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Everything posted by neolego

  1. Wow, everyone is being pretty dang hard on the line. I can't say that I disagree with most of the complaints. My Racer X has some bad paint apps as well. And the cars are a little out of scale. Honestly, everything that's been said seems to be accurate, but I still find it hard to believe everyone is being so critical. These are toys. Speed Racer himself has never been a BIG american character. They are bring a newer, "hipper" show, but these are based on the classic character. Just the fact they are releasing them alone is a plus. Also, whether the cars are in scale or not, I just think they are fun. They are small and well made. I was afraid of getting some crappy "pull-back motor" type of thing, but I was glad the way they turn out. Maybe I'm alone, but I do really like my Speed Minimates. I really don't see much difference between these and the first marvel mates. No accessories? Check. Limited Characters? Check. Overpriced? Check. So, in the end I guess it's just personal preference, and I personally think they are pretty cool and would buy a second wave, if they released one. Before anyone makes a snap judgement, I recommend that you at least take a look at them for yourself. neo
  2. Sorry, allow me to regress a little. Ghost Recon was amazing in most ways. The graphics were beautiful and the sound and feel of the game were great. I will also agree that the Multi-player was one of the best I've ever played (in FPS that is). However, my point was that it was just a FPS with polish. Sure, it did a few new things, but in the end it wasn't "Next Gen" IMO. Now, on that subject, RS: Vegas is looking pretty nice. neo
  3. DEAD RISING = Too Violent (unless of course you're into that) Honestly, I downloaded the Demo of this game and had a blast. It was fun and looked great. But I just can't bring myself to support that type of needless violence and extreme gore. Now, if they added a "PG" option with little to no blood, I would have been first in line. That being said, if you are into the extreme violence and death and blood that zombie moves/games bring, you will really enjoy the game. Just the demo alone was worth the download so I'm sure the game is pretty entertaining for fans. neo
  4. I have had my 360 since day one, and I only own 2 games. Oblivion and Madden. There is nothing else worth my money. I've played ever demo released. I've owned Perfect Dark, Call of Duty, Kameo, NBA Live, Need for Speed, Far Cry, and Ghost Recon. While a few of those games were decent, the only one that felt truly Next-Gen was Call of Duty. Now, I love Oblivion and Madden. Looking into the future though, there isn't much else that looking attractive the rest of the year to me. I'm going to buy LEGO: Star Wars next week. Then, I plan on funnuling all of my money into the Nintendo Wii.......Just a few more months . neo
  5. Sorry for the delay. I just got home from here. So, here are some pics I took tonight: *I feel the Need........the NEED for SPEED!! *Gentlemen, Start your engines!!!!! *Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand they're off! *Speed (Front) *Speed (Back) *Racer X (Front) *Racer X (Back) *Some Good Old Fashioned Matefoolery! Hope you guys enjoy. I really love these mates. It really makes me HOPE that AA pursues more small Vehicle lines in the future. If there is anything not shown that you want to see, let me know. neo
  6. YES SIR!! I'm glad to report that I found these little guys here in Arlington, TX today. They were in the Action Figure section, close to the Dragon Ball Z and One Piece stuff. I picked up just 1 of each right now. But, when I get paid again I'll get at least another 1 or 2. I'm at work right now, but when I get home tonight I'll take some nice, detailed shots of these guys and post them here. Oh yeah, they were $7.99 here as well. Anyway, I was pretty dang excited. I also picked up Mack from "Cars" while I was there so it was a good trip . neo
  7. Thanks Lurch, this might have been usefull.......YESTERDAY!! j/k I actually bought it at lunch and it's still in the secured wrapper. I might just husstle back to Target after work and get my money back. I can wait it out . Thanks for heads up. neo
  8. September Discussion: Noticeable Releases -Lost: Season 2 (9/5) -Blade Runner: Director's Cut (9/5) -United 93 (9/5) -Star Wars: Original Trilogy Limited Edition (9/12) -Smallville: Season 5 (9/12) -The Batman: Season 2 (9/12) -Teen Titans: Season 2 (9/12) -Battlestar Galactica (2004): Season 2.5 (9/19) -The Lake House (9/26) -The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift (9/26) -A Nightmare on Elm Street: Special Edition (9/26) Wow, that may seem like a lot, but it's just the tip of the iceberg. September stands what may be one of the busiest DVD seasons ever. With big hits like X-3 and Pirates 2 and Cars and Mi:III, just to name a few, it's going to be a big holiday season. So, what is everyone looking forward to? Personally, I'm looking forward to the Original Star Wars Trilogy. I'm not one of the whinny people who complain about dumb ol Greedo shooting first, but I do like the ability to own the original cut of the movie. It's just something about completeing a set. Plus they are all 3, 2-disc sets, so I'm looking forward to a much of new features. Also, I'm really looking forward to The Batman and Teen Titans Season 2. I really like the first season of "The Batman" and have heard that it just keeps getting better so I'm looking forward to that. I don't follow any of these shows on TV so it will be my first time to watch either of this seasons. Finally, in the "Double-Dip" catagory, I just picked up Blade Runner: DC today and cannot wait to get that one home. It was a great movie and I have seen it in a few years so it will be nice to watch again. Plus the Collector's edition of Nightmare of Elm Street. It was, to my knowledge, the first horror movie I can ever remember watching....and it scared the crap out of my. I couldn't have been but 10, maybe. It's one of those movies that just hold a special place in my life. Not because it was a good movie or because of the innovations in technology, it's just because of that late 80's/early 90's psycho killer type of movie that was a part of my childhood. It's just a must own. So, the let the September discussion begin. What are you guys looking forward to? Discuss away. neo
  9. Where's my DS Family at??? I picked up Star Fox on Thursday and was busy playing Madden and Star Fox all weekend long. Gotta love a holiday. Star Fox is AWESOME. Here's my review: Presentation: Anyone who's played a Star Fox game in the past will be at home when the game turns on. The Menu's are clean and easy to follow. The story is told through dialouge and jibberish. The overall story is pretty good and a nice addition to the game. Overall, it's very high polished and easy to get into. - Graphics: The DS gets a lot of flack for trying to pull of 3D games, but I honestly don't understand it. Mario Kart, Metroid Prime, Animal Crossing, Mario 64 DS and Nintendogs are all examples of what the DS can do. The main difference is they are all 1st party games. So, maybe the problem lies within the 3rd parties. Anyway, good news is that Star Fox is a first party game and a very good one. The levels are decent size and nicely detailed. There is a bit of pop-up, but it wasn't personally an issue for any of my battles. The game runs at a smooth 30 fps with an almost unnoticable slowdown with a lot of stuff on the screen. This is, IMHO, one of the best looking 3D DS games to date. - Gameplay: This is what matters. People bring up graphics and features and all kinds of stuff, but when you get down to the core of it, the most important thing is: "Is it fun to PLAY!". That question is not as easily answered. The game removes itself from it's previous "rail" shooter formula and moves onto a 360 free-fly area type level. All movement is handled via the touch screen. Bottons on the right and left allow you to loop and u-turn while double tapping the top of the screen lets you boost and the bottom lets you brake. Also, to do the signature barrel roll, just simply scribble a line from left to right and back or vise-versa. It does take a little getting used to, especially for those that are so used to the original games, but I have to say that it's precise and extremely fun once you get the hang of it. Also, the levels are not set as Stratigic encounters. You have a certain number of turns to take the enemy base and protect the Great Fox. It adds a new element to the game that is a nice addition for more complexity. Nothing in this game is extremely hard, but in the end it is a very fun game to play. - Features: The game comes equipted with 3 main modes. Single player mode is made up of different planets and missions to visit and battle in. There game can be completeled quickly in a day, but the 9 different endings does encourage playing through again. Next is the single cart multiplayer game. This is a feature that all DS games should have. How often do you find 1, much less 4 or 6, DS owners with the same game. Single Cart is a quick download (compared to some other games, namely Metroid and Mario Kart). The game is fun. My only complaint here is I would like to be able to pick a different fighter from the game rather than a generic arwing. Finally is the Wi-Fi mode, which is worth the price of admission alone. To anyone who has access to a Wi-Fi connection, this is a great game to take only. Personaly, in just the short time I've played online, this is by far my favorite Wi-Fi game yet, even more so than the greatness that is Mario Kart. - Overall (not an average) - Anyway, September is going to be a Butt Kicker of a month. With games and DVD's, I'm going to be broker than Michael Jackson at Chuck E Cheese. If anyone is interested in being shot out of the sky, add me on your friend list: 729 457 559 472 neo
  10. I was looking for the DVD discussion and I found it.......on the 3rd PAGE !?!?! Anyway, I blame myself. So, in order to try and get the DVD discussion going again I have one review and a few notes. To start, here is my review of Justice League Season 2: (Reviews on a out of 4) = 1 = 1/2 Justice League: Season 2 The Show: Like I said in my previous post, I never watched this show while it was on the air. So, it was completely new to me and I was completely blown away. After what I thought was a great first season, seasons 2 really steps up to the plate. These are just such iconic character and the interaction between them really makes the show. The action is there and the animation is great, but it's the Voice Acting and Dialogue that makes this show stand well above any other animated project. Best episode has to be Starcrossed. I know it was a movie and all but it was great. I didn't see the twist (spoiler free) of a certain player. It was well done. Best. Line. Ever. "Wally West, Clark Kent.......Bruce Wayne!" The only thing that's bad about this season, is the wait for Justice League Unlimited. The DVD: They fixed the Widescreen error from the frist season, since this was the first fully 16x9 season they shot. The Menues leave a little to be desired, but the Episodes are crisp and colorful and look awesome on my HDTV. The Extras: Much like the first season there really isn't much here. And, like it my first review I am torn. On one hand I know these are shows for children but on the other hand I'd like to have more commentaries and features. That being said, the commentaries here (especially Starcrossed) are really good as always. Plus there is a nice sit down with the team and a wonderful special on the Voice Actors. I would have never pictured that guy doing GL, lol. Overall (not an average): Recommendation: Buy Also, I just picked up Darkwing Duck and Talespin Volume 1. They both look great. I've only watched the pilot of Darkwing Duck so far, but it was so sweet. I felt like a stinkin' kid again. I love this show and forgot just how much I did love it. Talespin is no different, I'm going to watching it's 4 episode pilot tonight. I'll be back in a week or so and get a review up for these two, but I can say without a doubt if you liked either of these shows in the past they are worth picking up. Also, I just wanted to point out that DVD season is fixing to get BUSY. September is looking AWESOME. Just to name a few, we have "The Batman Season 2, "Teen Titans Season 2", "Lost Season 2", "Smallville Season 5", "Star Wars: The Original Trilogy", "The Lake House", and that's just the tip of the Iceberg. Plus in the months following we are getting "Cars", "The Little Mermaid", "X3", "24 Season 5", "King Kong: Extended", etc. So, it's going to be a BIG holiday season. So, what's everyone looking forward too? neo
  11. Don't worry bro, I have every intention. In fact, in a winter filled with Cars, The Little Mermaid, Narnia: 4 Disc, and Classic Star Wars, JLU is on the top of my list. Bring it HOME! neo
  12. Alright guys, Tuesday was Maddenoliday. So, who's playing. I picked up Madden for the 360 and the DS. If any of you pansies wanna be schooled look me up . neo
  13. Haven't heard of this one. More specfics? Man, I'm an idiot. To be honest Cappy, I have no idea what I was saying, because that doesn't even make sense. Lightning didn't even with the cup. As I was reading back over that post the only thing I can come up with is a pipe dream. I really want to see a Slick, Glossy Red Lightning with White Walls from the end of the movie. Wow, I'm a moron. neo
  14. Man, where the F@$& have I been. What the F&$% is up MisterPL. By the way, Watch out for them Mutha F*%@$ Snakes on that Mutha F*$&@$% Plane. neo
  15. Well, the 360 actually saw a decent release this week in Dead Rising. Anyone pick it up? I have some thoughts about the Demo. As I stated above, I only have the Demo. I refuse to play a game as extremely violent as this one. I d/led the Demo to see if there was any way I could get around it. I'm ok with someone bleeding when I shoot them or slash them with my sword in Oblivion, but the bloodshed that is to follow in DR is, IMHO, uncalled for. That being said, the game is actually kind of cool. It plays as a Sandbox game, where you are stuck in a mall with countless zombies. You can pretty much use anything from a Hockey Stick to a Cash Register to fight off the zombies. The gameplay was solid. While it's not an extremely deep game, there is something about grabing a Shopping Cart and plowing through a crowd of moronic zombies. Overall, if it wasn't for the intense bloodshed I would actually entertain the thought of getting this game. Also, while we're on the topic of this game, I would like to discuss the use of extreme violence, blood, sex, drugs, language, etc. with you guys. I, personally, would like to see companies start to incorporate options for this sort of thing. Take for instance, a clean-language option where the company could either a)record a seperate dialoge for that scene or b)just beep out any curse words. Example: I d/led the Prey Demo on the 360. Now, this is a "Demo" and the guy says the F word at least 3 times, I stopped playing after that. The argument could be brought up, "If you don't like it, don't buy it." However, the way the market is getting that really isn't much of an option anymore as more and more games are going mature. Honestly, if we continue like this for the next 5 or 10 years, anyone that wants to play a clean adult themed game is going to be SOL. I don't have to have to spend the rest of my life playing Mario and Sonic and Pac Man just because developers are unconcerned about the "clean" gamer. I'm really looking forward to "Crackdown" on the 360. It's basically GTA from the Police's point of view. However, it's all going to depend on the language in the game. I guess this might be considered a "Rant" but I guess I'm just wondering if I'm the only one out there that is tried of games that add trash for no reason, other than selling to a certain demographic. Maybe I am alone...........maybe I should just sell my 360 and just play my Nintendo Wii . neo
  16. This may have been posted in another topic, but I didn't see the question or the answer so I figured I'd start a new topic so I could find out. Has anyone found out how the DC Minimates are going to be released to market? Marvel was Specialty Shops only. TRU 4-Packs, and later Target and Walmart 2-Packs. Street Fighter look like only Specialty Shops. Speed Racer looks like it's coming out at TRU and I'm sure Specialty as well. So, do we know for sure if DC is going to be released mass market at, say, TRU or Target or are we going to have to go hunting Specialty stores to find them? neo
  17. Dude, those are great. What kind of Decals do you use. When I try to do decals they always bleed through. I'm a loser. Anyway, you're look Awesome. neo
  18. Awesome. This is making the marvel line look more and more amature with each new picture. I love it. Here are my thoughts: The Good: ACCESSORIES!! -Swords, Guns, Tridents, Arrows, Kryptonite, etc. This is what Minimates were missing. We new the figures were cool and the character selection was nice, but we have been missing accessories. I'm SO happy to see a nice set of accessories, I mean come on, we are getting GL's Lantern. Sweetness!! Charater Design -I love everything from the classic look of Robin and Joker to the Hush Look of Batman. DC/AA is taking extra good care of their mates and really filling the waves with a solid character line up. Villians -This is the OTHER thing we can say is missing from the Marvel Mates. Almost every pack includes a villain. Joker, Penguin, Ares, Deathstroke, Underwater Guy, Star Saphire, Killer Croc. Crap, that's almost more in the first 3 waves than Marvel has seen in 13. Masks -I, personally, love the printed on Masks for a few reasons. You can have different facial experssions under the mask. While Batman is looking very angry in the mask, he could have a suave smile under the mask. I honestly hope they continue this with any other full-mask character. The Bad: Masks -OK, I know I just mentioned this, but here is the bad side. Lack of accessories. We've seen a hair piece for BD Batman. Now, maybe it's wishful thinking, but it would see, unless DC/AA are morons, they will do the same thing for regular Bats. That's awesome and I love it. However, what about Harley? We know from the animated series she is a really cute little blonde under the hat. So, is she going to come with a pale face and blonde hair? If so, this you can erase this "Bad". However, if she doesn't and she's just a face with no hair under her mask, that will be very bad. Battle Damaged Figures -I never thought I'd say this concerning Minimates, but DC needs to take a hint from Marvel. Battle Damaged Daredevil and Captain America are the bar. And Supes and Bats don't come anywhere close. I can still remember when I first opened my BD Daredevil. I was honestly taken back by how beaten he looked and just sat for a few minutes and admired the work on that figure. In contrast, it looks like Superman and Batman were on a sleep over at Wonder Woman's place and they all had a pillow fight. Seriously, I want to see "The Death of Superman" battle damaged, not "I Ran Through a Car Wash Superman". The Ugly: The WAIT !?!?! -Seriously, with the possibility of these sets falling into Q4, it's going to be a long Q3. If I knew these were going to be released tomorrow, I'd go get in line right now. I love Minimates in every way, and I haven't looking forward to Mates this much since I picked up my Stealth Batwing. I'm just hoping we see some Speed Racer within the month, at least that will tied for over....for a while. neo
  19. Ok, enough. I have the answer to all this. All superheroes should be registered 00 agents. That way, they have the license to kill anyone they want. kidding..........or am I ?!?! No, I am.... All joking aside, you guys have been pretty persistant in making your points known and it looks like most everyone disagrees with my first post. After reading though the 3 pages it got me re-checking my answer. However, I still come to the same conclusion. While I agree it's wrong for S.H.I.E.L.D. to be involded and while I think it should be handled a little differently. I still believe that each "Hero" should be registered and accounted for. It's the only way to make it right. If I wanted to go buy a sniper rifle, I would have to register the gun. It isn't against my civil rights. It's a point of being Accountable to someone. We have to be accountable. A student is accountable to a teacher. A player to a coach. A President to his people. Even a volunteer (like our heroes) are accountable to some sort of Admin. Everyone should be accountable for what they do. We are able to vote in a president in the country and if he screws things up, we can fix that problem the next time. I think it comes down to Heroes being accountable to someone, ANYONE. Right now they (for the most part) are only accoutable to themselves. Spiderman doesn't have to answer for anything he does. As spiderman he does what he wants, when he wants and never has to be accountable for it. What if the Mayor of New York said that he will need to clean all the gross web markings that he makes on all of the New York buildings? Sure, it's a funny thought, but he is not accountable to have to do anything he does want. That isn't fair. If it isn't fair to some guy walking down the street it shouldn't be fair to some guy flying through the sky. We are all created equal and we live in a country that honors that equality. neo
  20. Nintendo DS Friend Codes (Sorry for the delay) Tetris DS: 502451 640981 Metroid: 4553 3411 0433 Mario Kart: 017239 355869 I also have Animal Crossing and Tony Hawk. I'll get those codes up later. I also added you to all my friend rosters Luke. neo
  21. Heck yes, I've been waiting for my Speed and Racer X. I'm gonna start hunting next week . neo
  22. I agree, season 3 was really good of Superman. I actually hate that it ended so soon. I just wanted to chime in a say I just finished Season 2 of Justice League. Let me first say that I never thought I would enjoy a cartoon as much as Batman: TAS, but Justice League is proving me wrong. To preface my comments, I have never watched any Justice League before. Some of you are probably going to think, "Duh". But, before you do just know this is coming from someone that has just finished JL Season 2 for the 1st time. I really love this series. I bought the 1st season when it come out and I kicked myself for not watching this show before now. I was waiting on pins when season 2 dropped and I have to say that I wasn't let down at all. For the sake of someone who hasn't seen it (like I used to be) I won't spoil anything, other than to say I COULD not believe the final episode and the one that turned. I really didn't see that coming. I have to say that my favorite line was "Wally West...Clark Kent..........Bruce Wayne." That was CLASSIC. I can hardly wait not for Justice League Unlimited to hit DVD. Not too long to wait. I hope that Bats and Wonder Woman keep their thing going and I hope that GL gets some more screen time. Hands down, while Batman and Superman the Animated Series were great, I think that Justice League may be the BEST comic cartoon of all time! But, I guess that's just one guys opinion. neo
  23. Well, I'd rather visit the dentist than play guessing games. Someone just PM when the game is over. neo
  24. Thanks guys. I honestly didn't even think about a flippin' book store. I'm a moron. There is one right next door to where I work, lol. Thanks for the site too Ady. Those are great prices. You guys are great. neo
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