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Everything posted by Docholliday666

  1. Wow. Jesse the body is AWESOME! Predator is kick ass. but. THE FRIGGIN WRECKER!!!! Too awesome for words. Great job.
  2. No. Because they want to play with them. MINE MINE MINE!!!!!!! Just kidding. I actually gave Shawn a few of my marvel legends figures. And a minimate. He loves them.
  3. Although I do love the idea of getting a Mephisto mate (ala Mr. Arnim), I honestly would have preffered either Pip the Troll or Moondragon to round out the set. Or they could have even make a set of the characters that Thanos got the gems from. Grandmaster, Runner, Gardner, Collector, Champion of the Universe. I think that would have been pretty cool too.
  4. Wait. So does this mean I don't win the "K80 free minimate challenge"? Maybe if you really need help Sam you can post a bunch of figures here on the board for members to vote on to help you decide what to keep and what to donate/give away/sell.
  5. My advice is this. Look through as much as you can. Pick out a few things that absolutely mean alot to you. The rest you can post here and see if anyone wants. If nobody wants to buy, you can offer them for free (Charge for shipping of course). Since I am assuming that alot, or at least some of the toys are in good condition, or in package still, you can always donate them to a toys for tots type charity. It will help you get rid of items that you don't want/need, and it can help disadvantaged kids have something to play with. And it would also probably help you with some minimate karma. Imho, any of the above is a win/win to you.
  6. Maybe it's just me, but reading this was the internet equivient of listening to a speedfreak on a 3 day bender.
  7. *WARNING* *OBCENITIES TO FOLLOW* FUCKING AYE!!!!!!!! You're welcome
  8. If you do get that figure, in about 6 months time you'll probably be able to sell it for a friggin mint.
  9. I nearly crapped myself. Thanks bunches Mount Cody!
  10. I believe all of our division rivals lost today, and now, if the playoffs happened tomorrow, the Saints would have home field advantage through the playoffs Being a good ole' Southern Boy, I fully support the Saints, unless it gets in the way of my love for the Steelers. That being said, my Crimson Tide is going to annihilate the Tigers. Roll Tide Roll
  11. Hey Vikings fan, Suck it. Sincerely, Pittsburgh Steelers.
  12. lol Thanks Ninja, but it would be Doc, Doc-ette, Doc Jr., and now Doc the III
  13. Just an update for everyone, Evan and Mommy are now home! WOO-HOO!
  14. I came home with a beautiful champ of a wife, and a little adorable war machine. I WIN!
  15. THank you everyone for the well wishes and congratulations. I am at home for about 10 minutes then back to the hospital. And the hospital wifi blocks out mmmv But everyone will be home tomorrow.
  16. It's pretty funny to the wifey and myself. Our oldest son Shawn takes more after his mother. He is a tall and lean little boy, which is weird considering how much he eats. But Evan is already taking after me. The doctors commented that he looked like a bruiser, and has very wide shoulders and a thick chest. Which is cool because that's how I'm built. And he looks more like me. And the bruiser comment was really funny because he is named after 2 Mixed Martial Arts fighters. He's daddy's little War Machine.
  17. My 2nd son Evan Aleksander was born today at 12:05 pm. He weighed 8 pounds and 1 ounce, and was 19 inches long. Currently Evan and mommy are doing great. I just thought I would share with you guys
  18. Nah, too many possible variants for THAT guy! Hey, if they can make 300 Wolvies and Spideys, then I would buy 100 different Noids.
  19. SQUIRREL GIRL ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job Matt. Just awesome
  20. what are you smoking???? Whatever it is he needs to share. That must be some GREAT Stuff
  21. Hope you guys have a great day and hope you get lots of mates
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