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delta chameleon

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Everything posted by delta chameleon

  1. I frequent both boards, however I post more on the LRG forums. I always try to keep any posts positive, and if I do have criticisms of anything, I try to keep them constructive. I will say that both boards are filled with a TON of great people. A lot of people over here have been very welcoming to me as I have gotten started collecting minimates. A lot of guys over at the LRG board were absolutely instrumental ten years ago in helping me become the toy collector and customizer/painter that I am now. LRG is just a board dedicated to a few toylines that are quite a bit smaller than Transformers/Star Wars/MOTU, etc... As such, there tends to be a smaller pool of collectors, and incidentally that group has become very passionate about whatever line they happen to be collecting, whether it's Battle Beasts, MUSCLEs, etc... Most of the time, that passion creates a great positive vibe that harbors a community that is there to help each other. However, sometimes, there are some collectors that use that passion to create negative comments. However, I think if you spent more time over at the boards, you would find a lot of great people. I just tend to ignore most of the negative comments and focus on the threads that are filled with people excited for for new things to come out. Myself, I'm excited for all manners of new "Battle Beasts" lines, whether it's Beast Saga, Minimates, Armorvors, etc... If it's a small, 2" anthropomorphic animal warrior in battle armor, I am pretty stoked right now. And I think you'll find that most people there are excited about the new minimates Battle Beasts. I think a lot of people are waiting to comment until they get them in hands, and it has taken a while so far to get figures outside of the promos, so people are sort of waiting to see how they turn out. And Zach, the board does like you. A LOT of the guys (like myself) really appreciate the fact that you come over to the boards to talk and give us info. Most other companies I have ever dealt with don't do anything even close to that, with a couple exceptions. With that said, the BB minimates are different enough from the original battle beasts that there are going to people who don't like them, no matter what anyone says. Not everyone wants a ton of articulation in a figure, and instead like the "solid" feel of a limited or no articulation figure. I am usually in that camp, typically staying away from figures that have a ton of articulation. Minimates are one of the first toylines to get me to cross over a bit. And the proportions are different, with the originals being more squat, thick and similar body types with a certain, almost cartoonish charm to the animals/faces. That's why so many like the Beast Saga figures. They emulate a lot of those qualities that the original battle beasts had, even if they do have the goofy dice launcher in their chest, while the minimates are crazy articulated, taller/skinnier in proportions, and a bit more serious in their sculpts and character designs. The way I see it and a lot of others on the board see it, is that the BB minimates are a different take, a different spin on the concept. That's going to work for some and not work for others. But that's okay. It's just unfortunate that a couple strongly opinionated posters are a bit louder right now than the majority. But, I think that will change once we all get figures in hand. I know a lot of people (myself included) will then be mixing and matching between beasts, other minimates, etc... I know I have already made about a dozen or so custom beast mates while waiting for the official ones to come out using parts from a wide range of mates. Once people can actually interact with that, a lot of them will see the benefits of a minimate and really start to talk about it on the boards. Let's keep any bad blood from forming between the two boards. Both are filled with some great people who are both passionate about their perspective toy lines. We may just all look at what makes a great mini figure a little bit differently from one collector to another, from one board to another. Now, with all that said, I'm really looking forward to seeing these beasts in hand. If you have them in the warehouse, than it should be getting very close, hopefully within a week or so. I know I'll be buying one of each from LCS and TRU, and I'm really excited to see what I can put together using these pieces.
  2. They're all over the Facebook page. oh. can't see facebook at work. thanks though! Here you go!
  3. Yeah, there just seems like a lot of different animals. Pretty much every single beast they fight is a different type of animal. Really no "troops" per say. If anything, I would just choose the animal you think works as a troop the most, and army build that. That's what I did with the original line, choosing the snake. For this new line, I am kind of wanting to make a clan of Rams/Moose. I have all the promo Vorins. And I'll be using the vorin and moose minimates to make more characters.
  4. So I've now secured these.......... there anything else please ? The only one it looks like you are missing is the Luke's Toy Store exclusive cover.
  5. It's Lion-o, Mumm-ra, Jaga and who is the last one ?? Grune I believe.
  6. Man, that moose looks amazing! Easily my favorite of this first wave. I am so excited by a viking Moose Battle Beast with a horn and axe. Really nice job on the choice of accessories. Love it! Very excited for this line. And TENIME_art, I downloaded the pic and attached it, so hopefully you can see it.
  7. Ok, I have to enter this. Would love to get that tan Vorin, but I have no idea how this is working. I will think of something halloween themed. Won't be able to post anything until closer to Halloween.
  8. I like the bat. I appreciate the fact that they are going in a different route to represent a bat than Battle Beasts/Beast Saga. Those figures all have separate arms, and then the wings on their backs. I like that this has the wings integrated into the arms, like a real bat. If I have to make some criticisms of the figure, I feel like perhaps the arms are a touch too long, but I would have to decide on that based upon having it in my hands. Also, I would have liked to have seen a bit more armor on him. But the more I think about it, the more it seems with this line that the flying battle beasts don't have nearly as much armor as the heavier ground beasts, which makes sense. Overall, still a very solid figure. Something that I am still getting used to is the diversity between the figures. I am still so used to Battle Beasts and now Beast Saga, that I am accustomed to figures that follow a psudo-standard about body proportions, placement or armor, etc... I have to get used to the aesthetic of the Minimates Battle Beasts that each animal is going to have their own style to it. Which I think is going to be a really strong positive to this line. Now, what I am waiting for is pictures of the Moose. That has to be my favorite thus far of wave 1. With that horn, he reminds me of a viking moose. How can you go wrong with a viking moose?
  9. I wanted to thank Luke for giving us this opportunity. I got my comics and Stealth Vorin in about a week ago. I really like the color scheme on the stealth vorin. He may be my favorite color scheme thus far. I'm sure that this was quite a hassle for Luke, and to do it for cost. Cheers for being willing to help out the community!
  10. I received my prize package this weekend. I am so excited to have a Gold Vorin! Thanks to everyone that helped make this competition possible!
  11. Congratulations everyone! Hav, I still have that song stuck in my head.
  12. What I was going for was a representation of Tsukuyomi. Amaterasu is the Sun God in Japanese Shinto religion, and Tsukuyomi, as the god of the Moon, is her foil. So I was trying to represent the opposite character of Amaterasu from Okami.
  13. Alright, after a ton of work here's my entry. What I love to do in my collecting hobby is repainting custom figures. And since I started collecting minimates a couple years ago, something that really struck me is the level of detail that minimates have. So, I decided that I wanted to celebrate 10 years of minimates by doing a repaint for 10 different francises/lines that the minimates have covered, showing off the detail and variety of characters that minimates have covered in that 10 years. For the 10 franchises, I decided on: Marvel, DC, Battle Beasts, MAX, Universal Monsters, Halo, Star Trek, Sony, Capcom and Battlestar Galactica. So I went on a massive painting spree, and painted one figure for each line, with the exception of Marvel. Since Marvel has become such a tent pole license for Minimates, I decided to do the two most prolific characters, Spider Man and Iron Man. It's been a whole bunch of time at the painting bench. Well, with that, I'll get to the photos. I hope you guys enjoy. Blank celebrating 10 years of Minimates: Iron Man (Marvel) Spiderman (Marvel) Vorin (Battle Beasts) ODST Trooper (Halo) Batman (DC) Creature from the Black Lagoon (Universal Monsters) Special Ops Trooper (Mobile Action Extreme) Admiral Kirk (Star Trek) Clank (Sony) Cylon (Battlestar Galactica) Amaterasu (Capcom) Group Shot of all the Minimates celebrating the anniversary! Well please, let me know what you guys think.
  14. Those look really nice. I agree that the Vorin armor does look a bit bright, but I kind of like it. The tarantula looks much better in this shot. He looked a bit off in the SDCC pics, but in this picture, I can see quite a bit more of him and his proportions. And of course, as many others have said, Merk and the Snake looks amazing. But the one that is starting to impress me the most the more pictures I see of him is gruntos. Out of all the BBs, for me he does the best job of capturing the look and character of him from the comic book. Both Merk and Vorin look like minimate versions of their characters, but Gruntos just looks like a perfect miniaturized version of the character. Really nice. So this is the specialty store series 1 correct? I am excited to see pictures of the TRU series 1. Really waiting anxiously to see that moose.
  15. Fuji, that entry is awesome! Really nice, professional look to it. And it represents Minimates well. I hope my entry can compare.
  16. What I did, that works perfectly, is I took the wings off. Applied a small layer or superglue all around the peg evenly, and let it dry completely. Then I snapped the wings back on, and now they are nice and stiff, but still smooth enough to move. His wings pose really nicely. This technique works really well for just about every figure joint that has once piece popping on/off of another. Loose arms or heads also get this treatment. My Vorin's head was pretty loose, and just a bit of super glue on the head peg, and now the head is perfect.
  17. I really liked the comic. The story for me is very reminiscent of something to come out of the 80s. Some outside force waging an unknown war brings their battle to Earth. Felt nostalgic to me, but at the same time, the seriousness of the action made it feel more modern or adult oriented. As for the depth of the story, right now I am undecided, but very excited. I think we got just enough to get a sense of who the main characters are, but mostly it was just a quick introduction to them before we saw them forced into battle again. But it does leave a bit of mystery there that creates a hunger to see more. The art is fantastic. Not a single bad thing to say about that. Well done in every aspect. If there is something I would like to see from the story, it's a more concrete, solidified nemesis or force working against Vorin and co. Right now, it feels like it's just the three of them versus all other beasts. And while the action scenes against the desert beasts and the bear were very exciting, I would imagine there would be some other beast, leading the campaign against vorin. A foil or antithesis to Vorin and his ideals. I think that would help keep the enemy from just being nameless hordes fighting them. I am also interested to see how far they go into depth about beast society. Are there others that support Vorin and think they way he does? Are there other beasts that one would consider "good guys" but are still opposed to Vorin's actions? So far, Vorin seems to have dispatched any other beasts they come across with relative ease. I want to see who might be the equal of Vorin in battle prowess. But that's all a good thing. It has me thinking and wondering about the rest of the world and what Vorin, Merk and Gruntos will be faced with. And that Bear beast was fantastic looking. I am really hoping that we get a minimate of him. I am really excited to see more designs from the book for more beasts.
  18. I am hoping to eventually track down a gold Vorin, but at the same time, I'm not getting too frustrated about the whole situation. There's actually something very fun about rare figures like this. Part of collecting is the hunt. Certainly I don't want to have to hunt for the entire line, but for the occasional piece, there is an exciting element when you finally attain a "holy grail" for your collection. The reason you feel so great about that is the journey to get the item. I'm a collector, not just a buyer. That search for the item is half the fun. I have been collecting Battle Beasts for 26 years now since they first came out. And the original line has some crazy rare pieces. Some of them can even cost you a thousand dollars or more to get. There's some of the drills, Stone Cobra, Striped Carp, Clear Carp, Clear Gator, Sunburst Lion, etc... (And then if you count Canadian bootlegs, Greeks, Russians, customs, etc..., you have even more to worry about!) I don't have a stone cobra in my collection. I probably never will. I'd love to have him one day if I was able to get it for a price that I could afford, but at the same time, if I don't, it's not like I feel any less about my collection. Of that list, I only have one of those super rares currently in my collection, a Sunburst Lion. And when I got him a few years ago, I was absolutely ecstatic. I see this gold vorin the same way. It's a fun, rare piece that will be a challenge to try and find. But at the same time, I'm not going to feel like my collection has a giant, glaring hole in it with out him. I'll just do what I can, and enjoy him that much more if I ever do get him. Zach, I think you handle yourself and your representation of DST very well both here and at the LRG forums. Now, back on the topic of Battle Beasts, what did you guys think of the two new Battle Beasts shown at the DST panel? I am only looking through pictures, but I love the look of the Bat and the Moose. That moose may be my favorite beast yet! With the horn, axe and his armor style, I get a very viking styled vibe from him. And vikings have always been one of my favorite warrior groups. His arms maybe look a tad short in the art, but that s really hard for me to tell when I am not looking at an actual figure. And who here has already gotten their Vorin and Zik two pack? What do you guys think? I am really interested to have a fully painted Vorin in hand. Excited to get mine within the coming weeks from Luke. Hahaha. That art is fantastic! Makes me like Zik even more. I have to say, at first I wasn't too impressed by him, but the more I see him and hear other people's thoughts on him, the more personality he seems to have. Now, I have to say i am really excited to get him.
  19. I am really loving the look of these Battle Beasts. I can't believe how well the main 3 translated from the art in the comic to minimate form. Really fantastic stuff. The spider just looks a little off to me. I am sure that once I see more pictures of it, or have them in hand, that I'll like him a lot more. I am not really interested in the human figures too much. I can understand why they are there, since this wave is clearly based off the comic book story. But with the figure line, I am really interested in Beasts in armor fighting each other. On that note, how many people of read issue 1 of the comic yet? I picked up my copy yesterday, and read through it twice. First of all, the artwork in the comic is outstanding. Both the animals and the people look outstanding. The story itself is pretty good, although its all still very basic right now. We didn't have a whole lot shown to us. It was more set up for who are going to be the major players moving forward. The action was great. Two really nice fights in there. And after reading the comic, I really want a minimate of the bear that's on Luke's cover.
  20. No worries. I am still extremely psyched that you were willing to do this for everyone so that we could get our hands on the Stealth Vorin. And, you got your own cover. I got a regular cover from my local comic shop, and inside, it has your exclusive cover/website listed! Pretty exciting stuff. After reading the issue, I really want a minimate of that bear on your cover.
  21. Wow, thanks for all the great pics guys. Really wish I was there! The Battle Beasts look amazing to me. Merk and Gruntos look absolutely fantastic. The three main characters have really translated well from the comic book to minimate form. I absolutely love the snake! I can't wait to get him so that he can join my snake army. I will have to get multiples of this guy. And the scorpion looks great as well. The only one I am so so on is the spider. He looks a little off to me, but that most likely will change once I have him in hand. Thundercats, man, just wow. For me, I am just blending them in with the battle beasts minimates as one solid continuity. So I have two new lines to really really be excited about. They really nailed this line. The villain four pack looks incredible. I still need to try and get my hands on the SDCC 4 pack. And Tygra also is really well done. Now all we need is a Mumm-Ra the Everliving, and the line will be perfect. The marvel and tekken vs street fighter stuff all looks really good as well. I love the figure of Kuma from TvsSF. That figure will fit great with the Battle Beasts/Thundercats. He just needs a bit of armor sculpted on top of him. To me, he looks like he would work well as the Bear BB from Issue 1 of the comic, if they don't make a minimate of that bear. I can see how the Battle Beasts may put off some of the minimates collectors. The line is veering away from the stylistic look of minimates a bit. But I for one am glad that they are still using the base minimate body. I am obviously more of a battle beast collector first, minimate collector second, so I am really looking forward to the customizability of the battle beasts, and how I can take parts from the BBs and put them with armor and bits from other minimates to make new characters. I really love that aspect. I have been making custom Battle Beasts for 15+ years, and this sounds like a heck of a lot easier than hacking away and solid chunks of plastic with an exacto blade to be able to make those new characters.
  22. I really like the packaging! I see a big variety of packaging for minimates. I think the packages that show off the entire figure work the best. There's something about this specific package that really appeals to me. Its very exciting/dynamic looking without being to busy. It almost reminds me of a lot of packaging from the early 90s in design. Love it. Impressed with the colors on Vorin. Its fun with him, between the promos and the control art at C2E2, I feel like I have been part of the step by step process of him becoming a complete figure. And its exciting to see the finalized figure. Now just 5 days until we get to see protos of the rest of series 1. There are several that I am very interested to see how they work out as an actual figure. Counting down the days now.
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