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Everything posted by BrobotC

  1. Good idea,but what if numerous members live in the same city?
  2. Sounds good to me! People can still do golden age, steam punk, histocrial figures, etc if they want. Makes sense,as it can leave room for more creativity.
  3. Why dont we just create our own Superhero? End of story? :O
  4. I really like this idea, I'd definitely be up for this theme. Im also up for this Idea! But if we DO go with the "Historical Figure as a Hero" idea,what would classify as a Hero? For example,could an entry be based on Ghost Rider or Punisher,or would they be too grim?
  5. Howsabout we go with the Classic Superhero idea?
  6. Im pretty sure he means "make our OWN steampunk influenced hero"
  7. IMO,I think we should go for a steam punk themed Charity! Just my 2 cents
  8. (Part 1 of 2) Standing there alone,his ship is waiting,all systems are go. Major Tom leaves his locker & walks to the platform where everyone is waiting. As he walks to his ship,fellow scientists pat him on the back and cheer him on. When he enters the spacecraft,the door silently closes behind him,and the only sounds heard were the beeps and boops coming from the computers in the ship. "Ground control to Major Tom,Commencing countdown,Engines on. Check Ignition and may gods love be with you." 5,4,3,2,1.Liftoff As Major Tom's ship takes off,news reporters stand outside NASA headquarters. "Today,October 19 1960,Astronaut and Scientist Major Tom will travel through space on a one man expedition in order to see if there truly is life on Mars.Oh! I think hes about to take off! As Tom floats in space,the launch successful, he receives a message from Ground Control "Ground control to Major Tom,Whats going on up there?" "Everything seems to be going fine Ground Control,some bumps here and there but so far everything seems to be good,why do you ask?" "We seem to be getting some interference" "It'll pass" Replies Tom Tom Starts to roam the cabin "Im stepping through the door,Im floating in the most peculiar way!" Says Tom to Ground Control,but nothing but silence is heard. "Ground control to Major Tom! Your circuits dead! Theres something wrong! Can you hear me Major Tom?!?! Are you receiving our messages?" Major Tom knows what this means. As Major Tom accepts his fate,he relays one last message to Ground Control "Tell my wife I love her very much" That was the last message from Major Tom. It was concluded Tom passed through an unexpected solar storm and his shuttle malfunctioned. It did,but not for long. Since it was unknown how long the expedition to Mars would take,the Shuttle was packed with enough food for an entire fleet for a year But,After drifting through space for 1 year, his shuttle miraculously powered back on as it passed through an electrical storm. With his ship powered and ready to go,Tom made his trek back home. "This is Major Tom to ground control! Im coming home!" Tom received no response. With his ship plummeting towards earth,He lands his ship in the ocean in order to save his own life.As Major Tom nearly escapes the crash with his life,he sees land ahead of him. As he swims toward land,all he can smell is Ash. Major Tom made it to the shore. He looks around and realizes that hes been here before.As he takes a few more steps he sees the remains of what once was the Statue of Liberty. He drops to his knees. "No! You blew it up!You bastards!" he screams. As he lay sobbing on the floor,the wretched moans of the undead are heard.....
  9. I actually asked this question during a live Q and A with one of the DST members. Minimates were always called Minimates
  10. Ok,so Im not sure how many of you know this,but The Walking Dead video game takes place in the same world as the comic. So,Zach,could this mean that we have a chance of seeing characters from the video game as mates,even though they dont come out in the comic,but live in the same world?
  11. Im calling it,we are gonna get 2 Governors,one will be a Battle Damage Swat variant,and the other will be civilian Governor .
  12. Am I the only one okay with this? .-.
  13. Michonne has a different face. Sword might have a different painted handle, too. Not sure about that. Same sword handle :/
  14. As awesome as your Abraham QC... I prefer an Ultimate Thor head Hail Ivan!
  15. Can anyone with a spare Winter Coat Dale PM me? Thanks in advance!
  16. Pics of TWD 4 pack! Roamer Zombie Lurker Zombie Prison Rick Grimes Michonne
  17. So,if DST are recreating the zombies from numerous Walking Dead panels........ WHY HAVEN'T WE GOTTEN THE BICYCLE GIRL YET?
  18. No sheath in the comic books,shes kinda just carrying it around :/
  19. YO BITCH LETS MAKE METH! Walter White & Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad!
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