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The Geohound

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Everything posted by The Geohound

  1. Luke already mentioned someplace that he is going to stock these. That's how I plan to get mine, because otherwise, I'm just plain screwed. EDIT: Drat! Hellpop is winner. I haven't been this excited for new minimates in a while. This whole year so far has just been incredible, and continues to keep being even more incredible ever new release that comes along. Thank you, DST. From the bottom of my cold, blackened, malicious little heart, I love you. And Icon Heroes, I have never heard of you before, but I know who you are now.
  2. This is going to be awesome. I can not wait. I must get these.
  3. Aw Nutbunnies. Please don't let it be Merk. Or a different translucent colored Vorin. Or or or or.... Frak.
  4. Panthro, Panthro, Panthro! I'm going to get Panthro. I'm so very happy right now. I can not wait to get these. I am sad I do not have them already.
  5. Just, seriously, this has been in my head constantly the last two days.
  6. I agree. I really hope this line explodes and we get, well, everything. And maybe actual vehicles and who knows what else. Long as somewhere I get a Panthro with chain linked nunchucks, I'll be all set.
  7. Closed cloak bonus piece would be awesome. My guess would be if this line does go on, we'll get a Mumm-Ra the Ever Living as a separate mate. I think they're just too different to be a single figure with extra added parts. I'm really excited to find out who else will be in this Boxset. I have to assume there will be Lion-O, but who could be the fourth? I hope for Panthro. With little chain link claw nunchucks. Also, I am two episodes from the end of this new Thundercats show and it's not bad. I like it. At least enough to spend my day off watching it and not regret the decision. Maybe I'll be more upset that it's probably cancelled now.
  8. I just went through the MM database thinking I'm somehow missed Kasumi or Ryu Hayabusa, then I remembered Master Chief was in DoA 4. I wouldn't mind a Tecmo wave, we could get the Ninja Gaiden series, Dynasty Warriors, Fatal Frame, and my most wanted character of all time Gitaroo Man. Sorry for the rampant wishlisting today. Technically not Master Cheif in DoA4. Just some girl in a Mjolnir armor set. Still close enough for me to count it. Who said Gitaroo Man? Where!?
  9. Man Colossus looks good. I'm really glad he doesn't come with hair. I really like the brighter red on him. He should be fun. Everything else looks amazing too. Can't wait for these.
  10. Going purely based on Jaga at this point, the very least, this set will be classic Thundercats. The lack of giant shoulder pads is what gives it away. But if we get modern ones in with the old, I'm ok with that.
  11. Translucent ARROWS!? Are you kidding me? Just awesome.
  12. Oh you. Thanks Zach. Can't wait to get these. And everything else for that matter.
  13. Watching the first episode now, Jaga has cat eyes. No idea what's going on in that picture TM2 posted. Maybe he loses the cat eyes when gets all spirits and stuff? Actually scratch that. Seems his eyes go back and forth, so, blah. Shoddy attention to a small detail, maybe? My money's on Classic designs for the minimates, though.
  14. I should really get around to watching the new show. I only ever watched the premiere two part thing, but it seemed not the worst show of all time. And it's either that or go back to Minecraft, so probably a good time to watch some tv.
  15. Well, the post on Thundercats' Facebook mentions it's Jaga in his spirit form, so my guess would be he is translucent. Which will be awesome. I have a use for translucent minimates, moreso these days than ever.
  16. You are a sneaky man. Don't need the statue, but you make sure you hold one of those sets for me. Pleasey please? When are you going to have them for preorder, Luke? Also, going by AFX's list of exclusives, the Thundertank is apparently sitting for $70. Ouch.
  17. Yeah but it could be neat display piece if so and so were to happen and such. Not my cup of tea, being not an actual vehicle or anything, but still it is pretty cool. Just, stationary.
  18. You know, it's a real rarity, these twilight conversations you and I have Dinobot. You really seem to sparkle. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bowl of applejacks to eat. In a classy manner, you know, like they drink tea. With my pinkie outstretched. Maybe also some pie.
  19. I don't get it. You better try again, man. You need to make your point clear.
  20. Is this wacky? I have no idea. But it sure is entertaining to me.
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