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Everything posted by Nessex

  1. I Loved Wave 20 (I likes my x-men & my archers) - but you're right, it did seem to sit around for a while. I have a feeling that Wave 14 (X3) did quite poorly as well, although it seems to have the rarest Chase Variant.
  2. now that it's over, can i ask what the actual email was? i think i got pmatt - but i'm not sure that i decoded it right?
  3. Amen - i oredered the $60 Xpress Pack, and paid $52 in shipping. OUCH!
  4. Awww man - i'll be bummed if Monica & Ororo don't get in. I even asked a mate at work to vote as well, but it seems that every computer where i work has the same IP. Edit: Do we know if/how the Toys'R'Us poll is effecting the results so far?
  5. Wow - that Venom is AWESOME!!! Let me know if you put her on eBay, cause i'll be bidding.
  6. wow - i remember finding this set online for about $60 Australian (about $40 US). Guess i should thank my lucky stars that i found it when i did!
  7. I think that was the intention - i laughed pretty heartily at this one. It was definately trying to make fun of the horror genre, while still being a bit gross/scary/exhilarating.
  8. I think the black work on BP's crotch looks a little photo-shopped too! 'Do you know who freak i am????? I'm the Black Freaking Panther & i DEMAND darker shading on my crotch!'
  9. Well - i'm actually re-reading Runaways. I genuinely think it is one of the coolest, sweetest & funniest books released in a long while. I don't know why they keep cancelling ti & relaunching it. Maybe i'm the only one reading it? LOL. They are being sold as Manga-sized TPB's for like $8 each, so it's a bit of a bargain too! i think each volume has about 6 issues in it. RE: Kraven - The recent 'SpiderMan & the X-Men’ series, which spans about 2 decades, featured appearances from several X-Men & Spiderman villains including
  10. While we're on the topic of Black Panthers, how about the new female Black Panther? To be honest, I'm pretty freaking sick of Female versions of Marvel Characters showing up lately. Lady Loki, Lady Bullseye, Ms Sinister, Female Black Panther. Once or twice might be interesting, but when it starts becoming a trend (like it is) the idea stops being interesting.
  11. That Flaming Namor is AWESOME!!!!! Amaxing work. I think that's the best flame-work i've seen done on a MiniMate.
  12. I think that even with armour on, DD always looked very trim & svelt . . . so the coice to paint his armour on was probably to stop him from looking to bluky. I don't really mind having it painted on to be honest - plus it will no doubt help keep production costs for the line down so that the money can go to the sculpted pieces for Storm, MoonKnight etc. . . . I just pictured some Ru Paul-looking Storm slinking up to BP and saying 'Hmmmmm - i can't wait to get you home and take alla your extra pieces off' LOL
  13. I don't really read IronMan and have only ever seen Mandarin shown in his green frock. This design is pretty cool. Looks like an ancestor of Shredder!!!! When did this costume appear?
  14. I purchased the Defenders set for about $6 US on eBay - the box had a bit of shelf-scuff, but the figures were still MIB. I found the Secret Invasion set o eBay for below retail as well. I'm pretty sure we wont have to worry too much about inflated prices, so long as people are smart & patient when searching for them.
  15. I'm loving his snarl/screwed up, angry brow showing through his mask (sculpted brow ON the mask). I hope this doesn't get lost in the translation between Prototype & Product.
  16. FINALLY a pic of the Prototype USW. Look, as far as Spidey-Variants go i'm more interesed in Transgender Spidey, than Riot Attack SM or Battle Damage SM or Unmasked SM. I was hoping for a richer, deeper red on her costume. . . . but beggers can't be choosers. EDIT: Megatron Thanx LDroome.
  17. So - unlike the AA poll - we can vote more than once in the Toys'R'Us one? EDIT: PS: thanx for the Linkage
  18. Yep. Captain Monica... that's all I'm looking for outtah this. Vote Early, Vote Often Do we have linkage to the Toys'R'Us poll?
  19. Yeah - i'm in Oz, so i'm a little bit worried about missing out too! But, AFX is now offering there 'Limited' Hostil Takeover set in there express packs in an attempt to sell off some old stock. So hopefully, the limited number is plenty to go around - it seems to have been with the Hostile Takeover set.
  20. Sorry to ask, but i think i've missed a post somewhere: Am i to understand that TRU are ALSO conducting a poll to determin the contents of this box-set?
  21. Great!!!! So the 1 vote i had which i gave to Molecule Man is now pretty much wasted. I knew i should have voted for Storm. This poll is bumming me out. If we lose Storm from the top 4 as well, i'll be really glum.
  22. Nessie, it was joke. But i'll take it you knew that. And i envy you; i couldn't get Raft Sentry, the highlight of that wave. And i can't cough louder. There's too much chanting in the background. Something about a Kang fellow and cheese... That's cool - i know it was in jest. Hey, there's a guy on Ebay selling the whole Sentry wave for like $19 Australian. I'm not sure if it'd be worth getting if you already have all the others from the wave though. Especially if you have to pay to have it shipped outside of Oz. I'll post the link next time they have it for sale. But . . . I digest. I'm Happy about getting Ares, he looks hot! And Ms Marvel is fantastic! Looks like the has her scarf thing too!!!
  23. Unless the BAF comes to a total of 2" tall, then no . . . sadly not.
  24. I was kind of hoping that maybe, just maybe i had gotten in intime . . . but i have just found the email to dmatt in my drafts folder
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