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Everything posted by Cappy

  1. Okay, I need help from a BSG fan (I know, I know... I'll catch up to the show eventually...) concerning the modern cylon case. There's a chrome cylon, which DST lists as "Capric". Why? Also, in his definitive list (as always, thanks for those) Lurch lists "Valley of Darkness" and "Downloaded" cylons. Why? Which of those two is the chrome one and which the bloodied cylon?
  2. Oh my stars and garters! I'm giggly, I'm wiggly, I'm doing the Happy Cappy Dance! Batgirl and Golden Age Flash! Now I can rest in peace (well... in August I can). Looks like the no-cut-out mask is going to be standard for the DC line. For now I'll have to trust Timbo that the effect is better in real life.
  3. Hey Deadpool, where'd you get the art for your BSG avatar? :o Must get me the largest copy I can find...
  4. Okay, first off, I have not read this whole thread, so eager am I to voice this: Whatever you do, Fujis, do NOT change your writing style. I like it. In fact, I've learned to assume everything you write is tongue-in-cheek, so I didn't even vote because I assumed it was a gag poll. :eek: Now, two follow-up points: 1) If you tag your work (which you're not going to change) as "humor", that's okay, but don't let it interfere with the articles. I can see how it would be a benefit to you: such a clarification lets a certain percentage of your readership get over that stumbling block and enjoy the text. And please something a bit more sophisticated that "laugh now" tags. Maybe categorize them as "The World According to Fujis" or some such. 2) There are some carefully thought-out critiques in this thread. If you ever feel the need to improve a bit, it's worth considering them. Since you do this as a hobby, there's nothing wrong with the writing you're already putting out and no need requirement to improve.
  5. Hey JP! (or any one else who cares to answer) Concerning 2-part modeling epoxies: I've worked with GW's Green Stuff and it cures as a fairly flexible plastic, this resiliency can make it difficult to sand or grind. Plumber's Epoxy sets up rock hard, it's amazing stuff but you'll need power tools to do any shaping after it dries. I've read that Milliput is fairly hard, but can be brittle. Where in this range does Magic Sculp fall?
  6. You know what really pisses me off? Marvel can license out to two competing games, companies that really are releasing nearly identical products (yes, yes, I know they're different games, I've played them both...) BUT we can't get Marvel miniMate vehicles or large characters! Don't give me this "it's the contract" BS. Contracts can be renegotiated. Step up DST and get those rules changed! This only proves that nothing is set in stone. Okay, rant over. MarvelScape does look pretty neat. No doubt I'll be buying into it...
  7. I haven't done this, but I certainly should be! What a great idea, groundhog! And me with all these HeroScape bits just lying around...
  8. As far as detail and QC, this is a typical Marvel wave. Keeping that in mind, you won't be disappointed. MAN, it's good to have new 'mates! Ronin actually looks very cool in person. Or so I think. I do wish she came with a pull-off mask though. Cage's skull cap truly sucks, it looks like a poor job on grey hair. (Says a guy who rarely, rarely pans anything miniMate.( The plastic underneath is brown, so I'm planning on removing the paint somehow and have a bald Luke.
  9. And one musn't forget: Office Space may have been out for a while, but The Office is currently a huge hit on NBC. Not Office Space, obviously, but close enough for potential "misrecognition."
  10. Well.... if you really want my opinion: I'd say none with human skin tones... that makes them look like kids in costume, rather than bears. So, I've just cut your choices down by half. Me, I'm thinking that Carnage looks pretty wicked, Beast is nice...
  11. So, in theory these are out. Have any of our friends in the UK seen any Marvel Bearz? If they were in the US, I'd be looking at Spencer Gifts kinds of stores, based on the on manufacturer.
  12. Oh, I had a reason... I really don't like Shanester, wanted to make his day hell.
  13. Too true. I only call him King Jerkface when he pays me (with plastic crack).
  14. Yeah, these are imports (from Japan). You won't find them at your average DST-supplied comics store. Gotta hit those anime speciality shops! Tis a terrible thing I do unto my fellow collectors...
  15. All right, has this been covered to all requesters satisfaction? Because I might have found a hard drive in the street that has all the BSG pictures, but just a couple of the Marvel and Speed Racer ones.
  16. While miniMates are the obvious favorite on this board, I'd say most other block and/or mini figures are respected around here. Some of us even collect others lines (*gasp!*). Me, I'm a Mez-Itz completist (building an Alien army, while I'm at it), then have at least a sampling of any other block figure I can get my hands on. Shockinis are an average product, they get such a negative reaction in many parts of the community because due to the politics of the company. And I must commend the membership here for you calm and controlled responses to this thread.
  17. Ady, Spidey is already out, the flagship of Wave 1, don't ya know. I've got the Spidey figure and he hangs out with my other Spider-Man minis. He's actually larger than most of them, so they don't make too much fun of him. Honestly, I'm more impressed with these than I thought I would be (heck, they come with stands!). My only small complaint is that the colors are very pastel -- you can see the soft shade of green Hulk is, Spidey is the same way, very subdued compared to the other Spider-Man figures. I am always careful to hide 3Age Spidey away when guests come over... Ady: I appreciate the shout out, Shanester, but this thread has grown to a real discussion. Should we perhaps move it over to "Other Toys & Collectibles"?
  18. I can confirm that Wave 12 is out and about here in grey, grey Washington. The new packaging looks slick. Kitty looks better in real life than her proto pics, but I agree that making her extremities "invisible" is kind of dumb. To phase her, all you have to do is pull a hand off! I picked up DOFP (heh) Wolverine at street price of $8.99. Don't particularly want him, but the hunger in my soul drove me to make the purchase anyway. So if any one's interested... And Ady, it's a shame to consume such a lovely hat. Couldn't you find an one ugly to eat?
  19. Okay, stupid question time: am I missing a link to see those pics in a larger format?
  20. You know, I see these things at TRU all the time, but always in some one's cart! I've never found them on the pegs. Story of my collecting life, always beat by the scalpers. *sigh* Congratulations Zombieboyfiend! A very nice addition to your collection.
  21. Yeah, I hear you drgnrbrn316, but of all the Minimate things I dream about, that idea of SixWayShot's -- a tricked-out Mach 5 -- would be the coolest. Maybe, just maybe, if the BSG ships sell well, AA will start considering vehicles to go with their characters. Although I can imagine they're somewhat gunshy after C3...
  22. Yep, I think Ady summed it up nicely. I've never had a problem with Minimates Central, but the other names just flow better with the "s" deleted. I'm guessing Danny's name works because Central starts with the "s" sound (at least it does here in the States, I've never been to the UK... )
  23. Yeah, I can see some one at DCD saying "the minis are going to be delayed -- change the date on the website!" The poor coder who works the site has no idea when they're coming out, so he just plays it safe and changes the year to 2007.
  24. Yeah, thanks for confirming my suspicions SixWayShot. Without the Mach 5, Speed is just another kid in socks! Hmmm. What to do with him now?
  25. Okay, so what does Speed Racer do? When playing with -- er, setting up miniMate displays, the Marvel ones are easy: they fight. Street Fighter: ditto. LotR 'mates defend Frodo. Logo mates hang with their buddies. But Speed? All I remember the kid doing is driving. And since he doesn't really fit in the miniMach, I've consigned the car to storage. Which leaves Speed standing around in his socks. Hmmm. If only Trixie were around, she'd know what to do.
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