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Everything posted by Alpheon

  1. You...what? I seriously didn't get that. How do you use Wite-Out to make custom Minimate parts?
  2. Title and subtitle say it all. A friend of mine was able to configure his computer to give a greeting in a clear, female voice (not the text-to-speech kind) that differed on the time of day. His key was named André (yeah, he was named André, too) and hence, when he logged in on his key the voice would say "Good morning, André." if it was "morning"-ish time. If it was evening, evening, etc. Well, it was really cool--but now he doesn't know how he did it, and I'm not getting much help from Google. Anybody help? I have Windows XP Professional--let me know if you need anymore information. This is just a whim thing, not vitally important, but still something I'd like to do. Thanks.
  3. Look at that! Before it changes, that is. We've got 1,000 members! I thought that was pretty cool. Like I said, though, it's likely that a lot of them are spam bots, but what the heck! They're members too (sort of)! P.S. I almost put this in Forum News and Announcements, but I thought better of it.
  4. I didn't know where to ask this, and I didn't want to bother anyone with a PM: Can knees come apart on 2" Minimates--without breaking anything?
  5. Wow, Dragon--I sure hope you count yourself as blessed.
  6. Very cool. I wonder why they changed it? Maybe it didn't display the figure very well. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Indeed, you are welcomed. Hope you find what you're looking for; it's bad enough completists get to have 47 cases of each set that comes out ( ), but when you really want just that ONE character (then you'd be happy)--it's no where to be seen.
  8. I don't know, maybe I'm too pulled into all of it, but--this IS saddening. I mean, for whatever reason, by whichever writer, Cap IS dead. He might not be, but for all intents and purposes--Captain America has left the Marvel Universe. I'm gonna miss him. He was a freaking great hero. I salute you, Steve. *gets shot by sniper*
  9. My first guess: George Peréz. But I could be wrong, I'm not sure; it's such a small, dark picture.
  10. Sounds promising. I've wanted a Bucky for so long...and a 1st Appearance Cap, too! There going to have to REALLY screw these up to keep me from buying them. But who wants X3 Colossus? I mean, he only spoke, maybe three--no, two--times in the entire trilogy. Oy. Hydra Agent would be cool with MODOK. I can see getting 5 of those... And of course, they re-use Patroit's crappy body for Bucky.
  11. ^Chah, that's what we're thinking. But I'm not sure if these will come in the same two-pack together later on...
  12. Eh, looks like I'm going to have to skip on this one and wait at my shot when it's officially released. All my money before April 12th is pouring into my customs project; I have no disposable income.
  13. Oh, my word...freaking yes. This is so awesome; I need two. One for my brother, and one for me--but will these be re-released in the regular series once it comes out?
  14. ^I doubt it, it'd be extremely difficult to pull of with a Minimate body. More than likely it's just a pegged "hair" piece type mask, uncut like the DCD ones.
  15. You're most welcome, sir. And that WOULD be PFA to get Minimates from... Uuhhh...those Spider-Man 3 Minimates look awesome! *trying here* No, really: how do you think they'll pull off that warped-up Sandman? Just big, thick plastic pieces for the arms or bendy ones? I'm betting bendy (or maybe that's just wishful thinking).
  16. Well, we've already had two animated Ultimates movies, but the Avengers comes out in 2008, but it'll probably be bumped to 2009. Click here to see the Rotten Tomatoes entry. topic...Uh, those Minimates look awesome!
  17. ^Works for me, sir. And those look really cool, HelloMate--I'm actually thinking of so many uses for those outside the Minimate realm...
  18. I have a relatively humane approach to fixing that problem, maxcarnage... But actually, I've only had one problem with limbs. GSXM Nightcrawler. I took him out, moved his leg frontwards...but instead of snapping, it just twisted without a sound (it was pretty tough to move) and came off in my hand. But that was obviously my fault, so I really haven't had any problems. My friend's Racer X fell apart when my friend rested his hand on him, every joint broke but the neck.
  19. Ouch. That really sucks. I'm sorry about that, Shanester. Did you buy more than one?
  20. ^It's within walking distance, and they had a set unexpectedly held for me. Less expensive (though still so) than any online stuff.
  21. Sweet Beatles! JL, if you don't mind my asking, what do you need 15 cases FOR?? (with all due respect )
  22. I'm still praying for a Marvel 1602 set, or better yet--a series! Sigh, I loved that little epic. It was just such a cool idea, that hadn't been done before (I don't think). Any more votes?
  23. Did anyone else get a Lex with TWO LEFT ARMS? That was me. Slightly annoying, but doable. These guys are really cool, though. Not the best of the best, but that's only because it feels...weird to group them in with any of the Minimates we've gotten so far, somehow. They're just so different to me, it's like another toy (almost). But perhaps it's just another one of my eccentricities...
  24. They're perfect! I hope to have these in my pocket when I go see the movie. Ouch.
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