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Everything posted by Cappy

  1. Actually, Santa Spidey at the very first went for under $10. That didn't last longer than a couple of days, however. Urk, if the MMMV give away doesn't pan out, I'm going to have to pull all my strings to score one of these... (yeah, you guys know who you are, get ready for my PM )
  2. Crap. I can't even explain the agony I'm in. My comic store will have some on hold for me, planned on being there today when the doors opened... BUT Mrs Cappy has decided these will be a fine Christmas present. So I won't be making the pick-up and have to wait until Monday to see and play with the little buggers! AHHHHHHHhhhhhh!
  3. Ah, ah, oh! What'stodaywhat'stoday? Tuesday? Then I've got until tomorrow... Oh, tomorrow seems so far away! There really is a Santa Claus!
  4. $3.50 at TRU, $4.00 other places. The two packs are $7.50 - $8.00 Have fun Lurch!
  5. Cars Supercharged, series 2 is out. I happened to stumble into TRU last night and they must have just stocked the shelves. Cars were overflowing the pegs and they had pretty much every single one available (that's got to be a first for me and TRU). A lot of repeats, with a few new variants thrown in. The only one I couldn't find, and wanted the most, was the muddy McQueen, which previously was only available in playset. *sigh* Toywiz makes for a good reference catalog if you want to know what's new: Scroll down for Series 2 stuff.
  6. So, has anyone heard further news on the Galactic Supers?
  7. And now you have just sealed your doom! Every Rocky mate you buy will be quadriplegic....
  8. Any further confirmation on this? Because if it's a real date, and the West Coast gets their stuff a week early, we could be seeing Cylons in just over a week! :o
  9. Hey! I'd be really interested in how a Kubrick Franken-Mate turned out. For Juggernaut or other possibilities. Somehow, the idea hadn't occurred to me. Keep us posted!
  10. Oh it's definitely an I-Man, even the pose resembles the I-Men logo. S'allright, Popbox came to their senses and realized miniMates were the better bet! That considered, however, I'd be surprised to see the miniMates 1st quarter. But who knows. :shrug: Shanester, the torso area appears to be mechanical bits inside a clear shell. Which would be very, very cool. However, this is just an artist's conception, and the physical engineering of the miniMate body would make some of that impossible. However, even an attempt at such an effect would be sweet. We shall see, we shall see.
  11. Try this on for size: Star Trek done miniMates Up for a very limited time, because I just don't have much space on my server. If any one wants to DL and host it elsewhere....
  12. :o Nice stuff, Minivenom, nice stuff! I'm a little frightened of the care you put into this package... And now you've sunk deeper than even Timbo could have taken you. The scary thing is, I have all those parts in my own closet, I could piece together my own -- NO! Must... not... fall...
  13. Okay, if you're looking for the simpler MP3 players -- just got my First Born a Samsung YP-U2J and I'm quite satisified with it. Solid state, 1GB memory, can use Windows to drag-n-drop, will carry data files. Not a gee-whiz machine, but it suits my needs just fine. A compact (it's the size of a jump drive) music player that doubles as an emergency jump drive. It uses Media Player to sync with internet databases and such if you want, and can download from several MP3 subscription services. Timbo, if you're still reading this thread, I think you'll be happy with this critter. Until you're ready to plunge into the over-the-top beasts. $50 - $60 on eBay.
  14. The beauty of the EMP deal is many tourist sites are all located close to each other, in the Seattle Center (EMP, Sci-Fi museum, Space Needle...) I'd also stongly recommend the Underground Seattle Tour, it's fascinating stuff for us geek types. What else? I hear that ferry boats are fun for tourists (me, I grew up commuting on them, so they're not so special). And if you have the time, just get out and see the mountains and/or Puget Sound. Mt Ranier is a pretty quick drive out from Ft Lewis. So... when exactly is this trip? Would you be interested in a meet-up? I can vouch that Donster's no scarier in person than on the board.
  15. Heh. I was going to make some poor-taste joke about Katrina refugees and all, but this is such a cool find, I just can't! (Of course only the geeks on this board would think so...) What a holiday season for you, Shanester! Heck, I think it's worth knocking on their door and seeing what else they're clearing out. It would be a gutsy move, but think of the pay-off potential. (And I call dibs on any original "choking hazard" Weebles they may have (although those are earlier than the Lego you found).)
  16. Ah, I like that variation on army building -- perhaps you could have three different variants that come with 4 police each. Of course, this would tick off the completist collectors who aren't also army builders... hmm. Ivan -- I hear ya buddy, I hear ya. But we've got to adapt to the changing social norms and move on with life. (Kids these days just don't know...)
  17. Cappy


    PALz were (are) great because they were sort of compliment to miniMates: they did all the things miniMates (for whatever reason) weren't doing: lots of neat accessories, modify the characters (in the Buffy line), more... "normal person" character types, 2-12" size which blends with other block lines better. In a world where miniMates didn't exist (*gasp*), PALz would be my favorite block figure. However, their engineering design just wasn't quite there with miniMates of any size. I've got a fairly complete set of PALz, except for the chases of X-Files 2 and Die Hard. I intend to hang onto them for a while longer, they get out a play with my 'mates every now and then. The aliens and monsters are Top Notch additions to miniMate scenarios (since scale isn't an issue with monsters...)
  18. Thank you, Ady, for getting this back on track. It's not up to us to build PopBox's business plan, they've already put thought into this. There are some heavy hitters, serious addicts, on this board who haven't really voiced an answer yet, having been distracted by the "good license/bad license" issue, who I would like to hear from. (Shanester, MrPL (who answered as I was typing this )) Since PopBox was kind enough to visit this thread with specific comments and questions, I'll try harder with a specific answer. Firstly, I am addicted to miniMates but only buy almost everything put out. I have not seen the I Robot movie, but did read the story decades ago and saw plenty of movie trailers. I would like to see the Will Smith character, some female representation, plus the robot of course. And, if the line sells, a pack of robots for army-building. Vehicles in my book are big plus, both for this line and to fill in gaps in the other miniMate lines (I know that shouldn't be PopBox's concern, but if it helps sell their toys...). I think PopBox has a marketing eye on what Kubrick is doing. Which is good news to me, I've long wanted miniMates to sell simply because they are 'mates, not because of the license. (A confusing sentence, I know, but that is one side of the Kubrick marketing world.) But speaking of the Kubs, just recently I was reading a general discontent with recent Kubrick offerings like Spawn and Snoopy because the designs have wandered too far from the accepted Kubrick block figure look. That echoes my vote for simplicity: miniMates are block figures, not action figures. Marvel went too far with face detail and has backed off in the very latest waves. BSG does a great job of balancing detail with simplicity. That said, when it comes to body shape (ala Cylons), I can see a desire, a need to tweak the body parts when you're designing the IR robots, since they are not human. Even the hardcore collector has his limits. After all they plan to make a profit, not let them stay on shelves until they are on clearence. I dunno, some of the prices I see for Kubrick sets are frightening. And if PopBox can get into places like Sharper Image, that's a whole different kind of collector. Along with that, consider the plans AA had for BSG before it got into DST's hands. That's the product path I'd like to see.
  19. Hey, I voiced an interest. So let the record show there is some interest at least for police and rescue army packs.
  20. And while there may not be chases in the released series, we've already seen a convention exclusive, which can certainly amount to the same thing.
  21. Like Timbo, I say yes! New miniMates are always good, particularly cool SF mates. That said, I hope this project is approached with caution, since it is understandably not going to have the mass appeal that Marvel or DC has. A single boxed set, aimed at the speciality market, I'd say. Gotta find those cult film followers *and* the people who buy Reservoir Dogs Kubricks. That said, I can't comment on the character choice, since I haven't seen the film. Except to say that police army builders would be great! So Ady, is this AA asking you this?
  22. I'm always interested in your opinion, MrPL. No one can blame you for posting opinions and thoughts, now can they?
  23. Cappy


    Not much on the web for PALz fans since Palisades folded, but right here you've got Shanester and me. As for your size question: Block Figure Line-Up Yeah, PALz are in there somewhere... Not much help on the UK part, sorry...
  24. Funny, I just started shopping for MP3 players myself. One big requirement for me is the ability to use it as a jump drive -- loading files other than audio files on the device. A fairly up-to-speed salesman at Circuit City (believe me, I know BS salesmen when I see them, particularly concerning electronics) pointed me to the SanDisk player. Those of you with those 80GB Ipods -- don't the hard drives take hits if you're moving around?
  25. Thanks, JL, for the pic. Thanks, Deadpool, for bringing it back to my attention.
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