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Everything posted by Halo11701

  1. Mine would have to be, the Spider-Man 3 "New Goblin" He just has so many accessories so far, which is rare for marvel minimates. I would have picked Venom but I have yet to see any accessories, yet. But I doubt he will have any in the finished product . :biggrin: ...:::Halo11701:::...
  2. I'm going to see it on the week end of the 18th so I can see it with my friend. And play Halo 3 beta! :tongue: ...:::Halo11701:::...
  3. I don't think they have been conformed yet, but the DST website says 6/30/2007 :biggrin: ...:::Halo11701:::...
  4. I just sent mine yesterday! Can't wait till it comes! :biggrin: ...:::Halo11701:::...
  5. I think the mega bloks Spider-Man sets will work well with the Spider-Man 3 minimates. ...:::Halo11701:::...
  6. I also have a question, I went shopping with my mom and bought one minimate pack with the groceries and and one sepertaly bye it self. I was just going to send the 2nd receipt to the give away, but I was thinking that I could use the other receipt for my friend. But I need to know, is a receipt with other items (besides minimates) valid? Thanks, ...:::Halo11701:::...
  7. Yeah sorry about that, :biggrin: . I was so existed. I'll change the topic.
  8. I was thinking you guys could post here which exclusives you get from them. Should be fun to see who gets the "Silver spidy". :biggrin: Thank you so much guys at AA. ...:::Halo11701:::...
  9. LOL! That is so funny, what are the odds a rare insect like that would cling on to your super man! ...:::Halo11701:::...
  10. Is it just me? Or does venom look much better in this picture than the wizard sneak peak? ...:::Halo11701:::...
  11. Nice pics of them dude! I like the camera angles too, those are some nice mates there. Anyway I just signed up fr DST Radical, would I be receiving something like this? ...:::Halo11701:::...
  12. Can any one show a pic of minimate venom in the symbiot? I would do it but I have no venom. ...:::Halo11701:::...
  13. Mine is mmljcrusaders. I usually play Halo 2.
  14. Alright we all know Hasbro completely failed with the Spider-Man 3 figures. But what about those test tubes with the Symbiot, Sand compound and webbing? Could these ooze tubes work good with the mates? I mean you could put symbiot on venom and you could put sand on sand man, maybe the webbing would work for spidy. So what do you think could it work? Would it look cool? Would it ruin the mates? etc, etc? ...:::Halo11701:::...
  15. LOL thats a laugh, they use more plastic for the boxes then the figures. :tongue: This is a let down, they we're doing good at first with ghost rider. Especially the 12" one with the motor cycle. :sad: But now with spider-man 3 they have failed. I know this line it ment for kids but come on, why not at least a collectors line or some thing. The only things I like in this line is those plushies, the containers with the symbiot, sand, ect. Forget hasbro I'm pre-ordering my Spider-Man 3 mates! Total let down, ...:::Halo11701:::...
  16. I had the same feeling when I got him, I thought "Hey I'm not selling him why keep him in a package" but I still didn't open him. It drove me nuts to make the decision (frankly because "he" was my first modern cylon) of ether keeping in bag/taking him out. So I took him out (and kept the bag to put him back in at times) and I have had fun with him ever since. Now all I need is that army of cylons from my LCBS. :tongue: ...:::Halo11701:::...
  17. Lets just hope not... I would not want to see that on aunt may... never.... eeeewww, ...:::Halo11701:::...
  18. 1,000 MEMBERS YES!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ...:::Halo11701:::...
  19. I couldn't wait any longer, I had to free my cylon elf from the plastic packaged prison he was in. I have no intentions of selling him for big bucks so I opened him. :biggrin: He is so much cooler on display with out his package. ...:::Halo11701:::...
  20. Congrats on being a 14yr. old uncle, my Aunt was at the beach once and she saw a 10yr. old and a 8yr. old, and the 8yr. old was the aunt!
  21. I heard that on the news last night and I said to myself "What?!?" I thought it was something else, so I ignored it. R.I.P. Captain America, 1941-2007.
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