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Everything posted by Mnemosis

  1. Star Trek has been cancelled even more times. Given that this Minimate is of the classic ThunderCats, the marketing seems to be aimed at nostalgic collectors rather than the declining audience of the new series. I prefer the new designs but I'll take the original recipe, too. I was never saying the show being cancelled = no hope for the toy line. Someone asked if the show had really been cancelled, hence my response. Chillax. I loved the new show, but the old designs just went way further to capture the imagination, IMHO. Except Vultureman. His modern appearance was amazing.
  2. Yeah, all signs point to "Thundercats is cancelled."
  3. I assume that's the "NAMOR, get the HELL away from my girl!" face
  4. Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmyogdohmygod....
  5. Yeah, which is exactly the sort of reason this sort of plot point is awful. Why would Herc resurrect Alpha Flight and not some of his other dead friends? Now, I realized that Alpha Flight means I need a new Minimate shelf. My shelves are about 4 feet long. That SDCC Helicarrier is about 4 feet long. Man I need to scare up 130 bucks pronto...
  6. We already got that armor in the Heroic Age set. I do like that there is a full IM under the giant PB suit. Oh I realize that. But I never even saw that set, let alone get it. And he'd have been the only one I'd want, anyhow. If I can buy a four pack where I get him and Wanda, I wouldn't think twice about spending the money. Him and Protector? Maybe. Him and the three X-Men? Now I'm back to passing completely.
  7. I'm going to need a red-headed flat top to turn that Wesker head into Henry Peter Gyrich
  8. "So, where do you live? Got a guest bedroom? No, huh? Well... maybe a fold out sofa?"
  9. The beret Falcon comes with is removable. I'd imagine affixing it to a hair piece (like maybe Warpath's) wouldn't be too hard; maybe cut the hair piece down a bit to sit the beret on better. Beyond that I'd think some straight forward kit bashing.
  10. Not going to lie... I got super excited when I thought this post was going to lead to... "... and Marc said that he had recently signed a deal for his likeness to be used on Beastmaster Minimates."
  11. Nope, she was impersonating James McDonald Hudson, AKA Mac, AKA the guy in this set. I do believe, if memory serves, that the costume his wife Heather ended up wearing as Vindicator actually came from the imposter... but it's been a LONG time since I read those Alpha Flight comics. Looks like you read it a bit longer than I did or my memories much worse than yours. I remember what happened to Marina(Spellcheck)and was a little disappointed with that. So here's my question, who is the current Vindicator? Is it James or another recruit? I seem to remember them pretty much killing off some of the original team a few years back? Not trying to sidetrack the thread anymore than it already has. I was just a fan of the original run. Is it possible the won't reveal another exclusive and split up the remaining teams into 2 packs? Is their rogues gallery big enough they could do that? Hey, you're not sidetracking the thread if you're actually talking about Alpha Flight, unlike some other people around here. Yes, Alpha Flight was killed off, rather unceremoniously, in New Avengers a few years back (BENDIS!). They were replaced for a time by Omega Flight, a hodgepodge of characters heading to Canada in the wake of the Civil War (Beta Ray Bill, US Agent, the Julia Carpenter Spider-Woman). This lineup also included Weapon Omega, whom was the guy wearing the Guardian suit that was not James McDonald Hudson or Heather Hudson. I don't know whatever happened to him, but I thought the Omega Flight mini series was pretty disappointing, so I'd be glad to forget him. Alpha Flight did return, though I don't know how. They starred recently in a well-received, though quickly-cancelled, series; here's the collection. I'd expect them to remain a strong part of the MU for awhile, as (if I recall) people were pretty POed when they were killed off (BENDIS!!). EDIT: oh, I meant to mention that Mac was brought back a few times over the years, first at the end of the original series run (where he was wearing a fairly horrible looking costume with inverted colors), and then again during the Steve Segle/ Scott Clark revival in the '90s (which I thought was pretty good, particularly for the time). Byrne killed him off because he thought he was a boring character, but I don't think he understood that Guardian was the iconic character from the group, and I think the book always struggled with the Guardian-shaped hole at the center. The bulk of Alpha Flight came back after the Chaos War in Hercules' book because, well, he willed it. It was an awful explanation, as many characters stayed dead regardless. The new Weapon Omega was part of Osborn's Dark X-Men, and recently turned up in X-Men Legacy, looking for help with his out-of-control powers. He's still a poorly-conceived character, but he's hanging out with Mimic, and anything that boosts Mimic's profile (and chances of a Minimate) is a good thing. Not only was this Weapon Omega part of Osborn's Dark X-Men... He's the guy that killed Alpha Flight in the first place! Puck escaped Hell after Wolverine. Ugh.
  12. Wow. Getting the Bleeding Edge Iron Man under the buster armor would be pretty sweet. Between him and Scarlet Witch's hex hands, I wouldn't care who else was in the set, I'd be sold.
  13. I want it to be ThunderCats more than I want it to be any other 80s property, but... The show just got canceled. It'd be odd timing, to say the least, and even if it IS what was planned, my guess would be that they'd can it now. This one made me laugh out loud. And while I'm no fan of furry-like activities, I am TOTALLY okay with this picture.
  14. Me last week: "Why does everyone want a damned Alpha Flight Set? Me today: "HOLY SHIT I NEED THAT!" Pretty much EXACTLY what I wanted.
  15. Where else, in a group of 13 people, will you find two who use a ball and chain as a weapon. Updated Absorbing man wih maybe a couple of different arms and legs, Lizard with sculpted head, Spider-Man aaaaaaaand... Any obscure heroes from SW we want to slip in?
  16. I'm not debating his worth as a figure, but... really? I've BEEN reading some Avengers comics since he put that costume on. He's barely in it, let alone relevant.
  17. I would guess Colossus is the one guaranteed to not get it votes. We're about to get two of him and his design is the plainest. Minimate collectors don't need him and casual voters are less than likely to want him. Beyond that? Who knows? I'd actually guess Scoot, Emma, Tony, Wanda the more I think about it, between collectors and casual voters. Plus, I figure Tony will garner the most accidental votes as people try to get a better look at the armor.
  18. The three X-Men are 1) redundant to the AvX boxset and 2) in my opinion hideous designs that won't last more than a couple of issues. Same can be said for the Phoenix Buster Iron Man. Protector's done nothing in the comics since arriving - less since donning the new costume. And I just recently snagged the first Wanda off e-Bay. PASS
  19. Sorry, but that's inaccurate. Diamond's shipping numbers reflect the number of sales per issue, not per month. When 52 was selling 85,000 copies, that was per issue, not divided by four. Also, Marvel's double shipping policy is a fairly naked ploy to boost their market share and average units sold. Thus, the double shipped titles are all among their best sellers; it wouldn't make any sense to double ship a title selling 18k an issue, as it would actually hurt their bottom line. Rest assured, if Thunderbolts had actually been selling 9k a month, it would have been cancelled long ago, as that's well below the cancellation threshold, even in this day and age. I know for a FACT Marvel has double shipped T-Bolts numerous times. And I wasn't talking about copies sold but dollars earned. One of the most easily tracked categories online is $/month and that does NOT correct itself for books that double ship. Just sezzin'
  20. And so rounds out my '90s Avengers, unless Black Knight makes the cut. I can't wait for the new MvC3 She-Hulk so I can show her more aggressive side, as well (she'll be fastball-specialling the new X-23)
  21. Going back to the numbers on T-Bolts, something that has to be considered: MANY Marvel books ship twice monthly. When they give you the totals for a month, they are telling you how much money that title made in the month. If it shipped twice, that means it really has half that readership.
  22. I hadn't even considered this possibility! Not only would it be great, the Terry head and hair could be reused for a Siryn/Warpath twopack down the line, and leaves blue and yellow Banshee for a two-pack with Forge. GENIUS!
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