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Everything posted by mwattsart

  1. Good eye Bob. Yes, that is a New Hope poster and Munch's Screamer painting. I think the MJ is my favorite part of the picture. The expression is priceless.
  2. This is the picture I first wanted to make when I created this topic. It's a poker game with Dracula, MJ from Thriller, Michael Myers and The Creature from the Black Lagoon. I enjoyed making this setup, and will add more pictures once I resize them.
  3. This thread was started at the suggestion of MINI_MYTE in Punisher's Zombie Invasion Diorama thread. I figured I would start the pictures. This is my Thriller set up. All the minimates are my customs. Behind Michael are my Jockey and Hunter from Left 4 Dead. For a description on the Michael minimate, check out my thread. Feel free to post your Halloween minimates and horror themed pictures.
  4. This came out very nice. I love the trapped zombie under the rock.
  5. Once I make enough to do a decent amount in one file.
  6. As requested, here are more shits of the MJ Zombie. I have him on that lego piece to have him stand easy on display. This is one of the minimates I plan to sell at my local comic book shop. The owner is the one who offered to sell some of them when I asked if I could display them. Here is the full group doing the Thriller. I did a zombie outbreak picture set when i first started getting into customizing mates earlier this year, so most of them are random. It's hard to tell in this picture, but the background printout is taped to a Golden Grahams box(Yay improvising!)
  7. I looked at the red paint on the paper on my desk from making the Thiller MJ, and felt compelled to set this up. I made this Raizo minimate for fun. This is Raizo at the end of Ninja Assassin, during the final scene. His face and chest was done in Illustrator. I drew the hair on his face by hand. The legs are from Cloak. His feet are a repaint of the first Mr. Fantastic 'mate. The body and arms are repainted random body parts. I can't remember who's head I covered for the face. The hands are basic flesh tone. The hairpiece is a repaint of Whiplash.The swords are from the movie Deadpool. The blood he is covered in is all handpainted with enamel paint. The two dead ninjas are ones I custom made as well. Both have basic black bodies, arms and legs. One has the karate gi bottom from Ryu and the other has Akuma's gi bottom. One has the the arm pieces from Ryu, and the other has hands from Menace. One has a Unmasked Spiderman head cover cut down and repainted. The other has a cut down and repaint of Cpt. Britain.
  8. A tattoo shop in my town holds a zombie art gallery for Halloween. I am going to see if they will put this up. I figure it will be different enough to get some attention. The Michael Jackson zombie is mostly made from The Beyonder. The hair, jacket, legs and feet are Beyonder's. I can't remember what head I used, but the face was made in Illustrator with paint mixed to match for the arms and hands. The arms and hands were made from random parts. The chest piece is a repaint of Abomination's. I used enamel paint for this figure, which gave the jacket that slightly shiney look his had in the video. The two zombies right behind him are the Jockey and Hunter from Left 4 Dead(I'll give a description when I fix them up and have a good picture of just them.) The rest of the zombies are random zombies that I made for picture sets. I used a picture of an alleyway at night for the background. These little bastards did not want to stand up, and kept knocking the others over as they fell.
  9. Ha! The weaponsarefor the zombie outbreak picture set I want to do.
  10. The owner of the comic book store I buy all of my stuff from is going to allow me to display and sell some custom minimates at hos store. He likes the customs I made so far and told me I should sell them. I decided to make a new minimate just for the display. And here he is... Deadpool Pulp. The body, arms and legs are from a BSG 'mate. The arm wrappings and black parts of the mask were made in Illustrator and printed on label paper. The face is from The Man With No Name with the beard shaved off. The mask is the OMAC helmet with the fin looking thing cut off along with the bottom half. The knot on the back is from Kitty pride cut down to work with the sword holder for the back. The chest cover is from Molicule Man. The belt is from The Man with no Name as well, with parts from Cable's belt parts from his chest cover glued on. The feet are from Thor Reborn. The swords and the holder for them are from the Lego Daston from Prince of Persia. I shaved the handles down to fit the 'mate. The hair is from Kor from ST. And for anyone who has never seen Deadpool Pulp.
  11. Here is a better picture of my minimate. I added a new chest design. Its of my 8-bit tie and a white button down shirt. It was printed with label paper and created in Illustrator.
  12. When I was making my friend I had to order that Apollo figure for his hair. I think Apolllo is the only minimate with the fauxhawk. I paid 1 cent plus $4.99 S/H.
  13. I need to finish up some other ones I'm working on, but the thought did cross my mind.
  14. I was sitting around looking through my Spider-Man encyclopedia when I came across Dusk. Originally worn by Peter Parker the alien costume could blend perfectly into the shadows. I knew I had everything I needed to make him, and this gave the the chance to test out my new printer and the template from Luke. Everything except the hands and head are from Black Bolt. I scraped off all of the details. The wings are repainted, as are the hands and head. The head came from Colonel Tigh from BSG. I did the chest and face in Illustrator. I used Lukes basic male chest with the colors changed. For the face, I found a picture of android Human Torch and used his face for a reference. I don't have any sticker paper so I used tape over the paper, which actually made the black darker.
  15. I don't think there is a way to compliment that minimate without it sound wrong in some way.
  16. Here is my Michael Myers minimate. This was a quicky custom. The head is a random head I had painted with white out with the face details added using my pens for inking my art. The hair is from The Man With No Name with white out for the ears. The torso and arms are from T-1000 with the badge and name tag painted over. The legs are from a standard BSG minimate uniform. The knife is from Cable. I think the white out gives the face that matte look his mask had.
  17. Gonna have to agree with the other. The left one would look nicer. I think it gives him a slightly more sinister and less nerdy look.
  18. I personally use acrylic and enamel paint for my minimates. I also use extra fine tip paint markers and sharpies for my details. X-Acto blade work great for carving in detail to hair.(Did that for my minimate of Zoey from Left 4Dead) They also are good for scraping away certain details if done gently.
  19. This is my minimate I made of myself.(Crappy picture due to no access to a camera at the moment.) I wanted some way to have my minimates hold certain weapons better. So I cut the right arm at the top half, rotated and glued it back together to make him hold his shotgun the way one should be held. The face is from Multiple Man with some of the detail scraped away and my goatee pianted on it. The hair is a repaint of one of my Ironman 'mates. The torso is from Hawkeye from the Old Man Logan set. the jacket and left arm is from Peter Parker from SM3. The right arm is a random arm repainted. I still have the original right arm for everything else. I cut the left hand down to rest the gun in to look normal. The legs are from the movie Bruce Banner with feet from X-23. The gun holster is from Starbuck from BSG. Both the pistol and shotgun are from Brickarms.
  20. My first commission. This is for youbastards. He let me pick what to make, and I wanted to make this Spider-Man ever since I noticed the jacket would be a nice match. The whole body including the torso cover is from a random BSG minimate(The basic uniform body.) I sanded down the pocket on the chest so it did not protrude so much. The glove ends are the sleeve ends from a Rogue figure with basic hands. The face is a repainted Klaw head. I painted the eyes onto clear contect paper and cut them out to stick them to the face. I just made the quick base to slightly resemble the drawing.
  21. Want to see what parts I could get. Might use lego legs for Little Rock to make her shorter than the rest.
  22. Here's my minimates of Columbus and Tallahassee from Zombieland. The Hummer is from a generic Lego knockoff call Best-Lock. It was a set with two Hummer's I found at a local Ollie's outlet store. When I saw the set had a yellow Hummer I knew I needed to buy it for this set. All I has to do was paint the 3 on the side and add a spare tire to the back. Columbus' hair is a repainted Beyonder hair. His face is a slimeblower Ray Stantz face with the mouth colored in to look open. His shirt is from The Man With No Name from the For a Few Dollars More set, as is his gun(Which is borrowed from my Ash minimate until I could get another one.) I gave him the pants and feet from my Ash( I gave Ash the pants and feet from Whiplash from IM2.) The hands are just basic flesh tone hands. Tallahassee's hat is a carved down and repainted hat from The Man in Black from FAFDM. His face is from Molecule Man with the zigzag lines scraped off and eyes painted blue. I painted on his hair and facial hair as well. The shirt is from Malice with the flesh tone painted on. The jacket is a repainted movie Gwen Stacey jacket with arms from The Man in Black and basic flesh tone hands. The belt is a repainted BSG belt. The legs and feet are from The Man With No Name. His gun is a sawed off Shotgun from Brickarms with the handle shaved down. I may make Wichita and Little rock if I could get the right parts.
  23. Your work is just awesome, especially the Cable figure. I love the paintjob on the arm.
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