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Everything posted by Mirymate

  1. Mirymate

    wave 74

    Sorry, Heinous, but some of us love a good mystery.
  2. Mirymate

    wave 74

    And Buff's (or do you prefer Buffalo?) guesses were Hydra!Cap young or unworthy Thor Vision Ironheart Rogue Spider-UK Ulik Gorr, the God Butcher And two of them are right... This is going to keep me up all night trying to figure this out, you know that right?
  3. Making a movie about a female mercenary forced to work with a female thief works as a story whether or not Spider-Man is ever mentioned. It's another variation on the "odd couple buddy cop movie" that Hollywood cranks out three of every year. It will be Spidey free, and utterly forgettable. Venom... if you cannot acknowledge Spider-Man, then large parts of Venom don't make sense. Unless you jettison so many Spider-Man influenced elements, like the eye and chest designs, the wall crawling, the "webbing" and "web slinging" that the character is unrecognizable as Venom. And why make Venom is you have no way to bring him into contact with Spider-Man for 4 years? Because Disney won't make R rated hero movies like Deadpool and Deadpool made money, so we need an R rated superhero movie to, because clearly people want that now? Really? But I'm just a poor silly fan and they're high powered movie people who know what they are doing. They can make these all they want, I can vote with my dollar.
  4. Mirymate

    wave 74

    She just goes by Death... maybe... yeah. I dunno... a personification of Death action figure... I think the biggest strike against right this second would be timing, with Hela, goddess of death coming out, then another different female avatar of Death in another wave... But she does fit the criteria. Lilandra... yeah she qualifies, she is alien, and classic, and female, I guess over the years I think of her more as an X-Men character than a "proper" cosmic character. Which is weird since I figure her sister Deathbird as more of a general cosmic villain. But the I did guess them earlier so why not now?
  5. Mirymate

    wave 74

    Not offended, Buff. And if I were better at archive binges, I'd have known all Zach's clues before I opened my yap. So my new guess would be Hydra-Cap Superior Octopus Iron Heart Surtur Hydra-pool and a classic cosmic female alien that I will be ticked off with myself for not thinking of sooner.
  6. Mirymate

    wave 74

    Again, information I didn't have yet, my new friend.
  7. Mirymate

    wave 74

    Got that part, Buff. But the latest Wasp, Nadia Pym, is both a founding member legacy character, and she's actually been an Avenger. So has the Eric O'Grady Ant Man whose LMD is currently a Hydravenger as Black Ant. The Present White Tiger was on the Mighty Avengers team, with the newest bearer of the "Power Man" name. Point being, we've locked on to Iron Heart hard for a variety of reasons, but she could be one of your four wrong answers.
  8. Mirymate

    wave 74

    And X-23 was ever so briefly in Avengers Academy... Was Iron Heart ever an actual on the team Avenger though? Or are we focused on her because of media hype and DST's love of Iron Man variants?
  9. Mirymate

    wave 74

    Okay... so who's been both an X-man and an Avenger... Beast, Firestar, Wolverine, Havok, Rogue, Sunfire, Cannonball, Sunspot, Storm, Deadpool, Dazzler... Quicksilver was a member of X-Factor, two different X-Factors, Wanda never wore an X... and they are no longer mutants this week, may change later but for now... Who am I missing?
  10. Mirymate

    wave 74

    Mostly naked, huh? Ulik is a troll from Nornhiem, one of the Nine Asgardian Realms. So are we looking for mostly naked Aesir only? That narrows the field considerably. Especially since the best know mostly naked Asgard related entities are Surtur of Muspelheim And Ymir from Jotenheim
  11. No, thematically WW1 and it's historically accurate and ironic tagline "the War to End All Wars" was a better thematic fit for what they were trying to do. Plus we've (the audience) have seen so many WW2 movies over the years, so this gave us the familiar "war in Europe" setting with unique situations that were only found in that much less familiar conflict. I'd rather the next one be set in the 70's with a vibe similar to the old TV show. But that's just me.
  12. Mirymate

    wave 74

    Did not know that about Executioner and Vic. Kinda been away a while. Thanks for the info. So I'll stick with Iron Heart, since I'd be shocked (and more than a little ticked off) if they choose the current Quasar. (Cause if they pick this Jenny-come-lately to get a mate after waiting YEARS for the Wendel Vaughn version... ) And exchange Ulik or Kurse for Skurge.
  13. Mirymate

    wave 74

    Thanks, HP Alternate guesses- Superior Octopus (Spider-Verse, villain, was an Avenger while impersonating Spider-Man, new body is kinda a spider-clone) Infamous Iron Man (legacy Avenger, certainly a hero with villainous leaning) Either of the Neramani sisters (aliens, classic characters, female)
  14. It's close, but the boots are what "ruin" it. The actual buccaneer boots for mates hadn't been invented yet. (Hail Ivan) (I always liked that one personally)
  15. Wasn't there a rumor of two different guys using Shocker gear in this movie?
  16. Loved Wonder Woman. Didn't come out of it ticked off or let down, which I cannot say about any of the other three recent DC movies. Probably enjoyed it as much as Batman Begins in over all DC ranking. And I liked IM2 a lot too. In fact my biggest problem with IM3 was that it's ending made the main plot thread of IM2 seem utterly pointless. (that and IM3's utter lack of AC/DC, but that's neither here nor there)
  17. Which is a real bummer. On the one hand I want to see it, on the other, do I really want yet another streaming service subscription? Just for one cartoon? Unless it's less than $5 I don't see this happening at Miry-manor
  18. Sony's recent shenanigans have put a considerable damper on my enthusiasm for this movie. Why invest in this version of the character that Sony is so eager to reclaim and inevitably reboot?
  19. Sigh... Okay... Jason Wyngarde was carnival mentalist (this was the 60's folks) when Magneto recruited him into the first incarnation of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Using the name Mastermind, Wyngarde used his illusion casting powers to aide in Magneto's takeover of a small South American country. Mastermind's power was to create illusions that affected all five senses so strongly, that even those who knew they were illusions had a difficult time not reacting to them as if they were real. He remained with the Brotherhood until they were forcibly disbanded by the Stranger. (Jason was turned to stone for his trouble) He later recovered and joined the short lived Factor Three conspiracy. After knocking around the minor leagues a while, Mastermind petitioned to join the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club. Since they still had standards back then, they gave him the task of trying to convince the newly powered-up Jean Grey to join them. Given a device by the then villainous Emma Frost/White Queen that allowed him to project his illusions directly into a single person's mind, Mastermind began to drive the Phoenix crazy. (and also made himself much better looking) Well the plan worked too well, and they unleashed the Dark Phoenix. She broke Jason's mind, though he got better. Probably Mastermind's greatest achievement came a few months later, when in an attempt to get revenge on the X-Men he used his powers to convince Mariko Yashida to call off her wedding to Wolverine at the last minute. Even after everything is discovered, they never marry and is probably one of deepest wounds Logan suffered. After being practically ignored for the next decade, Mastermind is one of the many minor X-People who died from the Legacy virus so we'd think it was actually threatening. And unusually for an X-Character, he's staid dead. Barring temporary resurrection in reality warps or techno-organic magic viruses. Though a full accounting of who undied in those reality warps has never been taken and given his abilities, it's always possible some writer will decide he's been knocking around quietly ever since Age of X or something. Mastermind did like to use his powers to make himself more of a ladies' man, as evidence from his three known children, all girls, all half siblings (cause he is a bad guy on so many levels after all). Two Martinque Jason (Mastermind II) and Regan Wyngarde (Lady Mastermind) inherited his abilities, while apparently he hooked up with an honest to God fairy and their union produced the X-Man Pixie.
  20. Mirymate

    wave 74

    Okay... so Rouge (woman, Avenger, X-Man, could be first appearance or Unity Squad costume)(also used to be a villain) Iron Heart (legacy, woman, story specific variation, was an Avenger for like 5 minutes) Kaine (Spider-verse hero w/ villainous leanings)(Also not technically Peter)(but they did use his Scarlet Spider suit at Walgreens) Hydra Cap (cause he's everywhere right now)(also Avenger, story specific costume, villain or hero leaning villain) Executioner (Asgardian villain)(helps he's got at least a bit part in the upcoming movie) Pip the troll (classic Cosmic character, hero with villainous leanings, and why the heck not?!?!?!?)
  21. Mirymate

    wave 74

    Make that two people, HP.
  22. Always pressure over how to start... try to be witty?... earnestly sincere? How about I just say it's been a long road getting from there to here. Real life got insane the last few years. Even had to completely give up all collecting for most of 2015-2016. Jobs lost, new ones found, careers abandoned, new purpose discovered. Still married to my ever more long suffering wife. Proud father of a rising high school junior marching band geek obsessed with table-top RPG's (his groups collective excitement for the old TSR Marvel game warms my heart) and a rising middle schooler with a serious Minecraft addiction. Mostly enjoying this wondrous age of comics-to-film/TV era. Certainly much, much more than the current state of the print universes that spawned them. And truly missed having the time to be here, and hanging out with you guys.
  23. Is it going to include a hairpiece to let me create a FA Wanda to go with Toad, Mastermind, and green Quicksilver? No? SIGH! No, no, it's okay. I'm very excited. Really.
  24. Well Gosh, that just leaves Whirlwind (classic) Melter Beetle (Jenkins) Titania The Wrecking Crew and variation Amazing Bag-Man To which I'll gladly add- Mockingbird (classic costume preferred) Quasar (Vaughn) Batroc the Leaper (Don't give me "we made Batroc", you made an MMA fighter with a purple shirt) Count Nefaria Deathlock (Manning or Collins) Volcanna And variations Iron Man Mark 08, Deep Sea armor Vision (white) Wasp (Van Dye, pick a friggin' costume she's had plenty.) My actual wish list is, well, 495 entries long, and utterly unrealistic.
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