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Everything posted by murderofcrows

  1. great pics mini... love the torment spidey and i even like the transparent sandman but Hydro Man is AWESOME!!!
  2. is anyone else thinking about putting flash's boots on their captain america?
  3. Sweet mother of god those are SWEET!!! Thanks for the pics I can not tell you how great these look. I am so excited to get them. I will be buying a ton of them...So much customizing potential!!! LOVE the bane reveal!!!! does not disappoint !!!
  4. Wow that is a bummer. You survived the lean year, to give it up in a high volume year... I really will miss your reviews and hope you havent given up completely on minimates. It wouldnt be the same with out you moc847
  5. not stretching the creativity very much. but here is my cobra, next to his leader cobra commander. he is made up of helmet (hasbro dtc cobra trooper) head (assault punisher) body, arms and upper legs (cain from bsg) lower legs or jack boots (blade) holster, weapons (assault punisher) mask and straps (stickers) If ANYONE can hook me up with a real transfer for his chest with a cobra logo... I would be happy to pay you for your troubles just pm me. hope you like moc847
  6. WOW!!! I love it! You are a custom master! i bow before you
  7. Hey Night Viper, where in the world did you get the "myclone" version of jefire? It looks absolutely amazing on your site! Is it a custom?
  8. My 2 Cents An exclusive for a liscenced character: We could do it, if there was one that was already out there, and there was a commitment to DST in the form of a check. This would be hard to do because we are a group of individuals, and saying "i would pay x for an exclusive" sounds easy, but somebody has to front the bill at first...that would be the hard part. The blanks are cheaper I am sure, but once again same scenario exists. EDIT: SORRY JP DIDNT SEE YOUR POST, BUT I GUESS WE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE My suggestion, is to create a fund we can contribute to, and then not to get a "blank" but instead get a white, red, or black minimate and instead of a chest logo, but a set of eyes on it , like a ninja mask. Then we could have a "blank" non liscenced mini, that has a face (ninja mask) that people could army build. Red could be the "hand" ninjas for marvel fans, or "gi joe" fans. If you need an example of what i am talking about, does anyone remember the storm shadow design from minimate headquarters? I think we could get people behind a blank ninja army builder mate What do you think?
  9. What different pieces are you using? I would love to see it when you are done. A hooded version? are you using the hood from the 3 3/4 inch line?
  10. OK So this probably isn't new, or all that exciting, but I was playing around with my extras, and come up with this Cobra Commander... Parts Used Helmet: Cobra Trooper Hasbro DTC wave from TRU Head: X Men Colussus (backwards) Body: Cain from BSG Belt and holster: Apollo BSG Gloves: Cat Woman Shoulder Deco Wonder Womans lasso Anyways, this might help the less artistic (like me) still get a cobra commander moc847
  11. What do you know? Spill it! Yea if you have some info, at least give out some hints
  12. I bought a daredevil / kingpin pack at a sam goody type store. I was really against the 2 inch mates. But after like 5 minutes after i opened them, I went back to the store and bought everyone they had. I have been hooked ever since!
  13. Maybe the emphasis should be on DRIVE and not wild So it maybe Speed Racer Series 2 Mates (Trixie and the weird looking dude)
  14. Has Chuck really sent alot of misdirection? I mean I know he out and out told us it wasn't thor, which turned out to be a fib. But for the most part haven't their hints been pretty on the money? just askin.. but to that I am sure you may be right may not have a dog gone thing to do with wild
  15. HMMMMM..... wild...lets see Marvel: Wild Pack: silver sable and one of her goons? Wild Child from AOA with Sabretooth? DC: Johna Hex? Wild Dog? Movies: Wild Thing: Melanie Griffith and Jeff Daniels? awww hell I don't know maybe it is the Iluminati
  16. Fire Hawk The power house of the team. Fire Hawk has the ability of flight, can create a protective heat based force field, and can create fire plasma bursts from his hands. Lured out of retirement to join the Contingency, Fire Hawk was the product of one of the many attempts to re-create the super soldier program in the late 1960's. He has the experience, the power and the patience to help mold the younger members of The Contingency from brash wild cards into real super heroes. Fire Hawk is the second member of The Contingency stay tuned for more...
  17. OMG, you're so persistent!! TRUST me it actually might not be the minimate mail-away from target. Sheesh! And no it's not turning in to the defenders illuminati thing, just trust that maybe I know someone who knows someone or maybe it's a customer service thing or hell maybe radicals is sending out stuff again! You never know. So let's just wait to see if there's a way to tell. I have no reason to TRUST anything other than the fact we all sent in for a free minimate promotion. to a company that has been bought out by the same one the product was sent by...jeez
  18. Oh man this is turning into the same thiing as the Defenders vs. the Iluminate debacle
  19. Is it a free minimate you got in the mail? then I would hazzard a guess it is the target thing True, it is a free minimate bu I think this is something else... Anyone, the "Approp. No." thing? anything, anyone??? nope it is the target thingl. I mean I know you WANT it to be something else, so there is still a chance you might get the silver spidey. but come on. Free Minimate in the mail. Obviously target thing.
  20. Is it a free minimate you got in the mail? then I would hazzard a guess it is the target thing
  21. I have mine proudly displayed with my other mates. It was such a cool thing to actually be one of the "original crew" that received one thanks again
  22. TBT if you are serious about the hook up, please let me know...I NEED that baxter building I am not worried about scale. The 5 inch batcave worked perfectly for them and this looks waaay better
  23. I WANT THAT BAXTER BUILDING and did anyone notice silver samurai? drool
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