guy is pretty bad-ass though! I believe this is Blackout, the name on the sheet is old.
  11. Did it bomb? Wasn't that only in Japan? Hmmmmm. I was just wondering..... if it was japan release, the AA stuff would be more easily accessible here... without an import cost etc. Hmmmm.
  12. Ever since WB(Warner Bros.) started taking more of an interest in the DC "branch" they've been a hell of a lot pickier and definitely more strict with their properties and licenses. I noticed this starting about two-three years ago. Picky over the length of supergirl's cape sounds just about right.
  13. works for me, it's on you Logan!
  14. I was joking then I realized I was right wow.... what's the name of Sonny Crocket's pet, and what is it??...... oh marvel quiz, Erm, when Bruce Banner gets angry he turns in to the Hulk, when the Hulk get's angry he turns into Chuck Norris that being said, Where is Longshot from?
  15. There are two "diecast figuire with car " and two "minimate figure with car" so that would be two SKU's for four items....
  16. I think they should just take the two movies, Snakes On A Plane and Transformers and combine them into Snakes on Astrotrain!
  17. Have we established a way to text message PL yet , muahahahahaha Seeing how he's into manhugs and what not.
  18. Me too! It'd be pretty cool. Thanks Boyd, I hadn't seen that grey Hulk. Now I won't be able to sleep until they are in my hands... Maybe I'll break out the clay and my airbrush and make one...... They should restart the whole ML line and just redo them all as the Icons....I would be broke.
  19. Now if only they'd make an Icons Abomination..... I'd buy it.
  20. The Sky Mother Fucker!!! Man....we'll be able to quote Snakes on a Plane as much as we want here, fuckin sweet.....
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