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Everything posted by SouthFLGuy

  1. Cyberdyne Sarah Connor hairpiece. BSG Boomer hairpiece works well too
  2. Daredevil Nick Fury Nightcrawler Rhino Colossus Juggernaut Iron Fist Bishop (90stastic version)
  3. the Mr Fantastic and World War Hulk are a pleasant surprise. of course i'll be getting klaw/storm pass on thor/loki since I can wait until my set from that wave captain america/bd wolverine are cool, but i'll pass. I like seeing some packs that aren't just the same packout at the normal waves. I wonder if they are just going to be doing 4 sets in a wave now instead of 5. I was hoping for them to finally start on a double army builder pack. even if it was short packed it would be cool to get them out there.
  4. the more I look at this wave, the more I'm thinking of canceling my preorder. the army builder looks pretty plain and while the ironmen look nice, I already have plenty of Ironmen and War Machines in that style
  5. ugh, I hope that means the warehouse for your region found some extra cases. Granted I could use the holster for Union Jack
  6. the only packaging I keep are for my statues. Everything else is tossed.
  7. I saw them today. The Egon/Library ghost is heavily packed, there were 4 of them there.
  8. I know around here I see one "scalper" a lot. He buys for a local comic shop, even has a sales tax exempt form. I think he collects for himself too.
  9. top 5: Comic Deadpool Aim Soldier Bullseye Movie Punisher Bucky Captain America Top 5 runners up: Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider Black Widow Ares Jewel Hydra Soldier Bottom 5: Ultimate Hulk Spider-girl (back boobs, otherwise it would be near the top 5) Symbiote Bond Spider-man (secret wars box) Drax the Destroy (mostly due to no interest to version of the character, give me modern) Wolverine Origins mates
  10. With an ugly exclusive also. I do feel Hasbro has gotten better with female figures in the 3 3/4 lines. I think the perfect example is the evolution of female figures in the Star Wars line. Recent woman figures actually look like woman and not drag queens. I'd swear there's some early versions of Princess Leia with an Adam's Apple. Back on topic, I'm all for more Iron Man charcters/armors, but I hope some of those don't end up being battle damaged versions. Those are cool, but in the movie lines they seem to just take up the space of other unique characters. yeah, i'm not a fan of "battle damage" either. the ones from the Hostile Takeover box set were good, but I wouldn't have got them unless AFX wasn't giving them for free with orders.
  11. Tough choice. Comic Deadpool is great. I also really like the Punisher Warzone Punisher. Invaders and bucky Cap are awesome. The Aim soldiers took me by surprise, I wasn't sure if i'd be keeping them. Jewel just because I love the character.
  12. yeah, at least its possible to find some toysrus employees who can look up inventory at the store and warehouse level. Good luck even finding someone who can tell you what we have is out at walmart.
  13. ha, i love "sales". It was 9.98 last week.
  14. also after black friday their trucks start to really pick up. My buddy told me last night when he let me know the secret wars mates will be in on monday, that they have 3 trucks this week. where last month it was about 2 a week.
  15. checked my local TRU and they are on a pending manifest, so they should be there on monday they told me. The wave 5 though are still not pending to the warehouse yet, but are on order.
  16. Well at least at toysrus when I show someone at the service desk something like this that I find on the floor, they actulaly put it in the damaged bin and I don't find it on the floor. Target and Walmart don't give a crap. A target by me still has a DCUC Cyborg with the sonic arm piece cut out of the front of the packaging. I brought it to the service desk since there was no line and said told them what's up with it. A week later it was back in the toy aisle.
  17. well the Toysrus in Florida will not have new minimates tomorrow. Stopped by last night and my friend looked up the Secret Wars box and normal minimate 2packs. The 2packs are still on order but not pending to the warehouse yet. The Secret Wars box is pending to the warehouse, so that could mean late next week possibly.
  18. I doubt these will be hitting for friday, at least not at my local store. I stopped by today and talked to someone I know and they looked it up on the computer and none were pending to the warehouse just yet.
  19. Maybe on the biggest retail day of the year. aka Black Friday. So instead of trying to snake them from each other we have to also compete with crazed parents looking for anything for a stocking stuffer. If any store has them on black Friday it would be a coincidence. Retailers are too concerned with items featured in their ads and door busters than collector item toys that they only get one case in of at a time.
  20. i'm curious too. My friend who works at toysrus checks the item number on their computer at least once a week for me and for almost 2 months now it showed them on order to the warehouse. usually with the normal minimates it takes a few weeks from on order to the warehouse then shipping to stores. Hopefully wave 5 should be hitting towards the end of the month or early december since they're on order now too.
  21. Ahh...The good ol' days with no Kang or Deadpool hysteria... *remembers* Yeah, but I remember when it was 'no Thor?' hysteria. And look forward to the days of 'no Squirrel Girl?' hysteria. I'm already in Squirrel Girl hysteria. We need her like 20 waves ago!
  22. i've gotta agree with you there. I say 80s rogue, or if they do a JL Jean Grey, give us the Green costume Silver Age marvel girl mate.
  23. packaged pictures of both sets are up on AFX facebook page.
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