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Jay Tigran

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Everything posted by Jay Tigran

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  3. for those that don't like facebook (all 1 of you) and I agree, the green should be translucent I'm hoping they come with green "ecto-streams" as well... *crosses fingers* "they have packs that shoot out very destructive ecto-plasm" ::EDIT:: according to GBFans the 3rd Minimate BoxSet (the Anti-Ghostbusters) won't be available until June 2012 that makes me sad
  4. Lovin how Janine & Slimer look finally updated the RGB Series 1 4-pack on the GBMM Archive, hope to get the TrU mates in soon
  5. The rights to Ecto-1 (movie, cartoon, game, whatever) is owned by Mattel agreed, an Egon Were-Chicken, an Egon-Hulk creature, Blue Slimer, Watt, Watt-possessed Peter, and tonnes more would make awesome minimates
  6. Yay! I bet it's either the Flip Side PeopleBusters OR the Citizen Ghost Anti-Ghostbusters Got the Series 1 Box Set. looks awesome but I see where people are complaining about some paint bleeding (Janine's hair to her glasses), and I haven't opened mine yet, but I think the yellow cord from the pack to Ray's thrower is not connected at the thrower... still looks awesome and can't wait to get picks up to the GBMMA
  7. I can't wait to get my hands on all the RGB MMs!!!! These look so awesome!
  8. Quick tweet from DSTChuck: "...RGB series 1 box set will be in specialty stores 7/6" Yay!
  9. Grrr, I have to wait to get mine from my supplier in the states... this sucks. they look soooooooo kool!
  10. how much is that rooftop set going to cost Luke?
  11. Where did you see the pictures? I didn't see in the thread. I bet I stupided... It was in Luke's Newsletter, and it is epic!
  12. I'm a little sad there is absolutely no Ghostbuster related Minimate merchandise for this years SDCC
  13. I was really expecting one of the exclusives to be a "People Busters" set. Easy repaint, and probably pretty demanded by the RGB crowd. An even easier box set would be the Anti-Ghostbusters from the episode "Citizen Ghost", cast the heads in translucent green (or Glow-in the Dark) and have them all in "marshmallow mess" style uniforms but yes, the PeopleBusters & Anti-Ghostbusters are the 2 most wanted sets on the GB forums that I've noticed
  14. I'm excited for this rooftop piece you mentioned...
  15. That PKE looks awesome!!!! I can't wait to get these!
  16. we're going to end up with more Slimers & Stay Pufts than we will Winstons by the end of it.
  17. I am loving these 110%... can't wait to get my hands on them
  18. things to note: - streams are a different color orange and no blue coloring on them - the packs have an upside down ghost trap on them (nice touch) - Egon's pke is a new mold - Slimer looks a little translucent and his pack is removable - Yes, they spelled it Sam Haim instead of Sam Hain - Janine's straps look removable...
  19. has anyone even been able to place an order for these yet? my source in the states is having trouble even placing one order on ::EDIT:: Never mind, he got the order placed after all. Yay!
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