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Donny B

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Everything posted by Donny B

  1. Interestingly, the orange coloring on the original Wolvie and the new TRU Wolvie match, but not the brown. So if you wanted to switch the legs out, then you could have some detailing on the original's legs (though, the detail style doesn't match between the two. And the decals for the boots show over the original boots, so you'd either have to scrape the paint off or use the TRU feet) Though, I suppose all this mix-n-match work is pointless, since Wolverine is almost certain to get a new brown costume release at some point in the future. I just hope that, if/when they do, it will be of a quality that won't inspire so many of us to try alterations...
  2. This isn't exactly answering your question the way you're wanting, but this is what I did: The new Brown Wolvie mask kinda bugs me a bit, too. Something about the overall design just seems sub-par to the wave 28/Daken version. That being said, I know the black mask/brown mask thing doesn't completely balance, but I always preferred brown, so that worked for me. Here's the breakdown on my rather simple quick custom: Daken body, TRU Wolverine hands & face I scraped the tattoo off the one arm with an exacto knife - If you like the hairy arm look, you can switch out the entire arm and not just the hand - but personally, I think the hair details makes the overall look bit too cluttered (I realize I may be alone on that). On the plus side, if you keep the hairy arm look, then there's no need to actually change your Daken 'mate Overall, the orange coloring may not match between the two releases, but the brown does.
  3. I'd check through my collection, but I'm nowhere near it at the moment. However, I do remember off the top of my head that the *comic version* Black Widow has it (Edit - I forgot there are movie versions too )
  4. I beg to differ... more Spidey's and Spidey related mates is what i want most. Updated Scarlet Spidey with slip on mask and hood! Yeah, i know i'm in a minority here, but there you go. I'm all for a Scarlet Spider mate with a slip over mask, Black Widow/Dynamo gauntlets and a hood bit like the cap in ice bit. Even the leg poutchs have been done on Deadpool so they can be used. As for just getting a scarlet spider that was just over 3 years ago and a exclusive (which I have) So to get one on a LCS or even a TRU release so ppl can get one I'm all for. I'd rather see new stuff, or at least new costumes. I hate this need to modernize everything. I like the older mates. They were better in a lot of cases. And considering the expanse of the MU, 3 years is not a long time when there are still so many to go. I think I'm going to echo TM2 and say that I think Scarlet Spider doesn't need another go-around just yet ... (which is a big deal for me, since I'm a huge SS fan) I have kinda been wanting revamps of a few choice characters from the first few waves, but to me, Scarlet Spider is too new to need an update. The only thing I would want is a sculpted hood - that, to me, isn't quite enough to warrant a whole new figure. Especially when there are other releases that look horribly dated as a whole (in terms of decals, not just one extra piece) Maybe I'm alone, but I think Spiderman 2099 is in desperate need for a redo (especially since I remember complaints from many people at the time he was released) - that would make more sense to me than a new Scarlet Spider, since he's a lot older and Shattered Dimensions has renewed a lot of interest in that particular character. But, that being said, I would still opt for new characters before getting too many retreads. We're already getting a whole lot of new releases of certain characters we've been given 100 times, and it won't be changing any time soon... if we can get one remake for every 5 new characters, I think it'd be a nice balance. and with that ratio, I can think of probably 20 characters that would be on my list before needing a new SS or Ben Reilly. I'm pretty content with the releases we have of those two already
  5. Destroyer looks plain silly. The chest piece is meh, but its the way they crafted the head that really pushes it past its ability to look good (imo) Odin looks okay-ish, the Jane Foster mate doesn't make me think "Natalie Portman" unfortunately, and I'm glad they didn't give Thor a big chest piece but - I love how they have yet to release a Thor minimate with a helmet that doesn't make his head look disproportionately huge (though this one doesn't seem as bad as any of the traditional comic releases - probably because this one has no hair framing his face) I think Loki is definitely my favorite of the bunch, though I'm not completely sold on the face. But the helmet & costume are pure win :biggrin: also - I realize that this is a prototype, but does it seem to anyone else like they have increased the length of the necks? Looking specifically at Thor, it seems like he has a lot of room for head articulation despite the cape. Usually anything that sits on top of the chest piece (like a cape) completely negates any head tilting capacity...
  6. I wouldn't. The $19.99 sale is over now - it's back up to $49.99
  7. Such a beautiful thing to behold... Holy crap they made Omega Red look GOOD Though, I think that if they had to release that Spidey costume, they could have made it the orange version instead of just repackaging the green. And that wolverine is useless... but I'll take it since we're getting Morph and Blink along with a massively sculpted Holocaust. Not a perfect wave, but still beautiful.
  8. For anyone who still want that Galactus, Amazon has dropped the price down to $19.99 Who knows how long that will last
  9. I'd love an updated Abomination or an A-Bomb, or a Doc Samson or even (a comic version of) Betty or General Ross, or an updated She Hulk... but I get the sinking suspicion it won't be any of those, and instead we'll be getting another Red Hulk >_> and with the Thor movie gearing up, is anyone afraid of us seeing this as the next Spidey minimate?
  10. Didn't Chuck confirm in a previous Q&A (or a convention panel?) that we are definitely getting a release of Daredevil's new Shadowland costume? Since his "tease" about wave 38 only listed one Daredevil, and the whole theme is Shadowland, my assumption would be that we're getting his most current costume, not a remake of the classic red one (though personally, I would love to have updated versions of the red and yellow&black releases from wave 1 to accompany the new Elektra... maybe a correlating TRU pack might be a possible avenue for those?)
  11. My guess would be it's for the same reason that they're adding rounded chest, arm & leg pieces (ala wave 37's Thing) to a character in a series that was mainly characterized by a simple/sleek block look. It reminds me a bit of the very sculpted feel of Nova's helmet...
  12. It does indeed look far better than the last series Avengers got... too many flashy changes and poor writing doomed it. This looks to be much closer to the source material My big thought is if DST might try dipping into another territory and start making a wave here and there of animated series minimates... they are apparently doing well with the movie themed waves, and one based on a popular animated series would probably mean decent sales for them. Personally, I am hoping against it. I know I would have rather had comic waves in place of all the movie waves (though ultimately I really can't complain) ... Here's hoping that it is indeed a catalyst for some new comic-accurate minimates of characters that are featured in the cartoon
  13. I'm tempted to be bummed, but I'm also sighing a bit of relief for the spacing of the releases... at this point, my wallet has me more bummed than anything else, because I know I'm going to be buying more Minimates in the coming year than food
  14. It's not just you I like the idea of sculpting out the eyes and whatnot, but I don't think it was executed very well...
  15. I finally got ahold of a set of each a few hours ago. The only other set that was this frustrating to track down was Angel/Warpath, and I still haven't found one of those... anyway, to make this post worth viewing: I'm not the first one to think of this, am I?
  16. All things considered, that's a pretty awesome setup for minimates! Good find!
  17. Is it just me, or did Chuck's answer about the TRU releases of army builders have some faulty logic? Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't every TRU wave have re-releases of the work already being done in comic and specialty stores? We usually get at least one, usually two packs of characters that are the same as the ones in the comic store sets (for example: TRU's 7th wave gave us Neo Classic Iron Man & Silver Centurion, and Crimson Dynamo & Stilt Man). Not that I'm complaining or anything - especially with characters like Stilt Man, whose re-release enables us to have an easier option for building a 5-foot-tall minimate ... I just can't help but think that any of the re-releases could easily be replaced with an army builder. I do feel kinda bad for Chuck, though. He seemed, to me at least, a little agitated when he answered the second question about TRU army builders... Oh well - at least we're getting army builders. I'd rather have that than nothing You're not alone. The highlight of my question was to find out if they could give us any idea of what big character variants we might be getting down the road (like Bag head Spidey). And I guess I can understand it being skirted over (since I didn't really spend much time asking that question - I didn't want to get too annoying. I know the likes of it have been asked before) ... but I was still a little bummed to not even have the question part of my second comment acknowledged And while I am rather encouraged by his thoughts on wave 37's Thing (not to insult anyone who like the new approach - personally, I'm not fond of it, but that's my opinion), he still didn't really acknowledge the point of that comment either. I wonder how feasible it is (cost-wise, etc) to make a character that can be turned into a different version of that character. Personally, I love it (Beast, Sentinels, Ultimate Hulk, etc... made to appease both camps. Wonderful idea, imo!) but I would imagine that it might take a lot of extra work and expense to give those to us...
  18. I've been checking my local TRU every day since it was first posted on here that wave 7 was released. Granted, it hasn't been that long, but I completely missed the Angel/Warpath release, so I'm doing what I can to not let that happen this time. But alas, no luck in my area. Is there anyone else on the boards who lives in NY? I haven't heard any specifics from anyone if these have popped up in my state. The only TRU within an hour of me is in Middletown...
  19. Hmm, that's odd. I can never seem to find any other Donny B's when I try searching myself. anyway, here's a direct link: ** edit. this just re-entered my noggin. The day that they introduced the domain name feature thingie on facebook, I was about 15 minutes too late in registering mine, and some dude with a fro snatched it before I could which meant I was stuck without my patented registered trademarked identity (I wish) and had to settle for my real name so yeah, I guess there are other Donny B's out there and to mirror MinnesotaIceman's request, if you could leave a small note telling me you're from MMMV, that'd be great
  20. my guess would mirror blizzerd's comment that Hellfire Jean is a perfect match for Hellfire guard, and if that is indeed the official pack, then the established formula would mean a variation on Jean is the way they're going to go. And in keeping with the idea that this is a Jim Lee wave (has there been anything announced yet that doesn't fit somewhere that general era?) it would make perfect sense that the JL Jean would be the variant. what doesn't make sense is the fact that she's the variant instead of Hellfire Jean. that statement is the only reason why I might think that Dark Beast would be the variant for this wave. However, Dark Beast doesn't really fit with the rest of the wave (I missed the AoA storyline... but from what I understand, it isn't part of Jim Lee's mark on the X-World, correct?) so he would be the odd man out. And since we know that we're already getting parts for Beast that would work on Dark Beast, my wager is that we will be seeing Dark Beast in a future release. what exactly he will be tied with (an AoA boxset? a random TRU pack? a future themeless wave?) is the question. ... of course, all of that is based very strongly on the assumption that this wave is a Jim Lee wave. Lobsterman has a good point. Just because all the evidence points pretty difinitively at that, we won't know for sure till it's all announced... **edit just a random thought... we're still assuming that the next character is going to be a costume we havent seen. This wave is already giving us a new Rogue which is basically the same as the original release, just with the jacket (though personally, I love the new one and wouldn't even think of complaining about it) ... What's to say that they aren't going to give us another Dark Phoenix? I certainly hope not. We really don't need a remake of her... but with the addition of gold paint in recent releases (like the SI Jean), I wouldn't put it past them to do a remake.
  21. you can add me too. I'm Donny B on facebook as well. after I snagged all the achievements on farmville, I got a little bored with it and ventured into other stuff, and my current addiction is Castle Age. anyone else play that FB game?
  22. I guess reissuing them would piss off a lot of the guys who ended up with spare IMs/Bucky Caps when starting out, but in theory I actually like this idea as far as future waves go. If DST can't reissue them as is then maybe they can "battle-damage" them or something for a little variety. They can even extend the army builders not just to variant packs but also to exclusives or boxsets or in the event that they stop having original pairings per wave (knock on wood). I'm one of those guys who went crazy trying to build my AIM army (currently up to 28) and Skrulls (still working on it... only 8 of those guys), and I can completely understand the negatives of a re-issue of something I went out of my way to 'buy bulk' of... but that said, I would actually love the idea of re-releasing army builders that we've seen already. For example, the BSG Cylons... I went crazy gathering my 50+ Cylon army when they were first released back in the day. Was I mad when they appeared again in the TRU lineups? no way - I ate it up. Especially the 'stealth' Cylons. And that is why I think seeing a re-release of a previous army builder would work, because I can see AA/DST thinking it through and offering us slightly tweaked versions, so as to keep it fresh. There may be some that can only be tweaked by making them battle damaged, and that's good enough, I suppose. But there are others that can be given an "unlimited" number of logical changes, such as Skrulls (they could potentially put a new one in every wave for a dozen waves, simply by changing the paint apps to give them different faces, and of course by giving us female versions as well) and that can be said of any army builder with a visible face. Though I certainly wouldn't want to see Skrulls in every wave. I'm just saying the potential is there for lots of diversity with just one character (though, that's a relatively moot point considering that we've already been given several different faces via the Secret Invasion pack. Regardless, the point still has relevance in light of the other characters that this idea could apply to). but all that being said, I doubt we will see re-releases in the foreseeable future. We've already been given (or at least told about) army builders that I personally never would have thought of. Vault Guards? that was a *relatively* obscure choice, yet it works. And we've seen in this thread that there are potentials for probably another dozen waves, including big 'main' army builders like the 616 Shield Agents or the Hand ... and AA/DST has shown us that they aren't afraid to give us smaller 'non-main' army builders like Multiple Man (not to say that he isn't a big character... but for me personally, that was a surprise, since I didn't really consider one single character to be an army. but that may just be me). Anyway, I'm rambling. The point is, I'm sure we won't have to worry about seeing old army buildings reappearing. But if we do, I'll be onboard
  23. I couldnt find the post you're referring to either... but then, I didn't know exactly what I was looking for This makes me feel much better. I had come up with a couple different theories as to why that had happened, and the above stated reason was one of them... but after scouring over the email they sent me and then checking the website, and finally calling customer service (and getting the run around. yay) I couldnt find anything to confirm that theory. anyway, thanks for the explanation
  24. I just got an email from TRU telling me that they're sending me one pack of GB mates - the Taxi Ghost & Winston pack. But this is my question: does it seem reasonable for TRU to charge me $6.99 for a 2-pack, and then slap a shipping rate of $18.74 plus a $9.25 sales tax on it? I'm paying a total of $34.98 for one pack of minimates did this happen to anyone else?
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